
Paris Session 2018


This course explores the regulatory, markets, technology and the customer aspects of demand response programs in the context of electricity markets. While providing a detailed review of the similarities and differences among the implicit and explicit DR offerings in the different markets in which demand resources can participate, it also reviews enablers, barriers; support schemes and structures, DR products and certification and market design in the context of the current and future roles for electricity consumers, aggregators, energy retailers, utilities, and market operators etc., and evaluation, measurement and verification etc.,

Additional informations

Publication type Session Materials
Reference TTR013
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Electricity markets and regulation (C5)
File size 4 MB
Pages number 57
Price for non member 50 €
Price for member Free





session 2018, electricity markets, regulation

Global overview of demand response markets and regulations
Global overview of demand response markets and regulations