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- Opening Ceremony
- Opening Panel
- Next Generation Network forum
- Women In Energy forum (2 videos)
Study Committee C1
- GDM: Power system development and economics (2 videos)
- Tutorial WG C1.47: Energy sectors integration and impact on power grids (Time code video: 2:11:00)
- Workshop C1/C4: Power system resilience by design
- Workshop C1/C5: Role of Gren H2 in the energy transition and its impacts across the value chain
Documents PDF
- Group Discussion Meeting: Presentations and Text versions
- General Report
- Workshop C1/C5: Role of Gren H2 in the energy transition and its impacts across the value chain
Session Papers & Poster Presentations
- 10198 - Application of Flexible Low Frequency Transmission Technology in Zhejiang Province
- 10207 - Maximum Efficiency Point Tracking Control for the Water Electrolysis System Based on Power Hardware in the Loop
- 10208 - Deep Learning-Based Wind Power Low Output Process Forecast Using CGAN and Convolutional Residual Network
- 10209 - Analysis and prediction of load demand response characteristics based on demand-side data mining
- 10211 - The Power Adequacy and Flexibility Assessment in the Process of Energy Transition in the China’s Power Sector
- 10238 - A Date-driven Planning Method for Regional Hybrid Energy Storage Systems with Decoupled Operation and Planning Stages
- 10266 - The challenges of developing electrolysis for the French electricity system over different time horizons
- 10267 - Modelling flow-based exchange capacities in medium to long-term studies
- 10269 - Scenarios for changes in the needs and means of flexibility
- 10281 - System impacts of IBR power reduction after a short-circuit
- 10369 - How storage is implemented in the network of the major global opera-tors of GO15
- 10370 - An optimization tool for the planning of transmission grid investments and development
- 10371 - Off-shore network development to foster the energy transition
- 10372 - Impact on the power system of the electrification of transport, both light and heavy-duty vehicles
- 10373 - Application of a multi-hazard risk-based Resilience assessment methodology to real cases in the Italian Transmission System
- 10430 - From Resilient and Ready to Used and Useful: Managing Temporal and Locational Uncertainty in Electrification, DER Adoption, and Climate Adaptation
- 10432 - From Regional to Continental Scale System Development: a New Methodological Approach to Studies of an Intercontinental Global Grid
- 10433 - Creating a Sustainable National Electric Infrastructure While Maintaining Reliability and Resiliency of the Grid
- 10434 - Accelerating the Energy Transition: Case Studies and Lessons Learned in the USA
- 10435 - A New Class of Flexibility Products: DER-Provided Reserve Services
- 10437 - Flexible Capacity Expansion Planning for a Decarbonized Market
- 10516 - Optimal power system planning through P2G and P2H system integration and flexibility
- 10539 - Characterisation of Flexibility Resources in Integrated Electrical and Thermal Systems: A Novel Short-term Flexibility Quantification Method
- 10554 - Unlocking the Potential of Distributed Energy Storage Systems for Island Power Systems
- 10614 - Evaluation of Substation Configuration as an Element of Resilience Management in System Development
- 10633 - Planning Tool Integration of Demand Flexibility: Focus on Electric Vehicles
- 10637 - A planning tool for minimizing overloads through active demand and generation response
- 10670 - A Novel Framework for Assessing Reform and Transition of The Electricity Supply Sector in Developing Countries
- 10818 - Metropolitan Area and Regional Power System Planning Approach and Correlation with Energy Sector Integration in Energy Transition Period Based on JWG C1/C4.36 Experience
- 10819 - Changing the Planning Process of Power System of Russia Development to Improve the Accuracy, Efficiency and Openness of Planning at the Time of Energy Transition
- 10889 - Reducing balancing power requirements through the complementarity of RES based technologies in hybrid power system concepts
- 10918 - Competitive Process for Transmission Margin Contracting by Wind and Solar Generators in Brazil's Transmission Network
- 10919 - Challenges and opportunities of massively connecting distributed energy resources in developing countries (Brazil- Cemig Distribuição)
- 10924 - Governance and its importance for the success of an electric power company from the point of view of resilience
- 10925 - Energy Transition – Risks Related to Underestimation of Security Issues
- 10935 - Optimization of Power Utility Portfolio Decarbonisation Pathway - EPBiH Case Study
- 10962 - Long-term Electrical Power Transmission Network Expansion Plan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality Goals Toward 2050 and Its Implementation
- 10963 - Energy Supply Chain from Hydrogen Production to End Use by PtoG for Carbon Neutrality 2050
- 10970 - Flexibility from electric vehicles - residential charging coincidence factors in Norway
- 10971 - A comparative analysis of implicit demand side response among Norwegian electricity consumers during the 2022/23 energy crisis
- 11046 - The Relevance and Importance of the Demand and Consumption Forecast in the Long-Term Planning of Electrical System
- 11103 - Machine Learning Method to Improve Stability Requirements Calculation for the Planning Process
- 11165 - Analysis of the current configuration of the capacity calculation regions – towards possible alternatives
- 11184 - Reliability and Resilience needs for future hybrid AC/DC Grid
- 11246 - Governments’ approaches to drive private investment in renewable energy infrastructure in Australia
- 11346 - The impact of sub-transmission levels’ modelling on congestions’ visualization for European transmission grid calculations – a CIGRE benchmark models study
- 11388 - Battery Energy Storage System Techno-Economic Performance to Meet the Grid Flexibility: Case Study of Jordan's Power Sector
- 11389 - Enhancing Grid Stability and Renewable Integration: Examining the Potential of Pumped Hydro Storage as a Key Player in Jordan's Power Sector
- 11392 - Experimental Studies on Jordan's power grid stability with integrated electricity storage systems
- 11447 - Use instead of curtail” in Germany – Power to Heat technology as flexibility for TSOs to optimize RES feed-in and manage congestion
- 11462 - Assessment of the Resilience of the Colombian Electricity Sector
- 11464 - Technical Analysis of Power Flow Control Technologies And dynamic Line Rating in Transmission Systems
- 11498 - Energy Transition and System Strength in the Chilean National Electric System
- 11500 - Long-Term Power Expansion Considering Hydrogen Production
- 11505 - Proposed Methodology for Incorporating Resilience Criteria into Transmission Planning based on Risk Mapping
- 11565 - Future-proof Grid Code for Energy Transition
- 11576 - Improving Distribution Network Climate Resilience Using Statistical Models For Conventional And Technology Agnostic Solutions
- 11581 - Revamping Policy Framework to Facilitate Renewable Energy Integration with the Transmission Network - Indian Perspective
- 11582 - 100% RES Power System Supported by Flexibility Resources
- 11586 - Operational analysis of Purulia Pumped Storage Plant (PPSP) and Maximizing the benefits using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Model from Flexible Operation
- 11591 - Exploring the Interplay between Market-Based Economic Dispatch and Transmission System Planning in the Context of Renewable Energy Integration
- 11601 - Flexibility potential: A building cluster study case
- 11606 - Evaluating Strategic Day-ahead Scheduling of Power-to-Hydrogen Facilities in Power Systems with Pervasive Renewable Energy Integration
- 11625 - Less connection for more security – Novel transmission and power grid design in NEOM grid with 100% renewable
- 11729 - Multi-stage optimisation towards transformation pathways for municipal energy systems
- 11796 - Application of BESS in Power Systems with Challenges of Security, Stability and Flexibility
- 11803 - What are the economic conditions for the feasibility of a low-carbon electricity mix? Profitability and investment considerations for long-term flexibility solutions
- 11805 - An 100% renewable power system through innovative HVDC technology-based power system architecture
- 11819 - Calculation Model of Utilities Green Tariff: A sustainable strategy toward renewable energy adoption for regulated market in Thailand
- 11832 - 30 Years of Reform of the Colombian Electricity Sector: a Macroeconomic Perspective to the Challenges Facing of Energy Transition.
- 11905 - Trends for ensuring the safety of the Romanian Power System
Additional informations
Publication type | Session Materials |
Reference | SESSION_2024_C1 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE |
Study committees |
Price for non member | 150 € |
Price for member | Free |