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- Opening Ceremony
- Opening Panel
- Next Generation Network forum
- Women In Energy forum (2 videos)
Study Committee A3:
- GDM: Transmission and distribution equipment (2 videos)
- Workshop A2/A3/B3/C3/D1: Driving T&D substations and equipment towards ZERO emissions
- Tutorial: Application of Generator circuit-breakers in power plants (timecode video: 2:12:00)
- Tutorial JWG B3/A3.59: Guidelines for SF6 end of life treatment of T&D equipment (>1 kV) in substations (timecode video: 2:10:00)
Documents PDF
- Group Discussion Meeting: Presentations and Text versions
- General Report
- Workshop A2/A3/B3/C3/D1: Driving T&D substations and equipment towards ZERO emissions
- Tutorial: Application of Generator circuit-breakers in power plants
Session Papers & Poster Presentations:
- 10127 - SF6-free metal enclosed switchgear at 245kV and above
- 10132 - Status of the utilisation of Low Power Instrument Transformers in electrical networks
- 10161 - Development of High Voltage Intelligent Fast Circuit Breaker
- 10162 - Enhancing the Supporting Insulation Reliability in HVDC Gas Insulated Power Transmission Equipment based on Novel Ceramic Dielectrics
- 10163 - Key Technology Research, Prototype Development, and Engineering Application of Self-trigger/Self-discharge Gap for Fast Control of UHV DC/AC Controllable Arresters
- 10165 - Diagnostic Study of Two-dimensional Distribution Spectroscopy of Vacuum Circuit Breaker Arc
- 10188 - Reasearch And Prospect Of High-speed Switch Fault Current Limiter
- 10195 - Research on Magnetic-controlled Vacuum Arc Technology and Circuit Breaker Development
- 10257 - Health Index computation in Switchgear Monitoring Systems: providing Asset Performance Management crucial data straight from the primary equipment
- 10258 - Return on Experience of Smart Live Tank Circuit Breaker with SF6-Alternative
- 10280 - Enhancing Fault Detection and Classification in Power Transmission Systems Using Two-stage Detection System
- 10319 - Solidly Insulated Buses and Pluggable Connectors and Bushings for the Substations Modernization
- 10321 - Safety, Eco-Friendly and Durability Delivered by Advanced Dry Type Insulation Technologies
- 10323 - Component Gas Losses Over Simulated Lifetime in a CO2/C4-FN Gas Blend
- 10324 - Condition Monitoring Analyses: from Straightforward to Surprising
- 10325 - Utilizing Asset Performance to Guide Asset Replacement and Maintenance Optimization Decisions at TVA
- 10352 - New Approach to Life Cycle Assessment for Digital Solutions & Components
- 10549 - The effect of humidity on the AC breakdown behaviour of C4-FN/CO2 (5%/95%) with different humidities and operating pressures, including its corona behaviour
- 10552 - Towards online condition assessment of oil-paper insulated current transformers: experiences from laboratory experiments
- 10569 - Partial Discharge Measurement in SF6-Alternative Electrical Insulation Systems
- 10578 - Smart Sensor with Embedded AI Model for Automatic Detection of PD Defects in Distribution Networks
- 10579 - Frequency Response Modelling of Instrument Transformers: Validation of Simulation Results with Industrially Viable Tests
- 10580 - How working with customers on specifications leads to a reduced carbon footprint impact
- 10581 - Monitoring 245 kV instrument transformers using AI for condition assessment and operation optimization
- 10584 - A Wireless Self-Powered and Edge Computing Sensor for Power Quality and Grid Analysis
- 10599 - Test voltage level analysis for frequency response measurements on instrument voltage transformers
- 10709 - Advancing Circuit Breaker Maintenance and Repair through Metal Additive Manufacturing Technology
- 10711 - Assessment of Critical Aspects Related to Optical Current Transformer Measurements
- 10715 - An Advanced Intelligent Online Monitoring System for Current Transformers
- 10717 - SF6-alternative 145 kV metal enclosed circuit breaker
- 10718 - RDDS and RRDS characterization for 420 kV 63 kA SF6-free High Voltage Circuit Breaker
- 10719 - Development and type testing of a 420 kV 63 kA 50 Hz and 60 Hz SF6-free High Voltage Circuit Breaker
- 10720 - 72.5 kV C4-FN/O2/CO2 GIS and CB performance and comparison with its SF6-equivalent
- 10721 - Evaluation of Environmental Impact of SF6-based, CO2+C4F7N-based GREENTRICTM and Dry air Insulation/Vacuum Interruption-based GREENTRICTM High Voltage Gas Insulated Switchgears through Life Cycle Assessment’
- 10722 - Experience in the development of a Fluoronitriles-based 145 kV / 40 kA / 50-60Hz HVCB with an extremely low CO2 footprint
- 10725 - High Voltage type testing of a 420 kV SF6-free High Voltage Circuit Breaker for Gas Insulated Switchgear and Dead Tank Breaker Applications
- 10726 - Investigation of the impact of external stray fields on voltage divider accuracy for 36 kV and 123 kV system voltage levels
- 10727 - High bandwidth low-power voltage transformers for power quality measurement and fast transient monitoring in MV and HV substations - technological overview and experience from field installations
- 10917 - Future Needs and Common Approach of the Implementation of SF6 Free Equipment in the Grid of Six European TSOs
- 10967 - SF6 Free 170kV 50kA GIS verification test considering substation energization
- 11015 - Asset Performance Management System Design for a Modern TSO
- 11042 - F-gas-free, zero-emission clean air switchgear for 420 kV
- 11079 - Service experience with the POW control switching on power transformers
- 11110 - Digitization Techniques for Smart Asset Management in the Energy Sector
- 11148 - Multi-Country and Multi-Company Concatenating Failure Catalogue
- 11150 - Risk Management Through the Implementation of Digital Twins for the Analysis of Safe Ground Clearance and Solution of Non-Compliance in High-Voltage Transmission Lines
- 11154 - Current Transformer Hysteresis Modelling for Condition Assessment under standard and non-standard Operation
- 11251 - Hot Gas Temperature Measurement in High Voltage Circuit Breakers Using Micro-gaps in SF6-free circuit breakers
- 11259 - Development of an HVDC circuit-breaker and study of the requirements -Residual current interruption in multi-terminal HVDC system-
- 11261 - A Common LCA Format for High-Voltage Switchgears
- 11263 - Lifetime Aspects and Experiences through Commercial Operations of 72 kV SF6-free Gas-Insulated Switchgear using Natural Origin Gas
- 11265 - Application of SF6 alternative switchgears – circuit-breakers and GIS using vacuum interrupter in synthetic air-insulated systems –
- 11266 - Long operational experiences of medium-voltage solid-insulated switchgears
- 11269 - Reliability-Centered Maintenance for Optimized and IoT-based Maintenance and Life Extension of Aging Substation Equipment
- 11320 Robotic isolation of MV breakers and condition monitoring using AI and AR
- 11323 - A Study on the Location Estimation of the Partial Discharge Signal using Current Transformer Sensors with Ultra-high Frequency Bandwidth in C-GIS
- 11331 - IoT based Solution – Smart LT Distribution System Smart MCCB (Protection, Remote Control, and Auto-Reclosing)
- 11333 - Fiber Optic Current Transformers (FOCT) - High Voltage Design Considerations and Challenges
- 11336 - SF6 alternatives in GIS/AIS Switchgear and challenges faced in its execution and project management
- 11337 - Subject - Life cycle management and life extension of AIS/GIS Switchgear, FACTS equipment by application of RCM
- 11338 - Online Partial Discharge Monitoring System for Gas Insulated Substation - Utility Experience
- 11339 - Selection Criteria of NGR Value Based on Measurements and Simulation of Actual Fault Events
- 11369 - Utilization of smart measurement technologies to improve medium voltage switchgear sustainability
- 11494 Research on UHF Sensor Signal Attenuation Simulation Method for Improvement of GIS Partial Discharge Diagnosis
- 11600 - Failure Investigation of Series Capacitors on Transmission Lines and Novel Technique to Mitigate the Damage During Fire on the Platform.
- 11610 - Optimization of controlled Switching for Transmission Lines
- 11637 - In-service circuit breaker condition assessment
- 11638 - Digital model and supply chain of a MV GIS, to manage a low carbon energy system
- 11682 - Implementation of Various Biodegradable Insulation Liquids in Instrument Transformers Rated at 420 kV
- 11719 - Point on Wave (Controlled Switching) - for a wider range of Applications
- 11757 - Design Aspects for the use of Alternative Gases in GIS Voltage Transformers
- 11815 - Benefits of Smart Generator Circuit Breaker Solutions from a Manufacturer-Utility Collaboration Perspective
- 11830 - An Approach for Economic Evaluation of Superconducting Fault Current Limiters in City Grids with Relay Protection Considerations
- 11847 - Applying a Deep-Learning Method to Diagnose the Capacitor Voltage Transformers with Excessive Measurement Errors
- 11851 - Experience in UHV AC / DC projects in India & China with fully composite external insulation of substation equipment
- 11855 - Real-time pollution monitoring and diagnostics of Air Insulated Switchgear oriented to predictive maintenance
- 11858 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cathode Spots Formation and Contact Erosion in Vacuum Circuit breakers
- 11900 - A Soft-switched Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker for the Protection of Fusion Power Plant Electrical Systems
Additional informations
Publication type | Session Materials |
Reference | SESSION_2024_A3 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE |
Study committees |
Price for non member | 150 € |
Price for member | Free |