
Chinese edition available

This CIGRE Green Book describes the state-of-the-art of power Systems asset management dealing with all aspects asset management practice. The major focus of the book is on documenting practical methods  that bridge the gap between just satisfying an asset management process and achieving real asset management results in the form of smarter investment decisions.

The book facilitates collaboration and blending of the engineering and technical aspects of asset management and the financial considerations needed to support asset investment decisions using risk-based business case analysis. Detailed case studies are included to illustrate generic and specific or customized methods and to demonstrate the application of such methods from the technology perspectives of several CIGRE study committees.

This practical guide is suitable for working asset managers and decision-makers (both engineering and financial) dealing with all aspects of the practice of asset management.

  • Offers the state-of-the-art of power systems asset management;
  • Presents methods to bridge satisfying asset management process and achieving real asset management results;
  • Supports asset investment decisions using risk-based business case analysis.

Additional informations

Publication type Green Books
Reference GB 12 CN
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power system development and economics (C1)


PAS 55, ISO 55000, safety issues, Failure modes, System reliability indices, Enterprise risk management, Reliability standards, Competency accreditation, CAPEX and OPEX, TSO needs, Practice of asset management, Transmission System Operators