The set includes the 30 papers presented and discussed, which address the followings topics:
- Status of the work on Standards
- Progress of current UHV projects or new projects
- Systems aspects
- Substations
- AC equipment
- DC equipment
The list of papers is available, please contact the Publications Team to select the papers you are interested in.
Present status: Standards, Projects
- 1.1 Coordination activities by JICCG for UHV technology standardization: H. Ikeda
- 1.2 CIGRE contributions to UHV standardization: M. Waldron, K. Fröhlich
- 1.3 Development of 1200 kV transmission system in India: V. Ramakrishna, S. Sen
- 1.4 U.S. interests in UHV transmission systems: C. W. Gellings, R. Adapa
- 1.5 Progress of, and prospects for, commercial applications of UHV 1100 kV Transmission System in TEPCO; issues in upgrading existing 1100 kV designed lines from 550 kV to 1100 kV: H. Okamoto
System aspects
- 2.1 1200 kV transmission system and status of development of substation equipment & transmission line material in India: R.N. Nayak, M.C. Bhatnagar, B.N. De Bhowmick, R.K.Tyagi
2.2 Selection of the rated voltage for the UHV AC system in China: Sun Xin, Liu Zehong, Han Xiancai, Yin Yonghua, Zhang Zuping, Sun Gang
2.3 Analysis of overvoltages related to the UHV AC systems: Lin Jiming, Chen Weijang, Wang Shaowu, Ban Lian-geng, Xiang Zutao, Wang Xiaogang, Han Bin, Zheng Bin
2.4 Stability research on the planned UHV power grid in China: Ding Yang, Zhang Jinhua, Liu Hongtao
2.5 Standardization aspects of UHV in AC networks: D. Dufournet
- 3.1 System impacts on UHV substation equipment: CIGRE WG A3.22
- 3.2 Insulation coordination for UHV AC systems based on surge arrester application: CIGRE C4.306
- 3.3 Considerations for UHV substations and recommendations: CIGRE WG B3.22
- 3.4 1200 kV AC substations: full-scale products and integrated solutions: D. Helbig
- 3.5 Development and testing of 1100 kV GIS: W. Holaus, U. Riechert, D. Sologuren, U. Krüsi
- 3.6 Utilities' experience in design and testing of UHV equipment in Japan: Y. Yamagata, S. Okabe
AC-DC Equipment
- 4.1 UHV equipment requirements: state of the art & prospects for equipment: CIGRE WG A3.22
4.2 Compactness and high-reliability technology for UHV circuit breakers, disconnectors and earthing switches: T. Kobayashi, G. Sun, T. Yokota, K. Sasamori, T. Yamagiwa
4.3 High performance surge arresters for UHV systems: Y. Ishizaki, S. Shirakawa, S. Ishibe, M. Kan, Y. Yamagata
4.4 Aspects related to design and testing of UHV insulator strings with cap and pin insulators: Pigini, N. V. RamKumar
4.5 Modern instrument transformer technologies for UHV AC and HVDC networks: F. Jenau, G. Testin
4.6 Development of UHV AC transformers: Zhong Juntao, Wang Xiaoning, Luo Jun
DC Equipment
- 5.1 Brief on the Report of CIGRE WG B4.45 - Technological assessment of 800 kV HVDC applications: R N Nayak, R P Sasmal, M. Rashwan
5.2 Report of the CIGRE JWG A2/B4.28, HVDC converter transformers - Design review test procedures and reliability in service: M. Saravolac
5.3 800 kV UHV DC transformer - A new dimension of DC transmission: M. Schenk, P. Heinzig, U. Rimmele, J. Hoppe
5.4 A new generation of thyristor valves for ± 800 kV HVDC projects: N. MacLeod, J. Sturgess, Baker, F. Perrot
5.5 Equipment design for the Yunnan-Guangdong UHV DC project: M. Haeusler
5.6 Innovation in the engineering of UHV DC projects in China: Liu Zehong, Gao Liying, Ding Yigong
DC Equipment
- 6.1 800 kV UHV DC - from test station to project execution: A. Kumar, V. Lescale, U. Åström, R. Hartings, M. Berglund
6.2 Current status of design, engineering, manufacturing and testing of 800 kV HVDC equipment: R.N. Nayak, R.P. Sasmal, C. Hong, A. Kumar, V. Lescale, N. M Macleod, H. Huang
6.3 The progress of the electromagnetic environment study of UHV DC transmission lines in China: Lu Jiayu, Liu Zehong, Ju Yong, Yu Jun, Guo Jian, Yang Yong, Wu Guifang
Conclusions & Future work
- 7.1 Reports from Sessions: Session Rapporteurs
- 7.2 Further cooperation in standardiztion between IEC and CIGRE : H.Ideka & M.Waldron, Co chairmen of JICCG
Additional informations
Publication type | Symposia |
Reference | SYMP_DEL_2009 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE |
Pages number | 2 |
Price for non member | 80 € |
Price for member | Free |