
This Technical Brochure examines the full extent of possible technical concerns in the area of harmonics and filtering of the installation of HVDC converter stations in close proximity. It provides guidance on the pre-specification studies to screen the possibility of harmonic interactions and to determine specific system data and technical requirements, such as network harmonic impedance, reactive power controller philosophy and harmonic limits. It will also provide a basis of knowledge of the aspects to be considered in performance and rating studies and the possible implications for the design of the filtering equipment. The possible approaches for co-ordination of filter designs is discussed in the Brochure, taking into account not only technical aspects, but also economic, contractual and regulatory points of view, particularly in an environment with multiple vendors and owners.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 798
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups WG B4.66
File size 3 MB
Pages number 92
Price for non member 180 €
Price for member Free




Multiple DC infeed, harmonic analysis and modelling, screening studies for HVDC hamronic interaction, harmonic performance, filters, pre-existing harmonics, harmonic emission limits

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Implications for harmonics and filtering of the installation of HVDC converter stations in close proximity
Implications for harmonics and filtering of the installation of HVDC converter stations in close proximity