
Recognizing that the experience gained on HVDC transmission systems could be of value throughout the industry, CIGRÉ Study Committee 14 established Working Group 04, This WG group is now renamed as Advisory Group 04 (AG B4-04). Performance of DC Schemes, with terms of reference which included an obligation to collect information on all systems in commercial service. It was considered that such information could be useful in the planning, design, construction and operation of new projects. It was also envisaged that the sharing of operational performance data could be of benefit to those concerned with the operation of existing HVDC links or those planning new HVDC links. It was clear that such reports were best prepared in accordance with a standardized procedure so that, with time, the accumulated data from several systems would establish a basis against which performance could be judged.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 590
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups WG B4.04
File size 186 KB
Pages number 32
Price for non member 70 €
Price for member Free


Operational performance of HVDC, LCC HVDC, VSC HVDC, reliablity, availability, forced outage, scheduled outage, unavailbility

Protocol for reporting the operational performance of HVDC Transmission Systems
Protocol for reporting the operational performance of HVDC Transmission Systems