
The future electric grid development plan in Europe foresees the North Sea Super Grid (NSSG). This grid will need to integrate individually and independently planned projects, leading to a rather grown than optimised structure. This will offer a lot of technical challenges, since it is a clear pioneer project. Offshore cluster grids could be either realised in AC or DC, and significant advantages and drawbacks come along with both options. Power balancing might become a challenge, due to the characteristics of modern wind turbines, which will play an important role in the clusters. These clusters can be connected to each other and to shore via HVDC links. VSC technology is the most promising option nowadays, but CSC technology might also offer good solutions in the future and could either be applied as a regular CSC link or as a hybrid link. Series connected HVDC will gain importance with increasing number of offshore clusters. Parallel HVDC connections can offer the needed capacities and the important redundancy. A meshed HVDC grid structure can offer both, but additional challenges come along with it. In this paper an overview over the relevant technologies is given and the challenges of realising the NSSG are discussed.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_258_1
Publication year 2011
Publisher CIGRE
File size 1 MB
Pages number 13
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free



Technical Aspects of the North Sea Super Grid
Technical Aspects of the North Sea Super Grid