This set includes :
- the papers discussed at the 2004 Session. Following the organisation set-up, the papers are listed under the respective Discussion Groups and, witin each Group, under the corresponding Preferential Subjects. In 2004, 16 Discussion Group meetings were held who altogether handled 45 PreferentialSubjects. The total number of papers discussed was 344.
- The 2004 Proceedings comprise the following :
- The opening Addresses
- Contributions and reports relevant to the Panel Discussions
- For each Group : The Special Report, the contributions to the discussions and the General Report
- List of contributors
- List of Session Delegates
Please contact the Publications Team to select the papers:
- A1-101 Influence of special short circuit on electrical generator design
- A1-102 Modeling and dynamic simulation of induction machine under mixed eccentricity conditions using winding function
- A1-103 Two-axis excited turbo-generator development in Russia to meet some modern electric power industry requirements
- A1-104 Design and test features of generators with middle outputs
- A1-105 New development in the design of generators for nuclear plants with reliability target / Nouveau développement orienté fiabilité dans la conception d'alternateurs pour le Nucléaire
- A1-106 The world's largest capacity turbine generators with indirect hydrogen-cooling
- A1-107 Performance evaluation and measurement of the 250-MVA class air-cooled turbo generator
- A1-108 Conversion of a commutator exciter into a brushless exciter : benefits, design and achievements / Conversion d'une excitatrice à commutateurs en excitatrice à diodes tournantes : avantages, conception et réalisations
- A1-201 Experiences of stator conductor oxidation build up for 500 MW generators
- A1-202 Asset management practices for Australian turbo-generators
- A1-203 Determination of the actual PQ diagram of the hydrogenerators, being in service, in order to establish their maximum operating domains and their capacity to provide system services
- A1-204 Thermal evaluation of air cooled generators to investigate the generator rotor overheating - a pre-rewind evaluation case study
- A1-205 Failure analysis of a 360 MW power unit generator
- A1-206 Eletronorte Tucurui hydro plant expansion and modernization
- A1-207 Study and development of on-line monitoring system for a KEPCO pumped storage generator/motor
- A1-208 Stator deformation of large hydrogenerators and its effects on the machines
- A1-209 Experiences in identification of partial discharge patterns in large hydrogenerators
- A2-101 Thermal analysis of oil cooled transformer
- A2-102 Requirements for operation of transformers beyond nameplate rating - Australian and New Zealand experience
- A2-103 Power transformer refurbishment : the benefits of hybrid insulation
- A2-104 Estimation and minimization techniques of transformer tank losses
- A2-105 Thermal performance of power transformers : thermal calculation tools focused on new operating requirements / Comportement thermique des transformateurs : des outils de calcul thermique adaptés aux nouvelles exigences d'exploitation
- A2-106 Temperature measurement of primary windings transformers in the hydro-electric power plant ' Djerdap 1' rated 380 MVA, 2 x 15,75 kV/420 kV, d5/d5/YN, OFWF, under load after 30 years operation
- A2-107 New developments in transformer cooling calculations
- A2-201 Integrated programme of diagnostics, decontamination and detoxification of fleets of transformers immersed in oil
- A2-202 Transformer condition assessment experiences using automated on-line dissolved gas analysis
- A2-203 On-site repair, refurbishment and high voltage tests of large power transformers in the transmission grid
- A2-204 New concepts for prevention of ageing by means of on-line degassing and drying and hermetically sealing of power transformers
- A2-205 Practical experience with the drying of power transformers in the field, applying the LFH (Low Frequency Heating) technology
- A2-206 Experiences in managing transformers through maintenance operations and monitoring systems
- A2-207 Application of modern techniques for the condition assessment of power transformers
- A2-208 On-site processing of insulation system of large power transformers and hot-spot computer determination
- A2-209 Site maintenance operations on oil-immersed transformers and the state of renewal for low-cost operations in Japan
- A2-210 On site repair of a HVDC transformer
- A2-211 On site tests of HV power transformers
- A2-212 The repair of power transformers with a long service life
- A3-101 Hybrid chamber with vacuum and gas interrupters for high voltage circuit-breakers / Disjoncteur hybride à haute tension avec une coupure dans le vide et une coupure par soufflage de gaz
- A3-102 PCB Rogowski coils - High precision low power sensors
- A3-103 Long-term dielectric strength of cast epoxy and composite insulators
- A3-104 Optimized use of HV composite apparatus insulators: field experience from coastal and inland test stations
- A3-105 Modern ZnO surge arresters under short-circuit current stresses: test experiences and critical review of the IEC standard
- A3-106 The merging of an accurate servo controlled motor with a reliable spring operating mechanism
- A3-107 Increased performance of capacitor bank circuit breakers by controlled opening
- A3-108 Test and application of non-conventional multi-purpose voltage and current transducers
- A3-109 Novel application of optical current and voltage transducers on high voltage switchgear
- A3-110 Long term performance of polymer housed MO-surge arresters
- A3-111 Field experience with high voltage combined optical voltage and current transducers
- A3-112 A new measurement method of the dynamic contact resistance of HV circuit breakers
- A3-113 Metrological properties of high voltage instrument transformers after many years' service
- A3-114 Factory and field testing of controlled switching systems and their service experience
- A3-115 An algorithm for the three-pole controlled auto-reclosing of shunt compensated transmission lines with an optimisation for the second and third pole
- A3-201 Applications of disconnecting circuit-breakers
- A3-301 Current interruption with high voltage air-break disconnectors
- A3-302 Consequences of the voltage stresses imposed on step-up transformers due to the use of generator circuit-breakers
- A3-303 Assessment of non-sustained disruptive discharges (NSDD) in switchgear. Test experience and standardisation status
- A3-304 The statistics behind the electrical endurance type test for HV circuit-breakers applied by CIGRE SC A3/ WG A3.08 and IEC SC 17A / WG29
- A3-305 Evaluation of failure data of HV circuit-breakers for condition based maintenance
- A3-306 Failures of voltage grading capacitors in GIS circuit breakers
- A3-307 Features, technical problems and applications of surge arresters using high gradient zinc-oxide elements
- A3-308 High speed grounding switch for extra high voltage lines
- B1-101 Current cable practices in power utilities . A report on the recent AORC-CIGRE Panel Regional workshop in Malaysia
- B1-102 EHV XLPE cable systems up to 400 kV - more than 10 years field experience
- B1-103 New generation of GIL - Characteristics and applications
- B1-104 Testing of extruded cables : experience in type testing, PQ testing and test after installation. What do we learn from it ?
- B1-105 Development of high stress XLPE cable system
- B1-106 On-site PD detection at cross-bonding links of HV cables
- B1-107 550 kV Gas Insulated Transmission line for high power rating in Thailand
- B1-108 1600 MVA electrical power transmission with an EHV XLPE cable system in the underground of London
- B1-109 Entirely synthetic terminations for very high voltage cables / Extrémités entièrement synthétiques pour câbles à très haute tension
- B1-110 Trends in degradation diagnostic technique for XLPE cables in Japan
- B1-111 Higher stress designed XLPE insulated cable in Japan
- B1-112 SLIM cables, compact, cross-bonding and corrected distance protection
- B1-201 Improved operation of cables connecting offshore wind farms to the power grid
- B1-301 Strategic sharing of pipeline assets and rights of ways with underground power cables and optical fibre cables
- B1-302 330 kV cable system for the MetroGrid project in Sydney Australia
- B1-303 Modern installation techniques of high voltage cable systems in the Netherlands
- B1-304 Long length EHV underground cable systems in the transmission network
- B1-305 Double 150 kV link, 32km long, in Belgium : design and construction
- B1-306 Power transmission over long distances with cables
- B2-101 Field trials of fibre optic current transducers in high voltage networks
- B2-102 Development and application methodology for revitalization of overhead lines
- B2-201 Description and evaluation of options relating to uprating of overhead transmission lines
- B2-202 The influence of conductor sag on spatial distribution of transmission line magnetic field
- B2-203 Refurbishment of existing overhead transmission lines
- B2-204 Condition assessment of overhead lines
- B2-205 Uprating of OHTL on the base of verification of component condition and indirect determination of conductor temperature
- B2-206 Increase in transmission capacity in high-voltage power lines on the levante (Eastern Spain) coastal path
- B2-207 Finnish and Slovene experience of covered conductor overhead lines
- B2-208 The application of the RCM method to RTE overhead transmission lines / Application de l'O.M.F. aux liaisons aériennes à RTE
- B2-209 A method for expanding the current capacity of overhead transmission lines
- B2-301 Improving double circuit transmission line reliability through lightning design
- B2-302 Methods for limiting radio interference from EHV OHL insulator sets
- B2-303 Diagnostics and removal of optical cables and insulators failures on overhead lines
- B2-304 Further developments of compact lines for 420 kV with silicone insulators and their advantages for applications in emergency restoration systems
- B2-305 New type of tower for overhead lines
- B2-306 Mechanism of AC flashover during live line washing of polluted insulators
- B2-307 An economic strengthening of overhead lattice towers to resist storms and seismic loads
- B2-308 Testing and numerical simulation of overhead transmission line dynamics under component failure conditions / Lignes aériennes de transport - Simulation numérique et réalisation d'essais de comportement dynamique
- B2-309 New 735 kV semi-urban line with high mechanical reliability / Nouvelle ligne périurbaine à 735 kV à haute tenue mécanique
- B2-310 Development of assessment technology on the life-time of burned ACSR conductor
- B2-311 On-line partial discharge monitoring of 110 kV and 20 kV covered conductor lines
- B2-312 Limiting windstorm effects on tower by a 'low drag' conductor
- B2-313 Corrosion protection of steel towers and camouflage of lines using the duplex system
- B2-314 Measurements on aeolian vibrations on a 3 km fjord crossing with fibre optic Bragg grating sensors
- B2-315 Development of 'pre-stretch' type up-rating conductor to realise cost reductions
- B2-316 Improved performance of OPGW under lightning discharges in Brazilian regions with a high keraunic level
- B2-317 The approach to thermal uprating of transmission lines in the UK
- B3-101 Strategies for optimising the use of substation assets
- B3-102 The Romanian experience regarding the risk of management in the operation and maintenance of large
- power transformers in HV substations
- B3-103 Use of steam to de-ice energized substation disconnectors
- B3-104 Improvement in the substation assets exploitation by an innovative system relating events from SCADA and LLS in a GIS domain, taking advantage of modern technologies
- B3-105 Reliability centered maintenance of substation equipment in Fingrid Oyj
- B3-106 Outsourcing of maintenance - A review of world experience
- B3-107 Short-circuit mechanical effects on outdoor HV substations with wide bundling
- B3-108 Dynamic thermal rating of substation terminal equipment
- B3-109 A straightforward method to the reliability evaluation of bulk power system substation schemes
- B3-110 Refurbishment of secondary systems in high voltage substations - Lessons learned in Venezuela
- B3-201 Improving the visual impact of existing substations on environment
- B3-202 Computation and measurement of electromagnetic interference generated during switching events in a GIS
- B3-203 A compact high capacity 330 kV substation for the Sydney central business district
- B3-204 Mixed technology HV switchgear and substations optimised service strategies
- B3-205 IEC 61850 based digital communication as interface to the primary equipment
- B3-206 The use of standard bay designs to achieve lifecycle efficiencies within National Grid Transco
- B3-207 Innovative substations required for the current Spanish market
- B3-208 Impact of new functionalities on substation design
- B3-209 Knowledge base approach in relation to risk management of distribution and transmission assets
- B3-210 Technical considerations regarding the design and installation of mobile substations
- B3-211 The advantages of integrated solutions for turnkey markets / Les avantages des solutions intégrées pour les marchés clé en main
- B3-212 Optimization of substation assets by reviewing dynamic loading criteria
- B3-213 Activities for huge SF6 emission reduction in Japan
- B3-214 Improvements on high voltage electrical substations to face the new Brazilian legislation
- B3-215 Application of gas-insulated modules (GIM) to EHV substations
- B3-216 The gas insulated switchgear rated for 800 kV
- B4-101 Influence of HVDC operation on deregulated markets Nalin
- B4-102 Cross sound cable project second generation VSC technology for HVDC
- B4-103 MurrayLink, the longest underground HVDC cable in the world
- B4-104 Benefits of similar HVDC bipoles from Three Gorges power generation complex
- B4-105 Analysis of possible enhancement of transmission capacity while conversing 220 kV alternating current overhead lines into direct current lines
- B4-106 Applications of HVDC for large power system interconnections
- B4-201 A survey of the reliability of HVDC systems throughout the world during 2001-2002
- B4-202 Application of the Grid Power Flow Controller (GPFC) in a back to back project
- B4-203 Nelson River Pole 2 mercury arc valve replacement
- B4-204 Power system stability benefits with VSC DC transmission systems
- B4-205 Optimal location and coordinated control of FACTS devices in the Swiss power system
- B4-206 Feasibility of a new long distance submarine HVDC link between Sardinia Island and Italian Peninsula (SAPEI)
- B4-207 Konti-Skan 1 HVDC pole replacement
- B4-208 System benefits derived from the 500 MW back to back HVDC scheme at Sasaram, India
- B4-209 SCCL- A new type of FACTS based short-circuit current limiter for application in high voltage systems
- B4-210 New application of voltage source converter (VSC) HVDC to be installed on the gas platform Troll A
- B4-211 Commissioning and testing of the KangJin UPFC in Korea
- B4-212 Operating experiences and results of on-line extinction angle control in Kii channel HVDC link
- B4-213 A study of the impact of FACTS devices on Southern Brazil transmission system
- B4-214 Complex solution of the task in order to increase the throughput capacity of power transmission lines between the power systems of Nordic countries and Russia
- B4-301 Utilization of power electronic for the improvement of electrical power quality
- B4-302 Development and testing of ride-through capability solutions for a wind turbine with doubly fed induction
- generator using VSC transmission
- B4-303 Design of Korea custom power plaza for the evaluation of custom power devices
- B4-304 Hybrid HVDC for the supply of power to offshore oil platforms
- B4-305 The integration of large scale wind power generation into transmission networks using power electroniccs
- B4-306 STATCOM for safeguarding of power quality in feeding grid in conjunction with steel plant expansion
- B5-101 Substation control systems - Present practices and future trends
- B5-102 Automated fault analysis using advanced information technology for data integration and information exchange
- B5-103 Design of IEC 61850 based substation automation systems according to customer requirements
- B5-104 Incremental implementation of a utility-wide protection information system
- B5-105 IT security for utility automation Systems
- B5-106 EHV transmission lines shunt compensation effect on line protection and system automation
- B5-107 Use of a numerical control system to implement an underfrequency load shedding and restoration scheme
- B5-108 Development of the remote monitoring and diagnosis system for high voltage substation
- B5-109 Concepts for intelligent monitoring and control of power grids by use of new measurement technologies
- B5-110 Concept and first implementation of IEC 61850
- B5-111 Application of Intranet technologies for power system protection
- B5-112 Economic benefits by the use of function analysis as maintenance and investment methodology in the primary and secondary system in high voltage substations
- B5-113 Procedure for automatic restoration of power systems : a case applied to the BOA VISTA substation
- B5-201 The design audit in the qualification process of protections and programmable controllers / L'audit de conception dans la qualification des protections et automates programmables industriels
- B5-202 Automated setting of relays for transmission line pilot protection
- B5-203 A stepped-event technique for simulating protection system responses
- B5-204 INTERUCA Project : UCA Interoperability for distributed control within electrical substations
- B5-205 Operation rules determined by risk analysis for special protection systems at Hydro Québec
- B5-206 The challenges met during protection relay certification
- B5-207 Protection system database
- B5-208 Automated relay setting and protection database management system
- B5-209 Integrating protection engineering and management tools for utility practices
- C1-101 Transmission expansion challenges for the electrical power industry in Mexico under a competitive environment
- C1-102 The Mexican electric system : system expansion planning and restructuring activities
- C1-103 Modeling of power systems expansion and estimation of system efficiency of their integration in the liberalized environment
- C1-104 The current challenges of asset management : RTE's approach / Les défis actuels de la gestion du patrimoine des réseaux de transport : l'approche de RTE
- C1-105 MBI : A maintenance management system for high voltage transmission grids
- C1-106 Asset management investment decision processes
- C1-107 The practical application of aerial laser survey data to enhance the security of supply of a power transmission network
- C1-108 Assessing the impact of maintenance strategies on supply reliability in asset management methods
- C1-109 Separation of operation and maintenance
- C1-110 The development of a composite transmission electrical network utilisation comparative study index
- C1-201 Assessment of system adequacy : a new monitoring tool
- C1-202 Integration of planning models in the restructured electricity sector in Egypt - A case study for resource plan integration and ANN-based evaluation
- C1-203 Fast topology detection based on open line detection relays, a strategic function in power system protection
- C1-204 Impact of wind energy generation on the safety of the electrical transmission network
- C1-205 Technical challenges set by the closure of the Mediterranean ring from the dynamic security point of view
- C1-206 Large scale integration of wind power and the impact on power systems
- C1-207 Transmission capacity increase by returning power system stabilizers
- C1-208 New trends for the assessment of power system security under uncertainty
- C1-209 Operating the power system closer to technical limits: The Brazilian experience
- C1-210 Use of synchronized phasor measurement system for enhancing AC-DC power system transmission reliability and capability
- C1-301 The impact of electricity market operations on the utilisation of an interconnected transmission system
- C1-302 Analyses-based managerial decision making when securing the required reliability level of electric networks in a liberalized environment
- C1-303 Enhancing the reliability of central and southeastern European network
- C1-304 Methodology and software for evaluation of transmission development options under market conditions
- C1-305 Probabilistic methodology to determine the impact of interconnections on the reliability worth of power
- transmission networks in a competitive electrical energy market
- C1-306 Application of a long term planning tool to define a generation and interconnection expansion plan for the
- Brazilian system
- C1-307 The power system model (PSM) concept - An innovative integrated methodology for grid planning
- C1-308 Management of transmission capacity and access : impact on system development
- C1-309 IT development to support electricity markets and system operation
- CI-310 Evaluation of power system reliability : adequacy and security considerations
- C2-101 SIPREOLICO - a wind power prediction tool for the Spanish peninsular power system
- C2-102 Common Nordic balance management
- C2-103 Prévisions des pertes électriques sur le réseau THT et HT français
- C2-104 The electricity market in Poland - recent advances
- C2-105 Dual electric power supply with increasing wind power generation, requirement for an advanced secondary control concept
- C2-201 Evaluation methods and key performance indicators for transmission maintenance
- C2-202 Cross-border power flows coordination and adaptation of transmission constraints
- C2-203 Dynamic performance assessment of the Egyptian thermal generating power units to improve the power system behaviour
- C2-204 LIMSEL - Un système temps réel efficace pour la surveillance et le contrôle de la fiabilité du réseau
- C2-205 Analysis and solution of technical constraints in the Spanish electricity market
- C2-206 High voltage series reactors for load flow control
- C2-207 Phase shifting transformers installed in the Netherlands in order to increase available international transmission capacity
- C2-208 A dynamic optimization approach for wide-area control of transient phenomena
- C2-209 Automatic cross-border transmission capacity assessment in the open electricity market environment
- C2-210 Brazilian experience with system protection schemes
- C2-211 Intelligent load shedding to counteract power system instability
- C2-212 New trends for the assessment of power system security under uncertainty
- C2-301 Principles of power system emergency control under deregulated electricity market : their application for
- reconstruction of the Siberian regional control center
- C2-302 New energy management system at ESB National Grid
- C2-303 Consequences of control centre re-organization for operators and their performance
- C2-304 Integrated information system for the SIEPAC regional electricity market
- C2-305 Identification of data flows between power stations and the system
- C2-306 Collaboration between European transmission system operators for day ahead congestion forecast
- C2-307 The data warehouse for the multiple control centers transmission system operator
- C2-308 The merger of BEWAG, HEW and VEAG control centres into a common control centre of Vattenfall Europe transmission - Practical experiences
- C2-309 Restructuring of the Swedish National Grid control centres
- C2-310 Development of an intranet-oriented SCADA system with highly scalable architecture
- C2-311 Using internet resources in Brazilian real time operation drills
- C2-312 Control centre structures for the competitive environment - Brazilian power transmission company experience in the North/Northeast and North/South interconnected system
- C3-101 Impact of the environmental design for switchgear applications of high voltage substations / Impact de la
- conception environnementale dans les applications d'appareillage de postes à haute tension
- C3-102 Electrical power supply using SF6 technology - an ecological life cycle assessment
- C3-103 Electric restructuring and environment
- C3-104 Analysis of social / environmental risks involved in hydropower projects
- C3-105 Emission and dispersion model of Nox from thermal power plants as a tool of insertion and regional sustainable of air quality
- C3-201 The Egyptian experience with sustainable development in the electricity sector
- C3-202 Assessment of the electric and magnetic field levels in the vicinity of the HV overhead power lines in Belgium
- C3-203 RTE's environmental policy and practical provisions regarding the development of the electricity transmission grid / Politique environnement de RTE et dispositions pratiques de mise en oeuvre pour le développement du réseau de transport d'électricité
- C3-204 Electric power supply and global warming
- C3-205 Environmental management of transmission lines
- C3-206 Analysis of Italian electrical system scenarios and the challenge of sustainability
- C4-101 A modified nodal formulation for power systems parametric sensitivity analysis
- C4-102 A new power definition in harmonic distorted power systems
- C4-103 A joint Power Quality project between Swedish network utilities and industrial customers
- C4-104 Monitoring of power quality disturbances in the Egyptian power network using wavelet based neural classifier
- C4-105 Development of the TNB system-wide power quality monitoring system
- C4-106 Power quality monitoring of electrified railway system in Malaysia
- C4-107 Voltage dips and short interruptions - Different strategies in contract for the electric power supply
- C4-108 Power quality measurement instrumentation : comprehensive field campaign and laboratory tests
- C4-109 Probability distribution of the sag performance of some Brazilian network busbars
- C4-110 Power quality management in a regulated environment : the South African experience
- C4-201 Consideration of magnetic field levels in designing transmission lines and substations for residentially crowded areas in Egypt
- C4-202 Electric field induced voltages on metallic storage tanks near HV transmission lines
- C4-203 Overhead power lines and the environment : advanced design computer programs including magnetic field assessment and control tools
- C4-204 Characteristic features of low frequency radiated disturbances in air-insulated substations
- C4-205 A systematic approach to electromagnetic compatibility analysis and design in utility systems / Une approche systématique en compatibilité électromagnétique pour l'analyse et la conception des réseaux
- C4-301 Experimental evaluation of transferred surges in MV transformers from HV/LV
- C4-302 Lightning studies of transmission lines using the EMTP
- C4-303 Lightning induced voltages on overhead distribution lines : theoretical and experimental investigation of related problems and their impact on power quality
- C4-304 Statistics of lightning occurrence and lightning current's parameters obtained through lightning location systems
- C4-305 Lightning protection of pole-mounted transformer on Japanese MV lines
- C4-306 High frequency grounding performance of metal sheathed distribution cables
- C4-401 Pollution measurement based on DDG method for different types of insulator profile
- C4-402 The field test and computer simulation on the inrush current and circulating current of KEPCO's 765 kV transformer
- C5-101 An analytical model for the economic assessment of RTO/SMD implementation in the US
- C5-102 The Brazilian electricity market learning some lessons and assuring a stronger market design
- C5-103 The regional electricity market of Central America
- C5-104 Formation of interstate electricity market of the Commonwealth in independent states
- C5-105 Market design for a high growth transitional electricity sector
- C5-106 Implementation aspects of power exchanges
- C5-107 Imbalance settlement and the balancing mechanism are essential instruments for the proper working of an electricity market, and prerequisites for emerging markets / Traitement des écarts et mécanisme d'ajustement en tant que dispositifs essentiels au fonctionnement d'un marché de l'électricité, en particulier présmisses indispensables pour les marchés émergents
- C5-108 Transmission pricing for cross border trade of electricity : a conceptual model for inter TSO compensation
- C5-109 Alternative model for area price determination in the Nordic system
- C5-110 Congestion and risk management : as seen by access clients or by TSO / Gestion des congestions prise sous l'angle du risk management, vu du client ou vu du GRT
- C5-111 Advances in the development of the Iberian power market (MIBEL) model
- C5-201 Energy modulated optimized methodology for electric utilities rates restructure
- C5-202 Examples of the use of management contracts in the transmission sector
- C5-203 Regulating electricity distribution business in Finland
- C5-204 The analysis of the cross border capacity allocation in the Benelux region
- C5-205 Electric power system operating standards - a search for justification
- C5-206 Dealing with uncertainties for an allocation of transmission rights
- C5-207 Evaluating the new challenges in business relationships between new enterprises and Furnas transmission system
- C5-208 The role of large consumers in the Brazilian power markets - Issues and solutions
- C5-209 Assessment of transmission pricing schemes based on shortterm marginal costs
- C5-301 Risk transformation for market facing generators
- C6-101 Distributed generation business modelling. BUSMOD Project
- C6-102 ENIRDGnet - European network for integration of renewable sources and distributed generation
- C6-103 Integration of offshore wind farm in the power system
- C6-104 Decision-support information system for evaluating the penetration of dispersed renewable energy sources generation in transmission and distribution networks
- C6-105 Distribution generation impact on ohmic losses and investment deferral in distribution networks
- C6-106 Considerations to the electrical network interaction of 6 000 MW offshore wind parks in the Netherlands in 2020
- C6-107 Influence of increased wind energy infeed on the transmission network
- C6-108 Development of autonomous demand area power system
- C6-109 Development of advanced systems corresponding to the connection of dispersed generation to distribution system in Tokyo Electric Power Company
- C6-110 Technical-economic and environmental study of the wind project La Venta II
- C6-201 New solutions for power quality problems due to a large share of wind power generation
- C6-202 Wind energy impact on the reliability of composite power system in restructured electricity market
- C6-203 Modelling of micro-sources for security studies
- C6-204 Security and economic impacts of high wind power penetration in island systems
- C6-205 Impact of large scale distributed and unpredictable generation on voltage and angle stability of transmission system
- C6-206 Advanced planning and operation of dispersed generation ensuring power quality, security and efficiency in distribution systems
- C6-207 Investigation of large scale wind power in power systems: impact on frequency control and voltage fluctuation
- C6-301 Rural electrification in developing countries with the shield wire scheme. Applications in Laos
- C6-302 Cost effective electrification in South Africa : load matching and technical developments
- D1-101 Electrochemical behavior of vanadium electrolyte for vanadium redox battery - A new technology for large scale energy storage systems
- D1-102 First steps in hydrogen production from wind energy in Greece
- D1-103 Development of large-scale lithium ion batteries for energy storage
- D1-201 N2/SF6 mixtures for gas insulated systems
- D1-202 Vegetable oils as substitute for mineral insulating oils in medium-voltage equipments
- D1-203 Factors affecting the choice of insulation system for extruded HVDC power cables
- D1-204 Properties of epoxy-layered silicate nanocomposites
- D1-301 The evaluation of basic methods for HV testing and recent diagnostic methods for HV insulation ageing
- D1-302 Evaluation of the extent of ageing of paper in oil-immersed power transformers
- D1-303 Testing and loss measurement of HV shell-type shuntreactors at very low power factor
- D1-304 A new design concept of hybrid sensor for detecting high frequency partial discharge (HFPD) considering high speed data acquisition by use of DSP and FPGA
- D1-305 A novel approach for the pattern classification of partial discharges in gas-insulated switchgear using a chaotic theory combined with spectral analysis
- D1-306 Condition assessment of high voltage power cables
- D1-307 Belgian experiences with testing using the Thermal Step Method on cables and stator winding insulation in rotating machines
- D1-308 Ultrasonic for quality assessment of HV-joints
- D1-309 Progress in transformer ageing research. Impact of moisture on DP of solid insulation and furane development in oil at transformer service temperatures
- D1-401 Environmental effects on the insulation resistance of composite insulating materials
- D1-402 Diagnostic tool for condition based maintenance of electrical apparatus
- D1-403 Technical trend of superconducting and electrical insulating materials for HTS power applications
- D2-101 Practical experiences from running a large scale SCADA/EMS/BMS project
- D2-102 Operational performance and security implementation in the Italian SCTI control system
- D2-103 The generation coordination system at Vattenfall Sweden
- D2-104 Communication architecture for the new substation of Red Electrica de Espana
- D2-105 Basic concept and verification of distributed real-time computer network architecture for power systems
- D2-106 Using digital certificates to secure the access to RTE's information system / Sécurisation des accès au système d'information de RTE par certificats numériques
- D2-107 DRISS - Customer benefits systematically realized
- D2-201 Data communications in Romanian power network
- D2-202 An analysis on the marketability of broadband powerline communication (PLC) access business
- D2-203 Strategies and access technologies for offering new services to utility consumers in Japan
- D2-204 Telecontrol and telephony on an IP transmission network / Téléconduite et téléphonie sur un réseau de transmission IP
Additional informations
Publication type | Session Materials |
Reference | SESSION2004 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE |
Price for non member | 150 € |
Price for member | Free |