
The proliferation of power electronics interfaced devices (PEID) in the power system and the simultaneous decreasing number of classical rotating generation pose various operational challenges for maintaining operational reliability. JWG C2/B4.38 identified these challenges, which were then clustered in three categories. As a next step, the many capabilities of state of the art PEID were described. Finally, the JWG identified which capabilities of existing PEID could be used to mitigate some of the identified operational challenges. Practical and academic examples are provided that illustrate this mitigation capability.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 821
Publication year 2020
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees DC systems and power electronics (B4), Power system operation and control (C2)
Working groups JWG C2/B4.38
File size 4 MB
Pages number 83
Price for non member 160 €
Price for member Free




rotating electrical machines

Capabilities and requirements definition for power electronics based technology for secure and efficient system operation and control
Capabilities and requirements definition for power electronics based technology for secure and efficient system operation and control