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A study carried out on the Norwegian high voltage grid (38-14_1986) A general stability criterion for long distance AC power transmission with static var compensation (38-16_1986) Experimental investigation of harmonic impedances and other electrical parameters of high voltage networks (36-04_1986) Characteristics of power system loads and their usage for system operating condition management (38-17_1986) Electric operational planning studies in the Brazilian interconnected power system (39-01_1986) Optimal operations planning of hydro and thermal energy resources at the Swedish State Power Board (39-04_1986) Generation margin planning in CEGB with particular reference to operational planning timescales (39-05_1986) Realtime network models and advanced security assessment at the Remvec energy control center (39-06_1986) Enhanced security assessment at the new American Electric Power system control center (39-08_1986) Evaluation of characteristics and performance of power system protection relays and protective systems (011) Implementation, testing and performance of advanced software functions in the new national control centre of the Electricity Supply Board, Ireland (39-09_1986) Expert system using pattern recognition by real time signals (39-10_1986) Exploiting the load following capabilities of French nuclear units (39-11_1986) Modern power system dispatch control in the UPG of the USSR (39-12_1986) Static var compensators (025) Development of a distributed control system and proposal for a new information structure (39-13_1986) Nuclear power plant performance in power system control - (39-14_1986) Fast controlled valving determination of the speed characteristics of the control valves (39-15_1986) Calculation of the continuous rating of single core rigid type compressed gas insulated cables in still air with solar radiation (ELT_106_2) Report on vertical hydro generator alignment practice (ELT_106_1) Results of an international reactive compensation exercise on a meshed network example (ELT_105_1) Short term scheduling - present practice and trends (ELT_106_3) System restoration following a major disturbance (ELT_106_4) Experiences of the new dielectric tests (IEC Pub. 76-3) for power transformers with highest voltage for equipment above or equal 245 kV (ELT_108_1) Operational and functional requirements for telecontrol systems (ELT_108_2) Operational objectives and criteria for power system operation (ELT_108_3) Analysis of the responses to the questionnaire on stringing problems (ELT_109_1) Diagnostic methods for testing the electrical and mechanical integrity of stator end windings of large turbo generators (11-03_1986) Research analyses of the effects of switching operations on hydro units. A diagnosis of unit life performance (11-05_1986) Reliability study on field insulation of turbine generators with higher response excitation (11-06_1986) Limits for electric and magnetic fields in DIN-VDE standards - Considerations for the range 0 to 10 kHz (36-10_1986) Diagnostic test of insulation (DTI). A test package to determine the condition of the generator stator winding insulation (11-11_1986) A novel electrical methodology of diagnosis for the HV insulation of alternating current generators (11-12_1986) Influence of electrical loading of conductors on self damping and dynamic flexural rigidity - (22-04_1986) Some aspects of hydrogenerator modernisation (11-14_1986) Calculation and measurement of fields on EHV and UHV substations and near transmission lines (36-06_1986) Design and commissioning of the Blackwater back-to-back station (USA (14-04_1986) Planning against voltage collapse (024) Experience in the reliability evaluation of high voltage networks (37/38/39-03_1986) Disturbance performance of bulk electricity systems (37/38/39-02_1986) Strategic planning for the analysis and assessment of power system reliability performance (37/38/39-01_1986) Prediction of harmonic voltage distortion due to different categories of non-linear loads supplied by the electric network (36-11_1986) Electric and magnetic fields from power transmission systems. Results of an International survey (36-09_1986) Research on biological effects of power frequency fields (36-08_1986) A static var compensator on the French public network: reduction of flicker or voltage control at Les Ancizes (36-05_1986) Direct lightning strokes into radio antenna mast of high voltage substations - Simulation and estimation of risks (36-03_1986) Control of harmonic distortion on Australian electricity supply networks (36-01_1986) Experimental investigation of PLC communication on a transposed 1150 kV power line (35-10_1986) The ENEL remote control centres: a new generation based on a distributed processing configuration (35-09_1986) EDF/GDF new radio telephone network: RAMAGE (35-08_1986) A distributed system for local control and telecontrol in a pumped storage power plant (35-05_1986) A multilevel telecontrol system for transmission and distribution control (35-02_1986) Use of equipment built-in automatic testing: Self-checking and monitoring with a view to improving reliability (010) Methods of training of planning and operational staff in the field of protection systems (34-13_1986) Design aspects of a fully microcomputer based feeder protection system for HV lines (34-12_1986) Application of digital computer technology to the implementation and testing of an integrated substation protection and control system (34-11_1986) Improved protection and control of power systems with digital computers - (34-09_1986) American Electric Power´s voice and data telecommunication systems - (35-07_1986) Power system reliability: the planner´s approach (37/38/39-07_1986) A survey of the reliability of HVDC systems throughout the world during 1983-1984 (37/38/39-05_1986) An application guide on power system reliability analysis (37/38/39-04_1986) Application of integrated digital network for electric power systems (35-06_1986) Digitization of microwave radio system for electric power system (35-04_1986) A micro-processor based current differential relay for use with digital communication systems. Its performance during system tests - (Supplement to Paper 34-02.1) (34-02.2_1986) A microprocessor based current differential relay for use with digital communication systems: its design and field experience (34-02.1_1986) Architecture of the digital control and protection system for EHV substation (34-01_1986) Communication requirements in the EMS system for the City of Stockholm (35-01_1986) Present state and experience of digital protection in substations (34-05_1986) Coordinated substation control and monitoring (35-03_1986) Aspects of protection and control structures based on basic requirements (34-07_1986) Experience with a modern process control technique on HV substations in the GDR (34-06_1986) Reactive compensation for a long distance transmission system. Methodology and practice adopted by different countries in a practical case (ELT_105_2) An analysis of the implementation of digital techniques in Brazilian generation and transmission stations (34-04_1986) Evaluation of the probabilistic characteristics of conductor sag of an HV overhead line due to service and fault currents (22-14_1986) Separators on high voltage overhead lines prevent disturbances of the electric power transmission (22-08_1986) Development of galloping control devices and their operation records in Japan (22-07_1986) Interaction between AC and DC systems (14-09_1986) Small power tapping from HVDC transmission systems (14-08_1986) Miles City converter station - Early operating experience (14-03_1986) Power system reliability criteria and their improvement (37/38/39-06_1986) Equipment quality assurance and reliability for HVDC systems (14-05_1986) Experience du CHESF concerning interferences between EHV transmission lines and pipelines (36-07_1986) 12 MW/6000 r.p.m. Variable Speed Load commutated Inverter Drives for Matimba Power Station (11-15_1986) Operation of generating units during system disturbances (39-07_1986) Current ratings of cables buried in partially dried out soil Part I : Simplified method that can be used with minimal soil information : 100 percent load factor (ELT_104_2) Speed controlled AC motors for thermal power station auxiliaries (11-13_1986) Galloping suppression tests on overhead lines (22-03_1986) Special features of transformers for HVDC transmission with particular reference to the converter transformers for the CEGB Sellindge terminal (12-03_1986) Space-charge and field distribution in transformers under DC stress (12-04_1986) Analysing gases dissolved in oil and its application to maintenance of transformers (12-05_1986) Application of cellulosic and non cellulosic materials in power transformers (12-12_1986) Converter transformers for +/- 750 kV HVDC system (12-13_1986) Fondation of HV and EHV towers on prismatic walls and piers (22-13_1986) International standardisation of magnetic steels for power transformer cores - (International Electrotechnical Commission) (12-14_1986) Conventional and actual load losses in HVDC transformers (12-15_1986) Recent advances in vacuum interrupter design (13-01_1986) Diagnostic methods for transformers in service (12-06_1986) Forced cooled cables - Calculation of thermal transients and cyclic loads (ELT_104_1) Application of new materials for power transformers (12-09_1986) The shell form transformer used as furnace transformer (12-10_1986) Converting Motors in Power Plants to Adjustable Speed Operation with Power Electronics (11-08_1986) Insulation diagnostic system for HV power transformers in service (12-01_1986) Experience with the 750 kV transformers on the Hungarian electric system, acquired during on site testing (12-02_1986) Experience obtained with the routine testing of the insulating oils of power transformers on the Belgian system (12-07_1986) Switching, protection and damping of arc furnace transformer windings (12-08_1986) Influence of asymmetrical circuit conditions on the operation and design of furnace transformers (12-11_1986) Updating of 110 kV substations with microcomputer based equipment (23-02_1986) Diagnostic techniques of GIS (23-03_1986) Development and valuation of substations in the 380/220 kV grid of the GDR (23-05_1986) Support of the development of HV circuit-breakers by a mathematical breaker model (13-02_1986) Evolution of operating mechanisms for 72 to 36 kV SF6 circuit-breakers related to progress in breaking techniques (13-03_1986) Application of calculation methods in the developments of SF6 HV switches (13-04_1986) Computer aided analysis of switching overvoltage in interrupting inductive current by vacuum switches (13-08_1986) Testing and calculation methods for the development of a family of 145 kV to 800 kV telescopic disconnectors in conformity with IEC standard specifications (13-09_1986) Stresses imposed on the DC side switches of the ITAIPU HVDC system (13-10_1986) The application of static var compensators to the English terminal of the 2000 MW HVDC cross-Channel link (14-07_1986) Theoretical and experience study of an overturning foundation for single member support (22-05_1986) The design and construction of drilled anchor foundations and their use on a 380 kV overhead line near Riyadh (22-06_1986) Operating technology for SF6 puffer breakers. Development, production and service experience (13-05_1986) Origin and temporal evolution of anode spot formation and arc constriction in vacuum circuit-breakers (13-06_1986) A decade of experience on service behaviour of reliability and maintenance of circuit-breakers (13-07_1986) Investigation means for the optimising of a circuit-breaker provided with vacuum bottles (13-11_1986) GIS for HVDC Converter Stations (14-02_1986) Modern methods for the reduction of the operation energy for SF6 circuit-breakers (13-12_1986) Considerations on the dielectric characteristics of medium voltage vacuum circuit-breakers (13-13_1986) Status quo of self healing film power capacitors in Japan (15-04_1986) The voltage time characteristics of long air gaps and the protection of substations against lightning (15-05_1986) The development of dielectric all-film capacitors and the evaluation of their endurance (15-06_1986) Development of Criteria for the Selection of Liquid Dielectrics (15-10_1986) Foundation design on a probabilistic basis (22-11_1986) Testing of high polymer insulation for outdoor application review, analysis and development (15-11_1986) Studies on the application of 275 kV XLPE cables to long distance underground transmission lines in Japan (21-03_1986) The development and installation of XLPE insulated high voltage power cables in Korea (21-04_1986) Seabed repair facility for the cross-Channel cables (21-05_1986) Development in France of 400 kV with low density polyethylene cables (21-09_1986) Behaviour and preventive maintenance of HV cables (21-10_1986) Fire retardant oil-filled cables (21-11_1986) Some Investigations of the ageing of Overhead Lines (22-09_1986) Recent advances in transmission line foundation analysis and design (22-10_1986) Long-term operating experience of 120-400 kV transmission lines as applied to construction innovations (22_02_1986) Ageing of composite insulators caused by service and simulated service conditions (15-01_1986) Insulator surface discharge studies in SF6 under switching transients (15-02_1986) Influence of minute particles on breakdown characteristics of insulating oil (15-03_1986) Insulating behaviour of SF6 with and without insulation in case of fast transients (15-07_1986) Flashover along solid surfaces parallel to the electric field in liquid insulation at 50 Hz (15-08_1986) Latest developments and experience with composite longrod insulators (15-09_1986) Field experience and laboratory research on composite insulators for overhead lines (15-12_1986) Performance of the Cook Strait +/- 250 kV DC submarine power cables 1964-1985 - (21-01_1986) Design and installation of the UK part of the 270 kV DC cable connection between England and France including reliability aspects (21-02_1986) Development and long-term testing of a low-loss 765 kV high pressure oil-filled pipe cable (21-06_1986) Thermomechanical stresses in extruded HV cables (21-07_1986) Design, manufacturing and installation of XLPE cables in Denmark (21-08_1986) Methods to prevent mechanical damage to submarine cables (21-12_1986) Operating characteristics of long links of AC high voltage insulated cables (21-13_1986) Direct foundations by means of blocks and foundation plates in transmission lines with self-supporting towers. Comparative study - (22-01_1986) Experience gained in the operation of multiple circuit high voltage overhead lines of compact design (22-12_1986) DC supply systems for hydro-electric and conventional thermal power stations (23-01_1986) Seismic design of connecting leads in open-air type substations (23-04_1986) Design criteria for modern compact SF6 insulated switch-gear (GIS) for general applications with special consideration of reliability and economy (23-06_1986) Philosophy in design of substation auxiliary systems and auxiliary equipment with particular regard to reliability and the use of new technology (23-10_1986) Computer aided design of substations (23-11_1986) HV/MV substations: A new industrial product based on compartimental modular indoor substations (PIMC) (23-12_1986) Switching impulse performance of post insulators (ELT_109_2) Dynamics of conductors of UHV lines, control of vibration and subspan oscillation (22-15_1986) Criteria and method for the construction of electrical circuits for auxiliaries in large power stations and substations with regard to reliability (23-07_1986) Life cycle cost evaluation for gas insulated substations including a method to determine outage costs (23-08_1986) Improvment of insulation coordination for 420 kV gas insulated substations by simulation - (23-09_1986) Design criteria and organisation of ENEL´s HV and EHV substations (23-13_1986) Solution to the problem of separation of the Hydro Quebec 735 kV system by switchable metal oxide surge arresters (33-01_1986) Studies on Factors influencing the Flashover Characteristics of contaminated Insulators energised with DC Voltage (33-02_1986) High voltage testing of SF6 insulated substations on site (33-06_1986) On site testing of the first 750 kV installation in Poland (33-07_1986) Generator rotor monitoring in the United Kingdom (11-04_1986) A study of lightning stresses on metal oxide surge arresters (33-08_1986) An expert system for on-line diagnosis of turbine generators (11-07_1986) Knowledge and application of zinc oxide surge arresters effect on insulation coordination (33-10_1986) Water cooled stator windings of turbogenerators. Computerised monitoring of stator bar water temperature rise for early detection of overheating due to flow restriction in the stator winding. (11-09_1986) Voltage distribution and pollution performance of metal oxide arresters (33-12_1986) In situ ultrasonic inspection of turbo generator rotor end bells (11-10_1986) Stresses on metal oxide surge arresters in HVAC and HVDC systems by temporary and transient overvoltages and related tests (33-13_1986) Some aspects on diagnosis methods and operational monitoring for large AC generators (11-01_1986) A new digital control and protection system for transmission substations (34_08_1986) Zero-flux current transformer for wide-band precision measurement in AC and DC HV systems (34-03_1986) Application of a precision air gap monitor for analysis of generator problems (11-02_1986) Study of the performance of the metal oxide arresters for high voltage systems (33-14_1986) Rationalised Antipollution Insulation Designs of DC Transmission Lines and Stations (33-03_1986) On-site testing of station insulation using system coupled voltages (33-04_1986) Microprocessor-based distributed system for organised and automatic data acquisition and data processing of the analog quantities with their nominal frequency 50 Hz and for binary signals and the utilisation of such a system in nuclear power plants (34-10_1986) Performance of contamined Insulators for HVDC Lines (33-05_1986) Dielectric field testing of GIS (33-09_1986) Metal oxide arresters, parameters, service experience, field tests (33-11_1986) Application of static phase-shifters for suppressing shaft torsional oscillations (37-01_1986) Fibre optics - technology and applications in power industry (ELT_107_1) Optimisation of distribution system reliability and planning of developing power systems (37-02_1986) Planning the reinforcement of a longitudinal 275 kV network for increased transmission utilisation (37-03_1986) Planning and design considerations for the coordination of parallel HVDC systems (14-01_1986) The role of macro planning models in system planning in the context of uncertainty (37-04_1986) Power system planning under uncertainty (37-06_1986) Advanced excitation controls for power system stability enhancement - (38-01_1986) Reliability co-ordination in electric power systems (37/38/39-08_1986) Defining and improving power transfer limits: a parametric study (38-07_1986) Interaction of generators with power system stabilisers in large networks (38-15_1986) The role of electricity in the conservation of energy and in the substitution of fuels in Finland (37-05_1986) Modern techniques and economic mathematical models for the basis of generating power development in the USSR power systems (37-07_1986) Electricity cost as the basic reference in integrated energy system planning (37-08_1986) Analytical methods for evaluating power system transfer capability: a probabilistic approach (37-09_1986) Influence of uncertainty factors on transmission system planning. Problems of the Italian system in the coming years (37-10_1986) Development of the security enhancement algorithm of integrated AC/DC systems (38-02_1986) Development of real time simulation method for power system restoration after major disturbances - (38-03_1986) Analytical techniques for the application of static var compensators to improve the capability of long distance transmission systems to remote areas of Australia (38-04_1986) Developments in application of stabilizing measures through excitation control (38-05_1986) A new simple and effective approximate formulation for the determination of three-phase unbalances by the voltmeter method (36-02_1986) Analytical method for evaluating power system transfer capability with regard to voltage stability (38-06_1986) Reactive power compensation and voltage control on the French EHV system. Present situation and prospects (38-08_1986) An approach to the power system dynamic security analysis for major disturbances (38-09_1986) Modelling of Power System Components at Severe Disturbances (38-18_1986) Adequacy of system security assessment tools for system operations (39-02_1986) Technical and economic aspects of the use of HVDC converters as reactive power controllers (14-06_1986) Energy operation planning of the Brazilian interconnected system (39-03_1986) Simulation of electro-mechanical transients for turbogenerator units in interconnected and isolated systems. Comparison of system measurements and analytical results (38-10_1986) Asynchronous running of 600 MW turbine generator on the ESCOM system : modelling calculation and tests (38-11_1986) Location and application of stabilisers in North West China network planning and designing (38-12_1986) Multiterminal HVDC control models for evaluating power transfer capability in combined AC/DC systems - (38-13_1986) < Back to the sitemap