
Paris Session 2018


This tutorial will cover challenges and solutions related to the quality assurance process, condition-based and time-based maintenance testing. The impact on IEC 61850 edition 2 related to testing is also covered. Testing during different phases, from FAT (Field Acceptance Test) to SAT (Site Acceptance Testing) and maintenance, in addition to testing of functional chains in a full process-bus SPACS (Substation Protection and Automation Control System) with NCIT (Non-Conventional Instrument Transformer)) and SAMU (Stand-Alone Merging Unit) is discussed. The tutorial will conclude with some experience feedback and recommendations regarding test tools and specifications.

Additional informations

Publication type Session Materials
Reference TTR008
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Protection and automation (B5)
File size 2 MB
Pages number 62
Price for non member 50 €
Price for member Free





session 2018, protection, automation

Challenges and solutions for the maintenance of fully digital substation
Challenges and solutions for the maintenance of fully digital substation