
The High Voltage Flat-Section Cable has been developed with a special view of producing an oil-filled cable that is extremely safe and reliable in operation, rendering completely superfluous the accessories of the usual oil-filled cables such as oil reservoirs, membrane tanks, other ancillary gear, and by means of the flow of oil along the cable and the corresponding rise and fall of pressure due to large variation in Ioad is avoiled - e. g. in the case of a short-circuit.
In its three-conductor form the new cable can be made up to 120-150 kV a.c. for ratings up to about 100 MVA, and mayn at the same time, be used profitably right down into the usual field of the solid type oil-impregnated cables for 20 to 30 kV especially under heavy load conditions.
Further, the cable is suitable not only as  an underground cable, but also as a marine cable for both great lengths and depths.

Additional informations

Publication type Session Materials
Reference B1-204_1946
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Insulated cables (B1)
File size 500 KB
Pages number 9
Price for non member 30 €
Price for member Free



A flat H.T. Cable
A flat H.T. Cable