
Session Delegates (Members and non-members): access these materials for free via your Session registration account.

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Publication type Session Materials
Reference A3-11263-2024
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Transmission & distribution equipment (A3)
File size 2 MB
Price for non member 30 €
Price for member 20 €


Tomoya ONISHI, Toru KOIKE, Akihisa MUKAIDA, Hideaki SHIRAI, Shigeyuki TSUKAO, Syuichi TAMURA


Gas - insulated - switchgear (GIS), Global - warming, SF6 - emission, SF6 - alternative - gas, Synthetic - air, Natural - origin - gas, O - ring, Grease, Silver - plating

Lifetime Aspects and Experiences through Commercial Operations of 72 kV SF6-free Gas-Insulated Switchgear using Natural Origin Gas
Lifetime Aspects and Experiences through Commercial Operations of 72 kV SF6-free Gas-Insulated Switchgear using Natural Origin Gas