
Session Delegates (Members and non-members): access these materials for free via your Session registration account.

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Publication type Session Materials
Reference C1-11803-2024
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power system development and economics (C1)
File size 900 KB
Price for non member 30 €
Price for member 20 €


Sebastien PEZZA, Sandrine SELOSSE, Edi ASSOUMOU, Caroline BONO, Fabien BRICAULT


Investment cost, power system economics, profitability, seasonal flexibility, VRE

What are the economic conditions for the feasibility of a low-carbon electricity mix? Profitability and investment considerations for long-term flexibility solutions
What are the economic conditions for the feasibility of a low-carbon electricity mix? Profitability and investment considerations for long-term flexibility solutions