List of paper
- 111 - Skagerrak - The next generation - HVDC and power electronic technology
system development and economics - Göran Andersson, Mats Hyttinen (Sweden) - 112 - Labrador-Island Link ±350kV HVDC Transmission Scheme – Key design aspects
HVDC and power electronic technology and Developments - S. Munshi, A. Kumar, S Chakravorthy, R. Suri, R.A. Mukhedkar (United Kingdom), J. Coady (Canada) - 113 - Control and protection design aspects for parallel converter operation of ± 800 kV, 6000 MW Champa - Kurukshetra HVDC Link - Vishwajeet Singh, M.S. Rao, S. Bhattacharya, M M Goswami, Oommen Chandy (India)
- 114 - PJM planning study practices and market impacts on the integration of renewable rResources with AC-HVDC Systems - J. TONG, M. SOBOTKA, W. QIU, B. CHOI, A. KEECH (USA)
- 115 - Protection strategy for HVDC systems with dedicated metallic return (DMR) conductors - V.Pathirana, U. Gnanarathna, O.M.K.K. Nanayakkara (Canada)
- 121 - Delivery of the Nan’ao Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system - G. Bathurst, P. Bordignan (UK, Italy, China)
- 124 - Study on discharge characteristics of DC System in Zhoushan multi-terminal
VSC-HVDC transmission project - LI Xuan, MA Yulong, YUE Bo, MA Weimin, CHEN Dong (China) - 125 - Recent advancements in HVDC VSC systems HVDC and power electronics technology and development - P. Lundberg, A. Gustafsson, M. Jeroense (Sweden)
- 131 - Demonstration of 30kW IGBT LCL DC/DC converter as proof of concept for interconnecting HVDC systems into a future DC grid - S. M. Fazeli, M. Hajian, D. Jovcic (UK)
- 132 - The commutation booster, a new concept to aid commutation in hybrid DC-Breakers - Jesper Magnusson, Robert Saers, and Lars Liljestrand (Sweden)
- 133 - Optimisation of passive system components to minimise DC circuit breaker stresses
in multi-terminal systems - F.P. Page, S.J. Finney, D. Holliday, L. Xu, B.W. Williams,
K. Tahata, M. Sato, R. Yamamoto, H. Ito (UK, Japan) - 134 - A lightweight DC Collection and HVDC transmission system - Equipped with DC-DC converter for offshore wind Farms - K. Sano N. Gibo (Japan)
- 135 - DC circuit breakers for HVDC grid applications - HVDC and power electronics technology and developments - S. Tokoyoda, K. Tahata, K. Kamei, K. Kikuchi, D. Yoshida, S. Oukaili, R. Yamamoto, H. Ito (Japan, UK)
- 142 - Control system interaction in the VSC-HVDC grid connected offshore wind power plant - Jakob Glasdam, Lukasz Hubert Kocewiak, Jesper Hjerrild, Claus Leth Bak (Denmark)
- 143 - Classification of fault clearing strategies for HVDC Grids - W. Leterme, D. Van Hertem (Belgium)
- 144 - Protection scheme for multi-terminal radial VSC HVDC system without communication between terminals - J. I. Marvik, S. D'Arco, K. Sharifabadi (Norway)
- 145 - Calculation of short-circuit currents in multi-terminal HVDC systems based on modular multilevel converters - Andreas Wasserrab, Gerd Balzer (Germany)
- 151 - A technological roadmap for the development of the european supergrid - N. MacLeod, M. Callavik, M. Boden, M. Dhesi, R. Huuva, N. Kuljaca, F. Schettler
- 153 - Impacts of VSC-HVDC on AC grid performance - Ezekiel Muyembe (Zambia)
- 154 - A systematic study on fault currents in multiterminal HVDC grids - M. Heidemann, D. Eichhoff, C. Petino, M. Stumpe, E. Spahic, F. Schettler (Germany)
- 155 - Fast reduction of DC voltage for half-bridge MMC HVDC systems with symmetrical monopole during the non-permanent pole to earth DC fault - M. Salimi, X. Chen, D. Woodford, A. Gole (Canada)
- 161 - Power semiconductors for voltage source converters in HVDC and STATCOM applications - M.J. Heuvelmans, T. Modeer, S. Norrga, H-P. Nee, T. Jonsson (Sweden)
- 162 - A simplified second-order model of a VSC-HVDC link for dynamic studies - IMHOF Markus; IGGLAND Emil; ANDERSSON Göran (Switzerland)
- 163 - A controlled DC fault clearance mechanism for full-bridge MMC VSC converters - C. Karawita, D.H.R. Suriyaarachchi, M. Mohaddes (Canada)
- 164 - Power electronics for HVDC grids – an overview - S. Norrga, L. Ängquist (Sweden), K. Sharifabadi (Norway), X Li (China)
- 165 - Continued operation of multi-terminal HVDC networks - based on modular multilevel converters - G.P. Adam, R. Li, D. Holliday, S. Finney, L. Xu, B.W. Williams, R. Uda, K. Kuroda, R. Yamamoto and H. Ito (UK, Japan)
- 211 - Indicators for the placement of embedded HVDC systems in interconnected AC networks - Hans Barrios, Andreas Roehder, Hendrik Natemeyer, Carola Cieslak (Germany)
- 212 - Aspects of HVDC connections in the Nordic region - J. Lamponen, L. Haarla, R. Hirvonen (Finland)
- 214 - Long-termpPlanning of the European power system considering different HVDC installation costs - P. Wiernes, A. Moser (Germany)
- 215 - Upgrading existing LCC HVDC schemes with VSC technology - R. Valiquette, V. Pathirana
- 221 - Receiving-end power network expansion planning considering large-scale wind power bases integration with HVDC lines - Yi Gao, Jun Li (P.R China)
- 223 - Planning the optimal number and placement of embedded VSC-HVDC links in the German AC transmission grid - H. Pluntke, W. H. Wellssow (Germany)
- 224 - Transmission expansion planning challenges associated to Belo Monte Power Plant’s HVDC link - Marcos Vinícius G. da S. Farinha, Maria de Fátima de Carvalho Gama, Thiago de Faria Rocha Dourado Martins (Brazil)
- 225 - Assessment of the Impact on direct current and alternating current systems following a change of the bulk power system - K. Takada, A. Matsuda, N. Fujioka (Japan)
- 231 - Increasing hosting capacity through dynamic line rating – risk aspects - Nicholas Etherden, Math Bollen, Jonas Tjäder (Sweden)
- Comparison of VTL calculations using Linear and Non-linear method - R. Ramanathan and Anand Popat Brian Tuck (USA)
- 233 - Boosting the grids integration through the evolution of the ancillary service market framework for a smarter management of VRE - E. Elia, P. Portoghese, G. Sommantico, B. Cova, A. Venturini, P. Vicini (Italy)
- 234 - Estimation of system inertia in the nordic power system using measured frequency disturbances - M. Kuivaniemi, M. Laasonen, K. Elkington, A. Danell, N. Modig, A.I. Bruseth, E.A. Jansson, E. Ørum (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark)
- 235 - Methodology and case study for deciding on optimum station transformer replacement timing - David Curtis, Yury Tsimberg (Canada)
- 241 - Experience with using PMU data for online monitoring of sub-synchronous resonance - Sebastian Bengtsson, Sture Holmström, Moustafa Chenine and Michael Jarl (Sweden)
- 242 - Real time testing of dynamic security assessment algorithms - J. Geeganage and U. D. Annakkage, T. Weekes and B. A. Archer, H. Meiklejohn (Canada)
- 243 - A simulation based study on the effect of data dropout on the performance of synchrophasor based power system stabilizer - A. I. Konara, U. D. Annakkage (Canada)
- 244 - An oscillation monitoring algorithm to monitor power system oscillations using synchronized phasor measurements - D. P. Wadduwage, U. D. Annakkage,K. Narendra (Canada)
- 245 - Investigating distance relay behaviour on an EHV AC lines connected with voltage source converter based HVDC - M.M. Alam, H. Leite, A.S. Carvalho (Portugal)
- 251 - Using transfer impedances to study harmonic resonances due to AC cables in a transmission system - Math Bollen, Susanne Ackeby, Hanna Jansson, Mattias Jonsson (Sweden)
- 252 - CIGRE/CIRED Working Group C4.24 – Power quality and EMC issues associated with future electricity networks – status report - Math BOLLEN and Sarah RÖNNBERG (Sweden), Sasa DJOKIC (UK), Francisc ZAVODA (Canada), Ratan DAS (USA), Jin Zhong (Hong Kong), Mark Halpin (USA)
- 253 - Potential electromagnetic interference between long wave radio services and overhead transmission lines caused by operation of high voltage direct current voltage source converters (HVDC-VSC) – a first estimation - K. Hermanns, G. Griepentrog
- 254 - A study on electric and Magnetic field effects between EHV AC and DC Lines and its
impact on substation equipment - D. Maheswaran, G. Somasundram (India) - 255 - Measurement of transient voltages in a substation - J. Plesch, E. Sperling, G. Achleitner, S. Pack (Austria)
- 262 - Standard model structures for power flow and stability analysis of HVDC systems in transmission planning studies – A WECC task force effort - Topic: SC C4 - system technical performance; modeling - P. Pourbeik, Y. Kazachkov, J. Senthil, D. Dickmander, J. Sanchez-Gasca, W. Price J. Weber, D. Davies (USA)
- 263 - Analysis of the AC polish power system impact on the HVDC SwePol link operation - M. Przygrodzki, P. Rzepka, M. Szablicki (Poland)
- 264 - Fault clearing strategies in a multi-terminal HVDC grid with integrated DC circuit breaker - S. Wenig, R. Sander, A. Frank, M. Suriyah, T. Leibfried (Germany)
- 265 - Analysis of corona effects, electric field, audible noise & radio interference of ±800 kV HVDC 3000MW Champa-Kurukshetra bipolar station for busbar design - Mr. Purshottam Kalky, Mr. Amit Kothari (India)
- 311 - Capacity remuneration mechanisms – Implementations in europe and implications for the european internal energy market - Hanspeter Höschle (Belgium)
- 312 - Optimal dynamic capacity allocation of HVDC interconnections for cross-border exchange of balancing services in presence of uncertainty - S. Delikaraoglou, P. Pinson, R. Eriksson, T. Weckesser (Denmark)
- 314 - Network operation hierarchies in a transcontinental electricity system - G. Hawker, K. Bell (United Kingdom)
- 322 - Market price signals and regulated frameworks for coordination of transmission investments - F. Regairaz, M.R. Hesamzadeh, A. Di Caprio, A. Balkwill, F-P. Hansen, J. Riesz (France, Sweden, United States, Great Britain, Germany, Australia)
- 323 - India-Bangladesh cross border exchanges through high voltage direct current (HVDC) back-to-back station - A Success Story - S. K. Soonee, V. K Agrawal, S. R. Narasimhan (India), Tapan Kumar Roy, Premendra Kumar Roy (Bangladesh)
- 324 - Electricity market challenges under HVDC multi bipoles and multi vendors environment : experience observations in Brazil - M. Szechtmann, D.O. C. Brasil (Brazil)
- 325 - Developing and integrating Africa’s regional electricity systems and markets using VSC-HVDC - L. E. Jones, N.M. Kirby (USA)
- 331 - Multi-terminal DC system line protection requirement and high speed protection solutions - Jianping Wang, Bertil Berggren, Kerstin Linden (Sweden), Jiuping Pan, Reynaldo Nuqui (USA)
- 332 - System protection during contact faults in hybrid AC/DC transmission systems - C. Petino, D. Eichhoff, P. Tunnerhoff, A. Schnettler (Germany)
- 333 - Communication-free control solutions for grid code compatibility of HVDC grids with offshore wind farms - C. L. Moreira, B. Silva (Portugal)
- 334 - Investigation of the influence of embedded VSC-HVDC transmission on power system stability - P. Chodura, R. De Graaff, M. Gibescu, W.L. Kling (The Netherlands)
- 341 - Developing a concept for coordinated operation of embedded HVDC with regard to active power – What is important to System Operators ? - D. Andreas, T. Ringelband, J. Schafer, M. Thiele (Germany)
- 342 - Optimal Operation Strategy for VSC HVDC Links within an Interconnected Power System - K. Frey, K. Rudion, J. Christian (Germany)
- 343 - Fast local converter set point adaption after AC grid disturbances based on a priori optimisation - A.-K. Marten, F. Sass, D.Westermann (Germany)
- 344 - Role of smart grid technology and corrective control in enhancing network capacity utilisation in great britain with HVDC links - HVDC AC-DC systems – operation and control - impact on the protection of AC networks with large scale HVDC systems; i.e. special protection schemes - Y. Pipelzadeh, R. Moreno, B.Chaudhuri, G. Strbac, T.C. Green (United Kingdom, Chile)
- 345 - The France – Spain HVDC link project – Operational challenges Hybrid AC-DC Systems - Operation and Control - System Technical Performance - J. Bola, R. Rivas, R. Fernandez-Alonso, G. Perez, G. Lemarchand, A. Parisot, J. Roguin (Spain, France)
- 351 - Dynamic interactions between asynchronous grids interconnected through an
MTDC system - A. G. Endegnanew, J. Beerten, K. Uhlen (Norway, Belgium) - 352 - Hybrid grid operation in indian power system - T.Muthu Kumar, P.R.Raghuram, S.P.Kumar, S.R.Narasimhan
- 353 - Development of Imbalance Netting via HVDC Lines between two synchronous areas exemplified by Germany and Nordic - M. Maurer, P.Zolotarev (Germany)
- 354 - Monitoring the performance of the generating units contributing to frequency and voltage control in the Norwegian Power System - O. Gjerde (Norway), D. Whitley (Norway), P. Bertolini (France)
- 355 - TSO Pan-European co-operation and further steps and initiatives to strengthen the power system security with ENTSO-E-wide awareness system (EAS) - Christer Norlander (Sweden), Tudal Loxq (France), Jens Albercht (Germany)
- 361 - HVDC grid controller - E. Hohenberg, M. Zeller, D. Varma, E. Spahic, F. Schettler (Germany)
- 362 - Distributed voltage control and fault management of star-connected Multi-terminal VSC MMC systems - K.Vennemann, D. Meyer, C. Heising, V. Staudt, K. Kleinekorte (Germany)
- 363 - Overview of a hierarchical controller structure for multi-Terminal HVDC grid - Wiget Roger; Imhof Markus; Bucher Matthias; Andersson Göran (Switzerland)
- 364 - Disturbance management in a DC grid using a hierarchical control structure hybrid AC-DC systems – operation and control - E. Karatsivos, J. Svensson, O. Samuelsson (Sweden)
- 365 - Real-time implementation of optimal power flow calculator for HVDC grids - Muhammad Hassan Fidai, Davood Babazadeh, Jonathan Hanning, Tomas X. Larsson, Lars Nordström (Sweden)
Additional informations
Publication type | Symposia |
Reference | SYMP_LUN_2015 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE |
Price for non member | 80 € |
Price for member | Free |