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- Opening Ceremony
- Opening Panel
- Next Generation Network forum
- Women In Energy forum (2 videos)
Study Committee B2
- GDM: Overhead Lines (2 videos)
- Workshop B2: Corrosion assessment and repair of existing overhead line supports, anchors and foundations
- Tutorial WG B2.77: Risk management of overhead lines networks - "A model for identification, evaluation and mitigation of operational risks" (Time code video 2:10:00)
Documents PDF
- Group Discussion Meeting: Presentations and Text versions
- Tutorial WG B2.77: Risk management of overhead lines networks - "A model for identification, evaluation and mitigation of operational risks"
Session Papers & Poster Presentations
- 10137 - Damage in overhead lines – A tool for lifespan prediction
- 10173 - Application of Phase-to-phase Spacers in Prevention and Control of Ice-Shedding on Compact Transmission Lines
- 10175 - A Forest Fire Target Detection Method Based on YOLOV8
- 10176 - Analysis of lightning strike distribution of typical 500 kV transmission lines based on lightning data and distributed transient traveling wave
- 10178 - Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Grounding Devices for Towers of Overhead Transmission Line
- 10179 - Lightning Risk Assessment Method for Transmission Channel Based on EGM and Numerical Solution
- 10183 - Analysis of ice shedding induced faults of multiple voltage levels overhead lines and its mitigation strategies
- 10184 - Design and experimental analysis of arrester for ± 800kV UHVDC OHL
- 10185 - Development of Galloping Distribution Maps for Overhead Transmission Lines with Specific Return Period in China
- 10186 - Potential Wildfire-induced Tripping Section Assessment of Transmission Line Based on Tree Identification and Flame Combustion
- 10307 - Hurricane IRMA feedback in the French West Indies
- 10313 - HVDC overhead line insulators: basics and performance
- 10314 - Test bench and database for ACSR cable non-destructive testing
- 10327 - Testing the Effectiveness of Covered Conductors for Wildfire Mitigation
- 10336 - AI-Enabled Transmission Line Inspections
- 10359 - Double circuits overhead lines DC + AC: focus on EMF of the pilot project 500kV DC + 132kV AC
- 10360 - The new 500 kV HVDC Italian Overhead Lines
- 10490 - Risk-based after-service Inspections and Testing of overhead Line Composite and Porcelain Insulators for residual Life Assessment
- 10500 - Decision Support Center with Muti-sensory Data for Infrastructure Protection
- 10501 - Defect Analysis of Polymeric High Voltage Insulators: Condition Assessment and Inspection Techniques
- 10502 - On the assessment of electromagnetic interference of overhead lines and underground cables on gas pipelines
- 10522 - Considerations for temporary earthing in compact and heavy loaded OHL
- 10574 - Design Challenges and Recommendations in Uprating the Existing 380 kV Overhead Lines, The Netherlands
- 10608 - A Novel Probe for Non-Contact, In-Situ Assessment of Solar Absorptivity: The Special Case of ACSR Conductors
- 10618 - Use of insulating towers in high voltage transmission lines: effect of grounding elimination on lightning performance
- 10620 - Nodes-based connection system for the cost-effective assembly of tubular lattice towers
- 10621 - Integrated system for work at height safety management
- 10705 - Experience with Satellite Imagery for Maintenance of OHL Lines
- 10735 - Influence of Acid Attack on the Hydrophobicity of HTV Silicone Rubber on Composite Insulators
- 10736 - Combined Effects of Audible Noise Mitigation Measures for OHLs by Surface Treatments and Enlargement of Conductor Diameter
- 10766 - 500 kV Paranaíba OHL - A HSIL line with high transmission capacity: Design, construction and performance report
- 10768 - Monitoring Overhead Lines through images from nanosatellites
- 10778 - Atmospheric weathering and corrosion, in a tropical country such as Brazil, in the maintenance costs of metallic materials in power transmission lines
- 10790 - Real-time Continuous Remote Wire Condition Monitoring System for Evaluation of Overhead Line Capacity
- 10884 - Multiphysics OHL modeling
- 10900 - Maximizing power transfer and RES integration using Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) - Ireland TSO experience
- 10912 - A Data-Driven Machine Learning Framework for Day-ahead Estimation of Dynamic Line Rating in Power Systems
- 10921 - Hyperspectral Imaging for the Corrosion Detection on Metallic Lattice Towers
- 10928 - Evolution, State of the Art and Future Development Trends in Composite Insulated Cross-arm Technology
- 10954 - Predicting Capacity Gains from Dynamic Line Rating prior to Sensor Deployment
- 10957 - High temperature low sag conductors in high ice load regions
- 10973 - Development of the design and construction method for newly constructing a slim tower inside an existing 275 kV tower
- 10977 - Efficacy of introducing a DLR system for the operation of an overhead line connected with high power photovoltaic facilities
- 10979 - Development of steel tower reinforcement method using flat bar and steel tower repair method using carbon fiber
- 10980 - Development of automated inspection technology for overhead transmission lines using drones
- 10981 - Field Experience and Maintenance Assessment of RTV Coated Cap and Pin Insulators in Japan
- 10982 - Packed Snow Accretion on Overhead Transmission Line Insulators - Field Monitoring and Snow Conductivity Measurement using Atmospheric Corrosion Monitor -
- 10983 - Design and verification of countermeasure against snow accumulation on transmission towers
- 10986 - Mechanism Clarification of Insulating Performance Decreasing by Aging of Polymer Insulators for Overhead Transmission Lines
- 11007 - Asset Health Index for Towers and Conductors in the Framework of EU Project FARCROSS
- 11044 - Audible Noise and Radio Interference Constraints for Hybrid Conversion of Existing EHV AC Overhead Lines: Mexican and Italian Case Studies
- 11082 - Case study for refurbishment of 33kV line with surge arresters on the earth wire
- 11083 - GIS database for overhead lines resilience to extreme ice events
- 11108 - Impact of Bushfire on Conductor Performance - Prioritising Rectification Works
- 11132 - Noise-reducing conductors for reconductoring projects
- 11141 - Voltage Uprating of 275 kV Overhead Transmission Lines to 400 kV with Retrofit Insulated Cross-arms (RICA)
- 11155 - Data analysis and technical description of the ice monitoring system at Austrian Power Grid
- 11158 - Investigation of the future development of temperature and low wind velocity in climate change for the Austrian power grid
- 11160 - Wind induced acoustic emissions on glass insulators
- 11177 - Improved Model for Overhead Line Audible Noise Prediction
- 11192 - Sustainable Transmission Innovation with Poles, Cables, and Insulators -TRIPI-Study Case in Urabá, Colombia
- 11194 - Incorporation of New Technologies (drones) in the Maintenance and Monitoring of the Condition of High-Voltage Transmission Lines in ISA-INTERCOLOMBIA
- 11196 - Satellite Images as a Tool for Risk Management in Transmission Lines: Results of a Pilot with Emphasis on Landslides
- 11199 - Optimization Algorithm for Transmission Line Routing with Multicriteria Constraints
- 11223 - Influence of transient impedance due to atmospheric discharges in the design of grounding of transmission towers
- 11230 - The use of drones for preventive maintenance of high voltage transmission lines: business case and field experiences
- 11314 - Towards a Digital Twin for Management of OHL Risk
- 11353 - Power System Management based on Distributed Line Monitoring
- 11357 - Analysis of Live Work Accidents in Transmission Lines and Recommendations to Improve Working Safety
- 11422 - Wind speed measurement at the conductor for exact ampacity calculation for overhead power lines
- 11471 - Assessment of Operating Life of Silicone Rubber HV Insulator Coatings in Harsh Desert Environment
- 11472 - First HV DC links in KSA OHL networks, conductor design, DC loss studies, manufacturing and testing
- 11504 - Use Of Convolutional Neural Network For Defect Identification From Tower Images And Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms For Transmission Line Vulnerability Estimation
- 11506 - Turning Cold Deserts of India into Solar Energy Powerhouse by Developing a Transmission system Through Snow Cladded Mountains
- 11507 - Measures to mitigate effect of cyclone on the transmission line structures
- 11508 - Comprehensive Rectification Methodology for Submerged Pile Foundation of Overhead Transmission Line Towers
- 11510 - Innovative Solution & Construction Technique For Cable Termination Arrangement for Transmission Line Towers
- 11515 - Transforming Transmission Line Surveys: An Innovative AI-Based Optimization Approach
- 11523 - Rock bolting raft foundation of a Long span Narrow based terminal tower for Lower Subansiri Hydropower project – POWERGRID Experience
- 11524 - Residual Life Estimation of Overhead Transmission Lines based on Asset Health Indexing
- 11527 - Design considerations & route selction for world's highest altitude +/-350 kV multipole HVDC transmission line
- 11550 - A Study on the New Adjustment Device to Adjusting a Sagging of Wires for Overhead Lines
- 11630 - Implementation of AHI for risk-based asset management approach on overhead lines and the strategic value towards transmission grid
- 11635 - Climate change and its associated materials requirements
- 11667 - Development of Design Rules for the Use of New High-Strength Steels for Lattice Towers
- 11672 - Use of Gantries as Medium-Term Support to Ensure Continuity of Service for OHL After Severe Structural Damage in an Impact Incident
- 11687 - Key challenges of Design & Construction in Creek Area of 765 kV D/C Hexa Conductor Based Lakadia Vadodara Transmission Project
- 11710 - The Innovative Project “ALTITUDE” - Automatic aerial Network inspection using Drones and Machine Learning
- 11717 - Dynamic modeling and analysis of a DLR System towards increasing overhead transmission Lines ampacity
- 11724 - Emission-free Electric Drum Winch eST 140
- 11759 - Optimal routing of corridors and paths of OHL for grid connectivity and substation siting with improved stakeholder engagement
- 11776 - Advanced Overhead Power Lines Electric Field and Stationary AC Corona Analysis Utilizing Artificial Intelligence
- 11898 - Probabilistic Assessment of the Residual Life of Overhead Conductors Under Aeolian Vibrations
- 11899 - Navigating Uncertainties in Dynamic Line Rating Estimation
- 11906 - Dielectric testing for integrity assessment of overhead composite core conductors
- 11908 - Investigation of audible noise emissions from corona discharges of single water droplets on different surfaces under AC stress
Additional informations
Publication type | Session Materials |
Reference | SESSION_2024_B2 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE |
Study committees |
Price for non member | 150 € |
Price for member | Free |