Legal Information

Head Office: 21 RUE D’ARTOIS – 75008 PARIS – France

Status: French Association governed by law of 1901, nonprofit making, not subject to commercial taxes, not subject to VAT

  • VAT No.: FR2078433020100038
  • CODE APE: 7219Z
  • SIRET: 78433020100038

As an Association, our STATUTES are available and can be downloaded from our website.
(We are not recorded under the Trade Register and we do not have a French KBIS number). As an editor:

  • Technical Brochures Series : 978-2-85873-xxx-x
  • ELECTRA Journal: ISSN No. 1286-1146
  • CIGRE Science & Engineering Magazine: ISSN No. 2426-1335

Data processing and licences

In accordance with law N°78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relating to data processing, to files and to licenses, the processing of personal data received agreement from the French National Commission of Data processing and licenses (CNIL):

  • Membership management: RECEIPT of declaration No. 210262 issued on July 18th, 1989.
  • Management of participants in CIGRE meetings: RECEIPT of declaration No. 210260 Issued on July 18th, 1989 Gate: RECEIPT of declaration n° 633341 issued on February 2nd, 1999.

Contents of CIGRE site

The information provided on our site is given for guidance purposes. We cannot guarantee the wholeness, exactitude, completeness and topicality of the information published on the site. It does not exempt our Members and non-Members from seeking an additional and relevant analysis.

Consequently, the user agrees that use made of this information is his sole responsibility. CIGRE could not be held responsible for the direct or indirect prejudice, which could result from access or use of the gate and other gates for our National Committees, Study Committees and other CIGRE groups, including the inaccessibility, the loss of data, presence of viruses on the site, and other possible problems…

The user is required to comply with the provisions of French law relating to data processing, to files and to licenses, indicated above, infringement of which is liable to sanctions. In particular, as regards personal information, which may be accessed, the user must abstain from collecting data, from any diverted use, and generally, from any act likely to be prejudicial to the privacy or reputation of individuals.

Intellectual property

The CIGRE marks and logos are registered trademarks. Any reproduction and total or partial representation, separately or integrated into other elements, without any prior and expressly written authorization from CIGRE, or from the CIGRE National committees concerned, are strictly forbidden.

Copyright rules:

Any holder of a CIGRE publication, on paper or electronic format, has only a right of use. The following are prohibited without express agreement from CIGRE: total or partial reproduction of the document, other than for personal and private use; making the document available to any third party, which covers circulation on an intranet or corporate network.

All contents, programs, texts, technical documentation, illustrations, photographs and videos, animations, databases, and in general all information on our CIGRE gates are the property of CIGRE or are subject to a right of use or exploitation. These elements are covered by legislation protecting copyright.

Should you would wish to use some part of the contents of the CIGRE sites, or a document, text, mark, logo, program, illustration or any other CIGRE elements, you must obtain a prior expressly written authorization from CIGRE. You cannot set up a hyperlink to the CIGRE websites without prior express authorization from CIGRE. 

Any representation, modification, reproduction, total or partial distortion of the site or of its contents, in any way whatsoever, would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by the L335-2 articles and following of the Code of Intellectual property.

Further information and the application form are available on this page.

Unusual activity:

In the event of unusual high volume download activity on an eCIGRE user account, CIGRE reserves to right to suspend the account temporarily, while justification is provided by the user. Should it be found the activity is in violation of the terms of use stated on this page CIGRE may extend the suspension or permanently remove the account. In any event CIGRE remains the final arbiter of what is considered appropriate use.


CIGRE formally prohibits any use, reproduction or extraction of elements from its databases. The re-use, reproduction or extraction, not authorized by CIGRE would be ground for liability on the part of the user.


CIGRE does not give any guarantee or insurance on the contents of this publication, and also declines responsibility, as for the exactitude or the exhaustiveness of information. All the implicit guarantees and conditions are excluded to the extent permitted by the law.

Management of passwords and access codes for eCIGRE

Some interactive services on eCIGRE require an identifier and a password, which are provided by our services.

These passwords and access codes are confidential, personal, inalienable and not transferable. You are responsible for their management, conservation, and for the consequences resulting from their use. It is your responsibility to ensure their protection. CIGRE will in no way be held responsible for any fraudulent use.

Applicable law

The 2 official languages of CIGRE are statutorily French and English.

CIGRE being a French Association, in case of litigation, the applicable law is French Law, and CIGRE French official texts in French language will prevail.


Taking into account our status as a nonprofit making Association, see Chapter Legal Information aboveCIGRE is not subject to VAT. The invoices, which we issue, show a VAT line as 0%.

European members of CIGRE and non-members must thus pay VAT at the rate applicable in their country on the sums invoiced by CIGRE; they will later recover this VAT according to recoverable VAT. This will nullify the VAT operation, i.e. VAT equal to zero.