
A design review provides a common customer-manufacturer understanding of the applicable standards and specification requirements. It is an opportunity to scrutinize the design to ensure the requirements will be met, using the manufacturer's proven materials and methodology. This document prepared by A2/B4.28, is based on the existing guide (TB 204) while expanding to address specific aspects associated with the HVDC Converter Transformer, such as higher harmonic or transient waveforms.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 407
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
ISBN 978-2-85873-094-0
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups JWG A2/B4.28
File size 250 KB
Pages number 22
Price for non member 60 €
Price for member Free


Milan Saravolac, Convenor (FR)

Gilson Machado Bastos (BR), Narinder S. Dhaliwal (CA), Sergio E. Santo (BR), Thomas Freyhult (SE), Yanny H. Fu (NL), Jan Hajek (SE), A.C. Hall (UK), Peter Heinzig (DE), Ugo Piovan (IT), Vijay Prasher (IN), Shirasaka Yukiyasu (JP)

Corresponding Members
Michael Bridger (NZ), Peter W. Christensen (DK), Roger Cormack (ZA), John F.Graham (BR), Carlos Peixoto (BR), Liu Zehong (CN)

HVDC Converter Transformers - Guidelines for conducting design reviews for HVDC converter transformers