
Paris Session 2018


This tutorial describes a framework for a tool set that electric public utility (EPU) operators can use to automate their response to cyber-initiated threats. Within this framework, a priority is placed on the capability for EPU personnel and supporting expert contractors (consultants, vendors, etc.) to create, model, simulate, and control the response to a cyber-initiated threat. Three pillars of model-based system engineering (MBSE) are tailored for EPU applications to establish a coherent framework.

Additional informations

Publication type Session Materials
Reference TTR016
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Information Systems, Telecommunications and Cybersecurity (D2)
File size 2 MB
Pages number 40
Price for non member 50 €
Price for member Free





session 2018, information systems, telecommunication

Framework for EPU operators to manage the response to a cyber-initiated threat
Framework for EPU operators to manage the response to a cyber-initiated threat