
This Technical Brochure provides a general guideline for evaluating subsynchronous oscillations (SSO) in power systems. A new classification of SSO including the issues related to power electronic devices is proposed. A systematic study procedure including initial screening studies, detailed studies, mitigation/prevention techniques and protection/monitoring mechanisms is presented. The TB also discusses the industrial practises and the SSO issues reported in power systems.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 909
Publication year 2023
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees DC systems and power electronics (B4), Power system technical performance (C4)
Working groups JWG C4/B4.52
File size 13 MB
Pages number 182
Price for non member 300 €
Price for member Free




power system technical performance, DC systems, power electronics

Guidelines for Subsynchronous Oscillation Studies in Power Electronics Dominated Power Systems
Guidelines for Subsynchronous Oscillation Studies in Power Electronics Dominated Power Systems