
In this paper, an optimized physical model for calculation of top oil temperature in power transformers is presented. The main contribution of this paper is to consider and to employ the heat transfer phenomenon inside transformer from bottom winding to top winding and from cooler inlet to cooler outlet of transformer with consideration of number of operating fans and pumps as well as the position of the tap changer. To validate the model, the empirical factors are estimated based on measurements of one month during the normal operation of the transformer and the model is tested and validated with measurements of other months during the normal operation of the transformer. It is worthwhile to note that the inputs of the model are ambient temperature, load and number of operating fans and pumps and position of tap changer. The results show that the model has a lower prediction error than the conventional models and the consideration of the position of the tap changer affects the accuracy of the temperature calculation. Therefore, due to the simplicity and accuracy of the model, it can be used in an online monitoring system.

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Publication type ISH Collection
Reference ISH2015_273
Publication year 2015
Publisher ISH
File size 387 KB
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Miyazaki Satoru, Mizutani Yoshinobu

A Dynamic Top Oil Temperature Model of Power Transformers with consideration of the Tap Changer Position
A Dynamic Top Oil Temperature Model of Power Transformers with consideration of the Tap Changer Position