
JWG A2/B4.28 monitored the reliability in service of HVDC Converter Transformers and the TB reports, over a period 1971-2009, an encouraging decrease in the failure rate. It also reviewed existing standard test specifications, with a view of representing the real service conditions. The importance of the Polarity Reversal (PR) test and the effect of the oil conductivity and the polarization time are stressed. The conclusion is that at this stage the existing test should not be modified.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 406
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
ISBN 978-2-85873-093-3
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups JWG A2/B4.28
File size 574 KB
Pages number 38
Price for non member 80 €
Price for member Free


Milan Saravolac, Convenor (FR)

Gilson Machado Bastos (BR), Narinder S. Dhaliwal (CA), Sergio E. Santo (BR), Thomas Freyhult (SE), Yanny H. Fu (NL), Jan Hajek (SE), A.C. Hall (UK), Peter Heinzig (DE), Ugo Piovan (IT), Vijay Prasher (IN), Shirasaka Yukiyasu (JP)

Corresponding Members
Michael Bridger (NZ), Peter W. Christensen (DK), Roger Cormack (ZA), John F.Graham (BR), Carlos Peixoto (BR), Liu Zehong (CN)


HVDC, Converter Transformers, Reliability Survey, Design Review Guide, Test Specifications, Polarity Reversal, Oil Conductivity

HVDC Converter Transformers - Design review, test procedures, ageing evaluation and reliability in service