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Practical experience (C1-109_2012) The impact of switching capacitor banks with very high inrush current on switchgear (A3-201_2012) Dynamic thermal modeling of isolated cables (B1-209_2012) Extreme weather studies by using modern meteorology (B2-202_2012) Guide to sheath bonding design, in distribution and transmission lines with HV underground cables (B1-105_2012) Integrated approach for reliability of electricity supply analysis – studies of demonstration network (C1-102_2012) Onshore and offshore transmission expansion in the European grid for large scale wind integration in the North Sea (C1-103_2012) The next generation of smart substations - Challenges and possibilities (B5-110_2012) Generation adequacy with large scale integration of renewable energy sources (C1-111_2012) System integrity protection schemes – Increasing operational security and system capacity (C2-201_2012) Voltage control by multiple wind power plants: field test results (C2-109_2012) Voltage uprating of statnett's 300 kV transmission lines to 420 kV (B2-102_2012) Smart meters enable synchrophasor applications in distribution grids (C6-110_2012) On-line monitoring of substation condition- A Romanian experience (B3-201_2012) Economic assessment of providing primary reserve service with energy storage systems in isolated systems (C6-307_2012) A survey of the reliability of HVDC systems throughout the world during 2009 - 2010 (B4-113_2012) The using differential protection based wide area protection (WAP) to prevent large contingencies in the power grids (B5-101_2012) Smart Grid - Demand management as key resource for improvement and social contribution to 2020 strategy (C6-117_2012) The Romanian TSO's power quality monitoring system as smart grids component (C4-101_2012) Engaging with stakeholders: adding value to the energy system (C3-108_2012) Automated protection coordination and verification - An important task for continuing the service reliability in future networks (B5-102_2012) On-line monitoring of power transformer by fundamental frequency signals (A2-110_2012) Lightning transient analysis of a 69kV transmission line with externally gapped line surge arrester under normal open circuit breaker system (C4-301_2012) Suitability evaluation of improved high voltage circuit breaker design with drastically reduced environmental impact (A3-302_2012) The new electric machine compensators of reactive power with double-axis excitation (A1-101_2012) Impact of demand-side technology readiness on market designs (C5-302_2012) An active angle stability circuit reference for power line resistance-induced voltage singularities (C4-103_2012) New architecture for operational information systems (D2-113_2012) Distributed power generation: particularities and specific requirements of gas turbine and gas-piston engine generation units (A1-302_2012) Effects of geomagnetically induced currents on power transformers and power systems (A2-304_2012) The implementation and operational experience of transformers control, monitoring and diagnostic systems at the united national electric power system of Russia (A2-102_2012) The impact of improved transmission system efficiency and utilization on reducing electricity industry carbon footprint (C3-211_2012) Prediction of the impulse breakdown voltage of the mineral transformer oil from predischarge phenomena (D1-101_2012) Integration of wind resources in the New York electricity markets (C5-109_2012) Integrating variable energy resources into the California electricity market (C5-110_2012) Integral Decision Process for Substation Equipment Replacement (ELT_260_2) Experience of Russia on preventing ice - wind failures in electric systems (B2-203_2012) Prospective AC to DC conversion of two parallel 287 kV transmission lines in the Western US (B2-107_2012) Recommendations for testing of long AC submarine cables with extruded insulation for system voltage above 30 (36) to 500 (550) kV (ELT_260_6) The problems of forming the UES of Russia capacity balances for extreme climatic conditions period (C1-104_2012) Radial and longitudinal temperature gradients in bare stranded conductors with high current densities (B2-108_2012) Overhead Line Design Guidelines for Mitigation of Severe Wind Storm Damage (485) Estimation of efficiency of modern excitation controllers of synchronous machines in the conditions of physical model of a complex power system and suggestion of estimation technique and criteria as an addition to the IEC standard (C2-103_2012) Tres amigas: a flexible gateway for renewable energy exchange between the three asynchronous AC networks in the USA (B4-309_2012) Recommendations for testing of long AC submarine cables with extruded insulation for system voltage above 30 (36) to 500 (550) kV (This TB replaces electra article ELT_189_1) (490) Integral Decision Process for Substation Equipment Replacement (486) Simulator wizard for a grid company's top management dispatcher (C2-202_2012) Modernization Manzanillo l - The Mexican largest power transmission network of 400 kV with XLPE cable systems: design and construction (B1-106_2012) Strategic Environmental Assessment for Power Developments (487) Arcless tests of the high voltage oil-filled electrical equipment on explosion safety (A3-102_2012) First multivendor 400 kV transmission line protection scheme using an IEC 61850-9-2 digital network for optical CT's and protection relays (B3-111_2012) Resistance to Weathering and UV Radiation of Polymeric Materials for Outdoor Insulation (488) Choice of the form of the test switching pulse and amendments on atmospheric conditions for UHV external insulation (D1-201_2012) Present and future for remote access solutions to IEDs (B5-208_2012) Requirements on Testing Flammability of Polymeric Materials for Outdoor Insulation (489) Development of the information platform for organization of data measurements, collection, processing and transfer between power facilities and control centers (D2-101_2012) Diagnostic method of electrical rotors by applying the sweep frequency response analyzer (SFRA) (A1-106_2012) Application of HVDC to the emergency control of the hybrid DC/AC ENTSO-E – IPS/UPS network interface (B4-303_2012) Experience in pinpoint fault location and reliability improvement from a double transformer failures case (C4-201_2012) Optimal robot navigation for inspection and surveillance in electric substations (B3_112_2012) Autotransformers evolution, reliability, safety and modelling in the Italian transmission grid (A2-103_2012) 400 kV 2500SQMM XLPE cable systems type test and prequalification test with their accessories (B1-211_2012) Compact substations for quick installation SCRI (Stazioni Compatte a Rapida Installazione) (B3-102_2012) Development of the HVDC ±80 kV XLPE cable system and construction of test-bed in Korea (B1-304_2012) Parametric sensitivity analysis of the innovative enlargement law for extruded HVDC cables (B1-203_2012) A study for electric environment characteristics in 154 kV AC / 80 kV DC Hybrid transmission line (B2-109_2012) Wet-snow accretion on conductors: the Italian approach to reduce risks on existing OHL (B2-204_2012) An establishment of operating instruction and information gathering hierarchy considering smart grid and micro grid environment in the Korean SO's perspective (C2-111_2012) Modelling of decision making support tools for the asset management optimization in the Italian transmission system (C1-301_2012) Voltage control schemes to improve short-term and long-term voltage stability in KEPCO system (C2-210_2012) Power System Reinforcements - The Hardanger Case (ELT_260_0) Design of the ±500 kV HVDC Bipole III line in Manitoba, Canada (B2-101_2012) Market solutions for the integration of active demand-based services in the ADDRESS project (C5-301_2012) New technologies for monitoring transformer tap-changers and bushings and their integration into a modern IT infrastructure (A2-101_2012) Probabilistic methodology for assessing the impact of spinning reserve - Requirements and demand response programs in power systems with increased penetration of renewable energy sources (C4-202_2012) Generator End-Winding Retaining Rings – A Literature Survey and Care Guideline (491) Real-time monitoring and capture of power system transients (B3-101_2012) Energy management in the Greek islands (C6-303_2012) Strategic Environmental Assessment for Power Developments (ELT_260_3) Multi-terminal HVDC grid with power flow controllability (B4-301_2012) Amorphous metal-based distribution transformers: evaluation of the current technology situation and a proposed design for short-circuit withstand (A2-202_2012) Resistance to Weathering and UV Radiation of Polymeric Materials for Outdoor Insulation (ELT_260_4) Recent experiences with AC HiPot and PD commissioning testing of XLPE cable systems rated 69kV and above (B1-201_2012) Requirements on Testing Flammability of Polymeric Materials for Outdoor Insulation (ELT_260_5) Impact of a fire in electrical equipment containing insulating oil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (C3-101_2012) Requirements of DC-DC converters to facilitate large DC grids (B4-204_2012) Transformer Efficiency Avenues to make a good thing even better (ELT_263_2) Pneumatic testing of the insulation of low-voltage underground cables (B1-202_2012) A 25 MW multi level voltage source converter demonstrator to evaluate different converter topologies (B4-205_2012) State of the Art and Capacity for Robotic Inspection of Turbogenerators (ELT_263_4) Energy efficiency evaluation investigation of high voltage inverter retrofit for fans and pumps in power plants (A1-203_2012) Application considerations for protection and control functions available in multiple intelligent electronic devices (B5-113_2012) Voltage and VAr Support in System Operation (ELT_263_5) Practical application of on-site vapour phase drying technique on power transformers (A2-206_2012) Economic assessment of energy storage systems for renewable integration (C5-111_2012) Funding - Generation and Transmission Investment (ELT_263_6) Computer simulation tool for the design and optimization for UHV SF6 gas circuit breakers (A3-203_2012) Turbogas power units retrofit: a technique to ensure improved efficiency, reliability and sustainability for smart grids (A1-306_2012) Gas Insulated System for HVDC: DC Stress at DC and AC Systems (ELT_263_7) Comparative study of the GIC amplitudes and characteristics in different power grids in China (C3-206_2012) Risk assessment applications in the operation of the Mexican electric transmission system (C4-207_2012) Communication Architecture for IP-based Substation Applications (ELT_263_8) Investigation on the comprehensive energy conservation management for urban and rural distribution (C3-207_2012) Promoting the cross-border renewable energy market in the California's (C5-112_2012) Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC for Power Transmission - Economic Aspects and Comparison with other AC and DC Technologies (492) State of the Art and Capacity for Robotic Inspection of Turbogenerators (503) Commissioning test on the 1 000 kV UHV AC demonstration Project and operation monitoring of the main equipments (C4-303_2012) Innovative architecture for information systems for a Mexican electricity utility (D2-114_2012) Voltage and VAr Support in System Operation (504) Privacy and security issues related to smart meter (D2-204_2012) Damage assessment for transformer windings subjected to corrosive oil exposure using dielectric spectroscopy (D1-311_2012) Study and application of smart transmission grid analysis-control system (D2-109_2012) Near-infrared direct optical techniques for the measurement of water content in oil-paper insulation to avoid oommen's moisture equilibrium curves (D1-312_2012) A new solution for space saving of substations in Tehran regional electric company (B3-106_2012) Current state of on-line partial discharge diagnosis methods in hydro-generator using a novel noise reduction method (A1-305_2012) Practical circuit breaker condition monitoring with protective relays (A3-204_2012) Design experience of 230/115/69 kV substation refurbishment/extension - Project in Philippine grid network (B3-210_2012) Condition and remaining life of taped transmission cables through non-invasive and invasive testing based on in-service cables and cable samples removed from service (B1-210_2012) Computationally efficient sub-module selection scheme for voltage balancing controller of modular multilevel converter (B4-202_2012) Automated data retrieval, analysis and operational response using substation intelligent electronic devices (B5-206_2012) Overview of renewable energy development in South Korea and the economic analysis of grid interconnection for large scale offshore wind farm (C1-113_2012) Colloquium - Montreal 2012 (COLL_MON_2012) A new coordination scheme for efficient dispatch of interconnected electricity markets (C5-207_2012) New Fenno-Skan 2 HVDC pole with an upgrade of the existing Fenno-Skan 1 pole (B4-105_2012) Assessing the rising needs for ongoing submarine cable electromagnetic field studies (C3-210_2012) National and company interests in electricity transmission investments (C1-204_2012) Impact of frequency response wind plant controls on grid performance (C4-113_2012) A novel practical approach to transmission planning under severe uncertainties (C1-106_2012) Planning the next Nelson River HVDC development phase considering LCC vs. VSC technology (B4-103_2012) Impact of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on grid infrastructure - Results from the merge project (C6-201_2012) Planning of interconnections in Central America and East Africa, considering uncertainties (C1-101_2012) Ester insulating liquids for power transformers (A2-209_2012) 3AV1FG – 72.5 kV prototype vacuum circuit-breaker (case study with pilot customers) (A3-101_2012) Integrated development and assessment of new thermoplastic high voltage power cable systems (B1-215_2012) The realization and commissioning of the ±500 kV 1000 MW HVDC link Sardinia Island – Italian Peninsula (SAPEI) (B1-101_2012) Smart algorithms to accommodate distributed generation in the grid (B5-116_2012) Grid of the Future - Kansas City 2012 (COLL_KAN_2012) An integrated AC-DC multiterminal grid in the western Mediterranean Basin – development, planning and design challenges (B4-304_2012) The economic case for developing HVDC-based networks to maximise renewable energy utilisation across Europe: an advanced stochastic approach to determining the costs and benefits (C1-117_2012) February 2012 (ELT_260) Research on the technical scheme for conversion of 500kV submarine SCLF AC cable circuit to DC operation in Hainan grid-connection project (B1-303_2012) Whole life costing and risk assessment for transmission asset investment, planning and policy support (C1-307_2012) April 2012 (ELT_261) Control and protection strategies for multi-terminal HVDC - Transmission systems based on voltage source converters (B5-108_2012) Testing constraints and opportunities for offshore renewable energy: strategic development of offshore networks for interconnection and market access (C1-118_2012) June 2012 (ELT_262) Coordinated development mechanism of new energy and smart grid (C1-110_2012) The practical application of advanced energy storage technologies within existing and planned market structures (C5-304_2012) August 2012 (ELT_263) Risk evaluation and management considering wind integration: Chinese experience and future trends (C5-107_2012) Impact of fully electric vehicle battery charging loads on the load demand of distribution systems (C6-206_2012) October 2012 (ELT_264) Optimal planning of microgrid applied in remote rural area (C6-306_2012) Control of electricity networks using smart meter data (C6-114_2012) December 2012 (ELT_265) Research and application of ultra-wide-band radio-frequency method used for PD location in transformers (D1-307_2012) Electric vehicles: The barriers to power system integration (C6-205_2012) GreenWorks - A model for assessing community driven environmental projects (C3-105_2012) The use of ester transformer fluids for increased fire safety and reduced costs (A2-210_2012) Performance analysis of distribution networks under high penetration of solar PV (C6-103_2012) Statistical approaches for analysis of failure data in power cables (D1-314_2012) Performance verification and scheme validation of adaptive protection schemes (B5-117_2012) Development of secure standards based approach to automated retrieval of power system field data including subsequent analysis and response (B5-207_2012) Performance assessment of IEC 61850-9-2 based protection scheme for the mesh corner of a 400 kV transmission substation (B5-118_2012) Robust optimization and its application to power system operation (C2-110_2012) New paper-free insulation technology for dry high-voltage condenser bushings (A2-211_2012) In-Field synchrophasor system calibration, testing, and application validation using high-voltage optical sensors (B5-111_2012) A new method for investigating of the arc behaviour in HVDC circuit breakers based on a novel current source (A3-109_2012) Universal distribution automation management for active distribution systems (C6-111_2012) Mitigation of very fast transient overvoltages in gas insulated UHV substations (A3-110_2012) Trends in monitoring and diagnostics of wind generators (A1-304_2012) Improved frequency bias factor sizing for non-interactive control (C2-113_2012) Commutation failure propagation in multi-infeed HVDC systems (B4-102_2012) Combination of energy storage and demand response in the residential sector (C6-115_2012) Very short-term optimal dispatching: an integrated solution for the advance dispatching (C2-104_2012) Towards ultrafast charching solutions of electric vehicles (C6-207_2012) Market integration in Europe: a market simulator taking into account different market zones and the increasing penetration of RES generation (C5-101_2012) Communication infrastructure and data management for operating smart distribution systems (C6-116_2012) Transformer Reliability Survey: Interim Report (WGR_261_1) EHV/HV autotransformers with in-phase and in-quadrature voltage regulation. Applications in Ghana (A2-104_2012) Reliability analysis of generator circuit-breakers (A3-206_2012) Wholesale / retail electricity market interdependencies (WGR_263_1) A new substation level dispatching approach to increase the network control and performances in presence of dispersed generation (B5-103_2012) Planning future transmission grid expansion investments for a sustainable pan-European energy system: the REALISEGRID approach (C1-201_2012) On-site measurement, suppressing and assessment of inrush current in a 1000 kV UHV transformer, with consideration of core saturation (A2-305_2012) Flow-based market coupling in the Central Western European region - on the eve of implementation - (C5-204_2012) Considerations on transformer limited fault (TLF) duty for GCB in UHV and EHV networks with large capacity power transformers (A3-108_2012) Congestion management implemented in the Dutch system by using market principles: a practical example from the TSO perspective (C2-106_2012) Verification of seismic performance on EHV gas insulated switchgear (A3-306_2012) Furanic Compounds for Diagnosis (ELT_261_06) Availability and risk assessment of 380 kV cable systems in transmission grids (B1-104_2012) Changes in requirements for substation equipment and examples of new technologies applied to existing facilities (B3-212_2012) Furanic Compounds for Diagnosis (494) Improved TSO coordination in the Central West European region (C2-204_2012) On-site tests at UHV substation (B3-213_2012) Added value of integrated substations in improving social acceptance of power system infrastructure (C3-109_2012) Development of high efficiency D-STATCOM using SiC switching devices (B4-203_2012) Operation of a large scale autonomous hybrid power supply system with renewables (C6-302_2012) Demonstration tests of microgrid systems using renewable energy for small remote islands (C1-116_2012) Applying IEC 60865 on low tension inter-plant spans in EHV switchyards (B3-204_2012) Challenges for forming rational power systems facing with replacement work of aged facilities (C1-306_2012) Treatment of renewable generation and generation retirement uncertainties in transmission planning as applied to American electric power system (C1-112_2012) Improvement in coordinated restoration operation skills covering more than one area (Developing a power system operation training simulator that precisely reproduces electrical phenomena) (C2-215_2012) Operation system of smart power grid for T&D networks with dispersed generations (C6-112_2012) Generation adequacy assessment with high wind penetrations: data requirements and insights from meteorology (C1-119_2012) Identification of insulation defects by modified chaotic analysis of partial discharge under DC stress (D1-310_2012) Overhead to underground transmission line couplings - Technical recommendations to Brazilian utilities (B1-107_2012) Ultra high frequency (UHF) partial discharge detection for power transformers: sensitivity check on 800 MVA power transformers and first field experience (A2-115_2012) On modeling the dynamic response of the 190M-high TL tower for the crossing of Trombetas river in the Amazon region (B2-212_2012) Correlation between calculated transmission capacity and actual one (B1-214_2012) Substation upgrade of existing facilities - A succeed experience (B3-211_2012) Assessment of the condition of overhead line composite insulators (B2-214_2012) The Brazilian market structure: strengths and improvements still needed (C5-208_2012) Monitoring and control of power system oscillations using FACTS/HVDC and wide-area phasor measurements (B5-119_2012) Development of diagnostic rules for hydrogenerators (A1-208_2012) Thermal aging study of cellulosic materials in natural ester liquid for hybrid insulation systems (D1-111_2012) Design and installation of one section of Anhanguera - Casa Verde underground transmission line - 138 kV, using special "T" joints (B1-108_2012) Benefits of transformers based on triangular wound core configurations (A2-306_2012) The conception of a new special protection system involving long distance - Coordinated remedial actions (C2-213_2012) A new generation of composite support insulators for UHV DC and AC systems (A3-111_2012) Lessons learned in restoration from recent blackout incidents in Brazilian power system (C2-214_2012) Remote access to substations: state, possibilities, challenges (B5-211_2012) Increasing public acceptance of power developments (C3-111_2012) Direct measurement of strand temperature of turbo-generator with FBG sensors (A1-109_2012) Study on formation of low molecular acids from aging of cellulose and insulating oil (D1-108_2012) Online PD monitoring system with microstrip antenna for synchronous generators (A1-110_2012) Information security on Chesf's telecommunications platform (D2-116_2012) Asset management for power cable systems - Total cost optimization based on the application of diagnostics - (B1-212_2012) Transformation of the telecommunications network - Case chesf (D2-117_2012) EHV cable installation technology for tunnels and ducts in Japan (B1-109_2012) Improving the portability and exchangeability of model data for smart grids focusing on real-time simulations - Definition of a common reference model (C6-104_2012) Corrosion characteristics based on an investigation of Sampled OHTL conductors and a probabilistic lifetime estimation method (B2-213_2012) Tuned medium band UHF PD measurement system for GIS (D1-304_2012) Substation automatic restoration systems for future advanced networks (B5-115_2012) Direct current in transformers: effects and compensation (A2-301_2012) Applications and developments for the remote access to t protection relays (B5-210_2012) Evolution of regulatory frameworks for transmission corridors - Lessons from New Zeland (C3-104_2012) Development of support tool for overhead transmission line replacement planning considering EENS and cost effectiveness (C1-305_2012) Reliability of transmission towers under extreme wind and ice loading (B2-211_2012) Development of output control technologies for a large-scale PV system with battery storage - Wakkanai mega-solar project - (C2-112_2012) Integration of protection, control and metering functions (B5-112_2012) The role of the third party in EMF risk communication - Activities of Japan EMF Information Centre (C3-113_2012) Program for reform and modernization of Cemig GT hydro power plants (A1-207_2012) Relative comparison of the public's evaluation and social acceptability to low carbon power technologies in Japan (C3-114_2012) Bushing failures with rapid and very rapid evolution time detected by online monitoring (A2-114_2012) Consideration on Japanese market designs realizing low-carbon society through advanced technologies development (C5-303_2012) Assessment of transformer modeling impact on transient recovery voltage in transformer limited faults (A3-107_2012) Experimental verification of advanced voltage control for penetration of PV in distribution system with IT sectionalizing switches (C6-113_2012) Long distance transmission interconnections expansion in Brazil impacted by Belo Monte power plant (C1-115_2012) Study of lightning impulse test waveforms for UHV equipment (D1-204_2012) Sustainable development of hydropower in Brazil - Technical and institutional aspects (C1-208_2012) Studies of lightning protection design for wind power generation systems in Japan (C4-306_2012) A review on EHVAC transmission line lightning performance (C4-305_2012) Studies on the impact of dispersed generation - Development of wind power generator model and impacts of power system faults with high penetration of photovoltaics - (C4-115_2012) The Rio madeira HVDC system - Design aspects of bipole 1 and the connector to Acre-Rondônia (B4-111_2012) Proposal of a modified algebraic approach to evaluate required capacity for load frequency control (LFC) under a large penetration of solar photovoltaic generations (C4-208_2012) Data and information structure to cope with sharing and allocation of PAC functions (B5-114_2012) Improvement of inspection and maintenance procedures of polymeric cable insulation used in nuclear power plants in Japan (D1-109_2012) Digital fault recordings: practices and perspectives for automated data retrieval, information management and analysis in a large Brazilian utility (B5-209_2012) Ageing evaluation of insulation materials for environmentally-friendly compact gas-insulated equipment (D1-110_2012) Development of corporate environmental indicators to improve stakeholder communication and engagement (C3-112_2012) Examples of distributed information platforms constructed by power utilities in Japan (D2-108_2012) Measurement-based load modelling of systems with dispersed generation (C4-114_2012) Cluster analysis of partial discharge in electrical machines (A1-202_2012) Auction analysis for energy trade in Brazilian market (C5-209_2012) Integrating renewable energy into the Chilean grid (C5-103_2012) Extension and optimization of the load range of DRT test systems for testing extra long HV and UHV cables (B1-204_2012) Basis of asset management program implementation in transmission owner in Chile (C1-302_2012) Power transformers with environmentally friendly and hardly inflammable ester liquids (A2-201_2012) PEGASE R&D project: advanced algorithms for state estimation and simulation of the Pan-European power system (C2-203_2012) Condition assessment of instrument transformers using dielectric response analysis (B3-205_2012) The impact of public consultation and participation on the authorisation of a new 380 kV line in Belgium (C3-106_2012) Use of high thermal limit conductors in the replacement of 220 kV overhead lines in the Tirolean Alps (B2-103_2012) GCC interconnection grid: operational studies for the GCC interconnection with United Arab Emirates (UAE) (C4-107_2012) Effects from downbursts on overhead lines; Meteorological thunderstorm study - climatological, meteorological and CFD analysis (B2-207_2012) Enhancement of substation reliability by retrofitting existing bus configuration applying hybrid switchgear (B3-206_2012) Enhanced modelling and early detection of power transformers - Internal incipient faults (A2-108_2012) Back-up substation control system with multi-communication media support for handling emergency switching during SCADA failure (D2-105_2012) An assessment for Mediterranean solar plan on electricity market in Arab countries (C5-105_2012) The alleviation of prices impact on electricity tariff caused by renewable energy adders in Thailand (C5-106_2012) Plans, timeline, and challenges for achieving an Egyptian fully competitive electricity market (C5-202_2012) A case study on FRA capability in detection of mechanical defects within a 400MVA transformer (D1-313_2012) Effect of severe sandstorms on the performance of polymeric insulators (D1-104_2012) Voltage linearity of scale factor and wave shape parameters of UHV impulse voltage dividers (D1-205_2012) Egyptian experience of live line washing system for 500 kV outdoor equipment (A3-301_2012) Business models for new interconnections: allocation of costs, benefits and risks (C1-205_2012) Zero sequence compensation factor effect on distance protection ground reach - A practical study (B5-105_2012) Design challenges in the 765kV air insulated substation (B3-113_2012) Real recorded cases supporting stand alone disturbance recording systems (B5-201_2012) Institutional capacity building of the load despatch centres in India (C2-211_2012) Dynamic temperature monitoring and life assessment techniques for electrical machines (A1-108_2012) Applying information systems and telecommunication to develop the services provided by the electricity sector (D2-202_2012) Transmission system planning under uncertainty of supply and demand in Indian context (C1-114_2012) Grid connection of offshore wind power plants and transmission system constraints (C1-105_2012) Implementation of renewable energy certificate (REC) mechanism in India (C5-113_2012) Impact study of electric vehicle (EV) integration on low voltage (LV) grids (C6-105_2012) Phasor measurement applications in smart grid (C2-212_2012) Grid code compliance support for connecting renewable energy into transmission line using D-STATCOM system (B4-305_2012) Application of distributed information platforms for electric power systems (EPS) (D2-110_2012) On management of impact of wind power on dynamic performance of stability restricted and meshed series compensated transmission network in system planning (C4-109_2012) Application of systems dynamics on long term financial - Planning of power transmission utilities (C1-209_2012) A computer program for life-time management of power transformers (A2-109_2012) Problems of determining ice-wind loads in the seaside zones to prevent accidents on OHLs (B2-209_2012) Application of diagnostics based on partial discharge measurements to assess the technical condition of PILC insulated MV cables (B1-206_2012) Identification of early-stage paper degradation by methanol (A2-107_2012) Wind generation management in the distribution network (C6-106_2012) Overhead lines asset management in the Belgian network (B2-208_2012) Emerging electric vehicle market and business models and interoperability standards (C6-202_2012) Damping measurement, analysis and performance of a nuclear power plant on the Belgian grid (C4-106_2012) The Cork Harbour 220 kV submarine cable project (B1-103_2012) Effect of triazole additives in transformer oils (D1-102_2012) Power quality and flicker performance of the tidal energy converter, SeaGen (C4-110_2012) MV/LV distribution transformers: research on paper ageing markers (D1-103_2012) Development of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) systems for power system operation and deregulated markets in a smart grid arena (D2-203_2012) Safety analysis for grounding potential rise of two neighbouring substations: case study of Metropolitan electricity authority's system (B3-207_2012) Dynamics and control of multi-terminal high voltage direct current networks for integration of large offshore wind parks into AC grids (C4-102_2012) On the electromagnetic interference associated with the PLC system of the Cahora Bassa HVDC line - a hypothesis based on recent investigations and observations (C4-111_2012) The on-line monitoring systems combined with decision support system for HV and UHV Terna's substations maintenance (B3-202_2012) Over-current supervised zone 1 settings on Eskom series compensated transmission lines (B5-106_2012) Cyber security: system services for the safeguard of digital substation automation systems (D2-102_2012) Upgrading the performance of the Apollo -Cahora Bassa 533 kV links (B2-301_2012) Practicable expert system for the improved interpretation of dielectric response diagnostic methods of power transformers (D1-302_2012) Stator water system monitoring for large turbo-generator- A user's perspective (A1-107_2012) New network structures considering criteria for cabling or overhead line performances (C3-202_2012) Critical technical aspects during design, manufacturing and testing of India's first 1200 kV UHVAC transformer (A2-112_2012) Full scale tower & foundation tests help to identify reliability of existing lines & give guidance of likely dynamic tower/foundation interaction behaviour (B2-206_2012) Critical design aspects for reliability of 1200 kV UHV AC capacitor - Voltage transformer under severe system conditions (A3-106_2012) Service experience of IEC 61850 process bus using no-conventional instrument transformers and implications in the evolution of high voltage switching plant (B3-103_2012) Salient design features of 188MVA, 220/96/28kV biggest rating regulating transformer (A2-113_2012) Planning for connection of new generation projects in the Australian electricity market (C1-202_2012) Condition assessment of EHV class circuit breakers using dynamic contact resistance measurement technique (A3-205_2012) Study of harmonics in cable-based transmission networks (C4-108_2012) Refurbishment of transmission lines resulting in improvement in pollution performance in Northern region in India (B2-304_2012) Electrical and non-electrical environment of wind turbine main components (B3-104_2012) Future grid control centres for Indian power system (D2-115_2012) Operational experience of dynamic cable rating (B1-205_2012) The ± 600 kV HVDC Madeira River transmission system design (B4-112_2012) Quality analysis of connectors used in the uprating of San Carlos and chivor substations (B3-214_2012) The impact of uncoordinated development of photovoltaic power plants on electricity market in Czech Republic (C5-104_2012) Screening of 400 kV and 220 kV power transformers through of DGA (D1-305_2012) Cyber threats and solutions to reduce their impact in case of attacks to international interconnections in the European power grid (D2-104_2012) Overcoming operational challenges to maximise the levels of wind integration - a system operator perspective (C2-105_2012) The strategic evolution of the single electricity market across Ireland and Northern Ireland (C5-203_2012) Introduction of high temperature low sag conductors to the Irish transmission grid (B2-104_2012) Developing a roadmap for introduction of IEC61850 based solutions for HV substations in the Republic of Ireland (B3-105_2012) Public acceptance of electric power system infrastructure (C3-107_2012) External cost evaluation and multi criteria analysis to support transmission line planning and design. (C3-201_2012) Planning of reliable active distribution systems (C6-102_2012) A procedure for space charge measurements in full-size HVDC extruded cables in order to access the electric field in the insulation wall (D1-202_2012) Overall Cost Comparison Between Cable And Overhead Lines Including The Costs For Repair After Random Failures (ELT_265_1) Public Involvement in power line siting process – a case study of Slovenia (C3-102_2012) Guide for the Prevention of Overfluxing of Generators (Elt_265_2) On-line wireless PD monitoring system for contamination detection on high voltage overhead transmission lines insulators (B2-205_2012) Outdoor insulation in polluted conditions: Guidelines for selection and dimensioning - PART 2: THE DC CASE (ELT_265_3) Very Fast Transient Overvoltages (VFTO) in Gas-Insulated UHV Substations (ELT_265_4) Material properties of solid HVDC insulation systems (Elt_265_5) Overvoltages during line dropping of compensated lines (C4-105_2012) Guide for the Prevention of Overfluxing of Generators (517) How the Australian market manages the winds of change (C5-102_2012) Outdoor insulation in polluted conditions:Guidelines for selection and dimensioning - Part 2: The DC case (518) Quo vadis aged transformer fleets? (A2-205_2012) Very Fast Transient Overvoltages (VFTO) in Gas-Insulated UHV Substations (519) Area-wide dynamic line ratings based on weather measurements (B2-106_2012) Material properties of solid HVDC insulation systems (520) The challenge for busbar disconnectors of gas insulated switchgear (GIS) in a 420kV mixed technology (Hybrid) substation (B3-107_2012) A road towards autonomous renewable energy supply, RAPS case (C6-301_2012) Non destructive water-tree detection in XLPE cable insulation (493) Network security for the automated substation (D2-103_2012) Nanotechnology in high voltage insulation systems for large electrical machinery - First results (A1-103_2012) Projects BorWin2 and HelWin1 - Large scale multilevel voltage-sourced converter technology for bundling of offshore windpower (B4-306_2012) Advantages of solutions for remote access in protection and control applications via communication networks (B5-202_2012) Visualization of the system state and situation awareness in wide area transmission systems for electricity (C2-205_2012) End of life estimation and optimisation of maintenance of HV switchgear and GIS substations (A3-202_2012) Superconducting medium-voltage cables for urban power supply as an alternative scenario to 110 kV installations (B1-301_2012) Superconducting HVDC power cables for voltage source converter systems (B1-302_2012) Life time prediction of power transformers with condition monitoring (A2-111_2012) Technical guidelines for first HVDC grids - A European study group based on an initiative of the German commission for electrical, electronic & information technologies (B4-307_2012) Substation to control centre communication based on IEC 61850: Requirements, concepts and practical experiences (B5-203_2012) Communications Access to Electrical Energy Consumers and Producers (495) Challenges and barriers of integrating e-cars into a grid with high amount of renewable generation (C6-203_2012) Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC for Power Transmission – Economic Aspects and Comparison with other AC and DC Technologies (ELT_261_04) Behaviour of Ester liquids under dielectric and thermal stress - From laboratory testing to practical use (D1-105_2012) Non destructive water-tree detection in XLPE cable insulation (ELT_261_05) Calculation of electromagnetic force on damper windings for 1000MW - Hydro-generator using time-stepping FEM (A1-104_2012) The Threat of Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) to the Control of Supergrids (ELT_261_01) R&D progress of ±1100kV UHVDC technology (B4-201_2012) Line and System Protection using Digital Circuit and Packet Communications (521) Transformer Reliability Survey: Interim Report (ELT_261_02) Research and practice for relay protection information system's technical - Architecture on the basis of IEC 61850 (B5-204_2012) Communications Access to Electrical Energy Consumers and Producers (ELT_261_07) Recommendations for Testing DC Extruded Cable Systems for Power Transmission at a Rated Voltage up to 500 kV (ELT_261_08) On lightning study for wind generation system (C4-302_2012) Type test and torsional vibration measurement of a gigatop 4-pole generator for an EPR power plant (A1-105_2012) Application and Feasibility of Fault Current Limiters in Power Systems (497) Generators asset management tool using Bayesian network (A1-204_2012) Guide for Application of Direct Real-Time Monitoring Systems (498) Study of the interest of thermo-chemical non equilibrium in the case of high-voltage circuit breaker simulations (A3-304_2012) Residual Life Concepts Applied to HV GIS (499) Condition assessment of synthetic insulated cables and accessories operating more than 20 years in the French Network (B1-207_2012) Impact of Market Designs on Generation Adequacy (500) Lattice tower inspection with UAV (B2_303_2012) Basic principles to determine methane content in cross-linked solid extruded insulation of MV and HV cables (501) Life cycle assessment of electric vehicles focussing on local impacts within a city region (C3-205_2012) High-Voltage On-Site Testing with Partial Discharge Measurement (502) Generic model for a smart distribution grid, its evolutionary technical implementation and the energy market place of the future (C6-107_2012) Application and Feasibility of Fault Current Limiters in Power Systems (ELT_262_3) Investigations on lightning impulses with well-defined overshoots (D1-203_2012) Guide for Application of Direct Real-Time Monitoring Systems (ELT_262_4) Grid control cooperation - A framework for technical and economical cross-border optimization of load-frequency control (C2-107_2012) Impact of Market Designs on Generation Adequacy (ELT_262_6) Probabilistic reliability assessment in distribution network master plan development and in distribution automation implementation (C4-203_2012) Basic principles to determine methane content in cross-linked solid extruded insulation of MV and HV cables (ELT_262_7) Suitability of Hamon approximation for dielectric condition assessment on electric power assets with high capacitance (D1-306_2012) High-Voltage On-Site Testing with Partial Discharge Measurement (ELT_262_8) Development and setup of the first European-wide real-time awareness system (EAS) for the transmission system operators of ENTSO-E (C2-206_2012) Balancing Renewable Energy Sources using Vehicle to Grid Services controlled by MPC in a Metropolitan Area Distribution Network - Part 1 (ELT_262_1) Wind turbine generator controls: meeting present and future grid code requirements (C2-101_2012) Advanced technologies of demand side integration by VPPs and through smart metering in households - Experiences from a lighthouse project (C6-108_2012) Overview of Cigré publications on Asset Management Topics (ELT_262_2) Planning and operating experience of the Hydro-Québec smart zone and its role in supporting the evolution of the distribution system (C6-101_2012) The dynamic harmonics characteristics research of Extra/Ultra high voltage magnetically controlled shunt reactor (A2-302_2012) CIGRE's activities in the field of “Large Disturbances” (ELT_263_3) Ageing management of cables in nuclear power plants (D1-301_2012) The classification principle of galloping probability distribution map in North China power system (B2-210_2012) Wholesale/retail electricity market interdependencies (ELT_263_1) Life extension of Nelson River HVDC system (B4-101_2012) The reliability of HVDC projects of SGCC and the operation experience (B4-109_2012) Funding - Generation and Transmission Investment (505) Tidal power plant bulb unit management through air gap monitoring (A1-301_2012) Switching impulse voltage flashover characteristics of air gaps in ±800 kV UHV DC - Transmission tower and altitude correction (A3-104_2012) Gas Insulated System for HVDC: DC Stress at DC and AC Systems (506) Nanoparticle effect on electrical properties of aged mineral oil based nanofluids (D1-106_2012) Communication Architecture for IP-based Substation Applications (507) Effects of V2G aggregators on the economic and loading performance of restructured power systems (C3-204_2012) Overhead Line Design Guidelines for Mitigation of Severe Wind Storm Damage (ELT_260_1) SmartGrids: Motivation, Stakes and Perspectives (ELT_264_1) Behaviour of transformers under DC/GIC excitation: phenomenon, impact on design/design evaluation process and modeling aspects in support of design (A2-303_2012) Generator End-Winding Retaining Rings – A Literature Survey and Care Guideline (ELT_261_03) A distributed IT architecture for deploying a secure advanced metering infrastructure (D2-201_2012) HVDC Environmental Planning Guidelines (ELT_264_2) Residual Life Concepts Applied to HV GIS (ELT_262_5) Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment - “Part 1 - Summary and General Matters” (ELT_264_3) Design and application of composite insulators in AC and DC systems with special attention to severe environment (A3-303_2012) Line and System Protection using Digital ,Circuit and Packet Communications (Elt_265_6) Mechanical Security of Overhead Lines Containing Cascading Failures and Mitigating Their Effects (ELT_264_4) Digital substation - Tests of Process Bus with GIS - non conventional instruments transformers (B3-108_2012) Geotechnical Aspects of Overhead Transmission Line Routing ~ An Overview (ELT_264_5) Monitoring and condition assessment for GIS substations and GIL (B3-208_2012) HVDC Environmental Planning Guidelines (508) Short circuit uprating, methodology throughout the diversity of required skills (B3-209_2012) Recommendations for testing DC extruded cable systems for power transmission at a rated voltage up to 500 kV (this TB replaces TB 219) (496) Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment - Part 1: Summary and General Matters (509) Co-development of the Mediterranean transmission grids (C1-207_2012) Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment - Part 2: SF6 Circuit Breakers (510) Development of an European-wide incidents classification scale for ENTSO-E transmission system operators (C2-207_2012) Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment - Part 3: Disconnectors and Earthing Switches (511) Technical and cultural interest of a centralised coordination service centre - Experience of Coreso after 3 years of operation (C2-208_2012) Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment - Part 4: Instrument Transformers (512) HVDC meshed grid: control and protection of a multi-terminal HVDC system (B4-308_2012) Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment - Part 5 - Gas Insulated Switchgear (513) Remote access for substation automation systems: needs, technologies and applications (B5-205_2012) Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment - Part 6: GIS Practices (514) European transmission network investments planning with a view on long-term environmental goals (C1-206_2012) Mechanical Security of Overhead Lines Containing Cascading Failures and Mitigating Their Effects (515) Life cycle assessment on a 765 kV AC transmission system (C3-208_2012) Geotechnical Aspects of Overhead Transmission Line Routing ~ An Overview (516) Limiting SF6 gas emissions by optimization of design and testing of gaskets in high voltage gas-insulated substations (C3-209_2012) Parameter uncertainty assessment in the calculation of the overvoltages due to transformer energization in resonant networks (C4-204_2012) Inertia of hydro generators. Influence on the dimensioning, cost, efficiency and performance of the units (A1-102_2012) Implementation of a centralised voltage control experiment in presence of distributed generation in ERDF's MV network (C6-109_2012) Reduction of magnetic field levels on joint graves (B1-102_2012) M/DBT, new alternative dielectric fluids for transformers (D1-107_2012) Foundations for the design of future WAPS and WACS in Argentina (B5-104_2012) Improvement of defect detection by measurement of the UHF signal transmission inside single phase and three phase encapsulated GIS and power transformers (D1-308_2012) Experience in information management and control of electric and magnetic fields of electrical companies (C3-103_2012) GCC interconnection grid: operational studies for the interconnection with United Arab Emirates (UAE) (C2-209_2012) Measurements of disturbances produced by power electronic devices on EHV overhead lines using electric field sensors (C4-104_2012) Technological progress and the rise of non-regulated activities in the Argentinean electric market (C5-201_2012) Implementing A PAS55 approach to asset management within transco (C1-304_2012) Dealing with the lack of loading and overloading data to determinate the loss of life of the power transformer insulating paper (A2-105_2012) Optimization of power transformers based on operative service conditions for improved performance (A2-207_2012) Recycling, uprating and upgrading of a high voltage substation located at downtown of a big city (B3-203_2012) Electromagnetic simulations supporting the development of dry-type transformers for subtransmission voltage levels (A2-208_2012) Upgrade of eraring power station turbo generators from 660MW to 750MW (A1-201_2012) Salinity effect on the corona onset for a 765 kV AC substation connector (A3-305_2012) Modern machine learning techniques for power transformer condition assessment (A2-106_2012) Valencia Plan, model project to integrate facilities into the environment and reduce spaces (B3-110_2012) A new control scheme for an HVDC transmission link with capacitor commutated converters having the inverter operating with constant alternating voltage (B4-106_2012) New French-Spanish VSC link (B4-110_2012) Parallelling offshore wind farm HVDC ties on offshore side (C1-107_2012) Redundancy challenges on IEC 61850 systems and migration paths for IEC 61850 substation communication networks (B5-109_2012) A methodology for harmonic impedance in large power systems - Application to the filters of a VSC (C4-112_2012) Dynamic compensation of reactive power by variable shunt reactors - Control strategies and algorithms (C1-303_2012) Renewable energy sources integration difficulties in the Spanish electric system (C5-108_2012) ICT system performance impact on wide area monitoring and control systems (D2-106_2012) Polyphase charging station: Optimized integration of high power EV charging into the distribution grid (C6-204_2012) Energy efficient transformers and reactors - Some incentive models and case studies to show the long term profitability of such designs (A2-204_2012) New procedure to determine insulation condition of high voltage equipment by means of PD measurements in service (D1-309_2012) Considerations for the design, manufacture and retro - filling of power transformers with high fire point, biodegradable ester fluids (A2-203_2012) Type an IP based, highly reliable telecommunications framework for advanced smart grid applications (D2-111_2012) Example of refurbishment of overhead lines 400 kV at Western Cape after major pollution event in february 2006 (B2-302_2012) Optical network monitoring system of "Red Eléctrica de Espana" (D2-112_2012) Caprivi link HVDC interconnector: comparison between energised system testing and real-time simulator testing (B4-107_2012) Lightning invasion overvoltage study for UHVAC substation (C4-304_2012) Upgrading the intermountain HVDC project to handle 480 MW additional wind power (B4-108_2012) < Back to the sitemap