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The Effects of System Performance. (ELT_243_6) New Mobile Solutions in the Utility Sectors (ELT_243_7) Mitigation Techniques of Power Frequency Magnetic Fields originated from Electric Power Systems (ELT_242_10) Influence of the hyperstatic modeling on the behavior of transmission line lattice structures (387) Impacts of HVDC lines on the economics of HVDC projects (388) Influence of the hyperstatic modeling on the behavior of transmission line lattice structures (ELT_245_3) Impacts of HVDC lines on the economics of HVDC project (ELT_245_4) Combining innovation with standardization (ELT_245_5) Combining Innovation with Standardization (389) Asset Management Performance Benchmarking (367) Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) (371) Voltage dip Evaluation and Prediction Tools (372) Mitigation Techniques of Power Frequency Magnetic Fields originated from Electric Power Systems (373) SC D1 (Materials and Emerging Test Techniques) - Current and Future Activities (ELT_243_1) Copper Sulphide in Transformer Insulation (ELT_243_2) Guide for measurement of radio frequency interference from HV and MV substations (391) Survey of Hydrogenerator Failures (392) Thermal Performance of Transformers (393) State of the Art of Instrument Transformers (394) Large Overhead Lines (OVHL) Crossings (396) Investigation on the Structural Interaction between Transmission Line Towers and Foundations (395) The response of grounding electrodes to lightning currents (ELT_246_1) Active Distribution Networks: general features, present status of implementation and operation practices (ELT_246_2) Survey of Hydrogenerator failures (ELT_246_3) Thermal Performance of Transformers (ELT_246_4) Investigation on the structural interaction between transmission line towers and foundations (ELT_246_6) Large Overhead Lines (OVHL) crossings (ELT_246_7) Evaluation of Different Switchgear Technologies (AIS, MTS, GIS) for Rated Voltages of 52 kV and above (ELT_245_6) Guide for measurement of radio frequency interference from HV and MV substations - Disturbance propagation, characteristics of disturbance sources, measurement techniques, conversion methodologies and limits (ELT_245_7) Generator Maintenance, Inspection and Test Programmes (386) SC B5 Colloquium - Jeju Island 2009 (COLL_JEJ_2009) The Strategic Role of Power Grids in the implementation of a European Energy Policy (ELT_246_8) NEW DELHI: IEC/CIGRE Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission (SYMP_DEL_2009) GUILIN: Operation and Development of Power Systems in the New Context (SYMP_GUI_2009) CALGARY : CIGRE/PES - Integration of Wide Scale Renewable Resources into the Power Delivery System (SYMP_CAL_2009) New Developments in the Use of Geographic Information as applied to Overhead Power Lines (369) Update of Service Experience of HV Underground and Submarine Cable Systems (ELT_243_3) Generator Maintenance, inspection and test programmes (ELT_245_2) Study Committee C3 (SystemEnvironmental Performance)- Current and future activities (ELT_247_1) Guide for minimizing the damage from stator winding grounds on turbogenerators (ELT_247_2) Integration of large Scale Wind Generation using HVDC and Power Electronics (ELT_242_6) Third-Party damage to underground and submarine cables (ELT_247_3) Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) (ELT_242_7) Improvement on the tower testing methodology (ELT_247_4) Asset Management Performance Benchmarking (ELT_242_8) Technical Requirements for Substations Exceeding 800 KV (ELT_247_5) Voltage dip Evaluation and Prediction Tools (ELT_242_9) Functional testing of IEC 61850 based systems (ELT_247_6) Operating Environment of Voltage grading Capacitors applied to High Voltage Circuit-Breakers (368) High Impedance Faults (ELT_247_7) Guide for minimizing the damage from stator winding grounds on turbogenerators (397) Third-Party Damage to Underground and Submarine Cables (398) Improvement on the Tower Testing Methodology (399) Technical requirements for substations exceeding 800 kV (400) Functional Testing of IEC 61850 Based Systems (401) High Impedance Faults (402) Integration of large scale wind generation using HVDC and power electronics (370) Update of service experience of HV underground and submarine cable systems (379) Review of Structures for the System Development Activity (374) A Milestone in Global Power Industry - Chinese UHV AC Determination Project Commence Operation (ELT_242_1) Technical Guide for Measurement of Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields near Overhead Power Lines (375) High Frenquency Deviations within the European Power System - Origins and Proposals for Improvement (ELT_242_2) Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Parameters derived from Lightning Location Systems. The Effects of System Performance. (376) Presentation of CIGRE SC A2 'Transformers' - Technical Developments and Inputs from present Activities (ELT_242_3) New Mobile Solutions in the Utility Sectors (377) Operating Environment of Voltage grading Capacitors applied to High Voltage Circuit-Breakers (HV) (ELT_242_4) Copper Sulphide in Transformer Insulation (378) New Developments in the Use of Geographic Information as applied to Overhead Power Lines (ELT_242_5) < Back to the sitemap