
Several publications from this group over the last 10 years have concentrated on the strategic aspects of outsourcingmaintenance in power utilities. Surveys have also been published over the period to assess the extent and attitudes to outsourcing. The current TB looks at the practical aspects of managing such activities. It describes the content and approaches to be adopted, including the request for proposals (RFP), the statement of work (SOW), selection of contractor, contractor qualification and performance evaluation, tender assessment, contract preparation and subsequent monitoring of performance.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_279_5
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Substations and electrical installations (B3)
Working groups WG B3.06
File size 242 KB
Pages number 3
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free
Contracts for Outsourcing Utility Maintenance Work
Contracts for Outsourcing Utility Maintenance Work