- 375 – Evaluating the risk of live-line working on a 400kV transmission line
- 556 – Essex STATCOM life assessment and extension
- 559 – Urban infeed utilising hybrid LCC plus VSC
- 564 – Total system reliability program for underground electrical distribution networks
- 565 – Towards a European network code for HVDC connections and offshore wind integration
- 566 – Essex STATCOM life assessment and extension
- 572 – Evaluating the risk of live-line working on a 400kV transmission line
- 573 – Induction coordination between power distribution lines and railways
- 574 – Assessment of toughened glass insulators removed from HVDC lines after more than 40 years in service
- 575 – Methodology and case study for deciding on optimum station transformers replacement timing
- 576 – Development of hybrid procedure controller based on a lead-lag and pole-placement power system stabilizer using a different linearization approach
- 579 – Best locations for low frequency oscillation monitoring by PMUs
- 580 – Reliability implication of Manitoba Hydro’s resource development alternatives (2031-2040)
- 582 – Weather conditions based wide area dynamic line rating system for 110kV network monitoring and contingency analysis
- 583 – Experiences of using wide area measurements for monitoring the electromechanical modes in northern parts of Finland and Norway
- 584 – Operations and maintenance integrated platform for secondary systems
- 585 – Line shunt and neutral reactor sizing studies for AB-BC 500kV intertie
- 586 – Application of advanced condition assessment and asset management techniques on steel tower overhead line electricity networks
- 588 – Validation of modular multilevel converter real time simulator in DC pole-pole fault scenario
- 589 – Bout de L’Île (BDI) static Var compensators – An overview of impacts on system performance, SVC ratings and special control features
- 590 - Comparison between Canadian and European Grid Connection Requirements for Wind Generation
- 591 - Process for Investigation and Mitigation of SSTI between HVDC Systems and Turbine Generators in a Deregulated Market
- 592 - Real-Time Monitoring Of Crossing Conductor Clearance Using Line-Mounted LiDAR
- 595 - Marine Tidal Energy Resource Assessment in Kenya
- 596 - Structural reliability and risk assessment for the industrial electric power supply systems
- 597 - Probabilistic Planning and Risk Analysis for Renewable Power Generation System
- 599 – Development of MMC STATCOM using RTDS
- 600 – Advances in Unidirectional Substation Cybersecurity
- 601 – Thermal modeling and simulation of rectifier transformers in different OFAF conditions
- 605 – Data management and analytics for intelligent grid
- 606 – Intelligent electric vehicle charging system
- 608 – Digital simulation training for system controllers at the AESO
- 609 – Cross-regional power transmission capacity analysis of the combined wind power and solar power and thermal power
- 611 – Maximum power extraction from series connected solar photovoltaic modules under partial shading
- 612 – Optimizing the availability of HVDC systems via effective asset management
- 613 – Prospects of a new dynamic simulation software for real-time applications on the Hydro-Québec system
- 615 – Impact of distributed generation on voltage regulating equipment
- 616 – New methods of monitoring liquid immersed transformers and reactors with pressure measurements
- 617 – Challenges in circuit coupled FEM analysis of GIC in power transformers
- 620 – A Generalized Mathematical Approach to Transient Recovery Voltage Calculations
- 622 – A Utility Perspective on Ferroresonant Overvoltages
- 623 - Application of the Saturated Core Based Fault Current Limiter to Improve HVDC System Performance
- 627 - Probabilistic Based Reliability Analysis for Transmission Systems – an Asset Management Decision Making Tool
- 628 - Fault Current Limiter for increasing power generation capacity in meshed networks
- 629 - Real-time Co-Simulated Platform for Energy Conservation of Smart Distribution Network using AMI-Based VVO Engine
- 630 – Energization study of parallel transformers adjacent to SVC and 500 kV Transmission Line
- 631 - Optimization of Photovoltaic Systems Using Batteries for Peak Demand to Improve Rural Electrification
- 633 – A new approach for load ability limit estimation
- 634 - Modeling and Coordination of Distribution Network Fuses Using PSCAD
- 635 - Early detection of mechanical defects using Vibration Analysis in Power Transformers
- 636 - Implementation of Real Time Transfer Limit Calculation: Manitoba Hydro experience
- 637 - Determining Optimal Smart Inverter Settings for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems
- 638 - Application of Intelligent Islanding Relays to Hybrid Distributed Generation Resources
- 639 - Long-Term Monitoring of Local Stress Changes in 67 km of Installed OPGW Cable Using BOTDA
- 641 - Integration of Two HVDC lines into the Alberta Power System
- 643 - Validation of Cable Modelling for HVDC Transient Analysis Simulation
- 646 - Use of Smart Line Sensors in Distribution Planning and Operations
- 647 -Special Relay Testing Performed by Manitoba Hydro during Relay Evaluation/Commissioning
- 649 - RTDS Testing of a Controlled Switching Device Used for Transformer Energization
- 650 - A Laboratory Setup for Teaching IEC 61850 based Substation Automation
- 651 - CXI-PT5500: The definitive solution for overhead lines wooden pole condition assessment
- 653 - Selection of Contingencies for Operation of the Bulk Electric System
- 654 - Smart Switching – the changing nature of automation for the Smart Grid
- 659 - On-line Monitoring of Substation Waveform Data for Improved Asset Management and Circuit Operations
- 660 - Performance Evaluation of IEC 61850 Process Bus (9-2) Based Distributed Bus Differential Protection Scheme
- 661 - Estimation of the Insulator Pollution Level Based on Frequency Characteristics of Leakage Current
- 662 - Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition for Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
- 666 - Design of Booster Sheds by Laboratory Experiments for Icing Protection of EHV Post Insulators
- 667 - Optimization and Sensitivity Assessment of A Three-terminal VSC-Based HVDC Power Transmission System Using Parallel Computation and Memory Reduction Techniques
- 669 - Smart EV Charging to Capture Curtailed Renewable Energy
- 670 - Hybrid HVDC Transmission with LCC and Multi-Terminal Full-Bridge Modular Multi-level Converter
- 672 - Small-Signal Stability Modelling and, Analysis of an MMC-VSC System
- 673 – New Zealand HVDC Pole 3 Project Testing Approach and Challenges
- 676 - A Live Black-start Capability test of a Voltage Source HVDC Converter
- 677 - Spacer-damper selection for twin ACSR Nelson conductors
- 678 - A New Coordinated Voltage Control Scheme for Offshore AC Grid of HVDC Connected Offshore Wind Power Plants
- 680 - Innovative Technologies for Stable ACDC Transmission Systems
- 681 – Synchro phasor Data Usage in Real Time Analysis of Grid Events in Indian Power System
- 683 - A Hybrid Active Filter for Operation with Harmonically Unbalanced Voltages and Currents
- 686 - PMU Based Apparent Impedance for Transient Stability Boundary
- 687 - Standards Are Not Enough! Challenges of 61850 Interoperability
- 688 - Calibration of a Passive Wireless Electric Field Sensor for the Measurement of Medium/High Voltage
- 689 - IEC 61850 Application to Automatic Fault Detection and Isolation
- 691 - Dynamic Line Rating and Energy Management System Integration Lessons Learned
- 692 – Cluster assessment for online DGA monitoring
- 693 - A technique to ensure that the operation of system remains within the designated confines
- 695 - Demand response resource aggregation of convex load models using the Minkowski sum
- 696 - Fault Location in Heterogeneous HVDC Grids
- 697 - GIC Analysis using PSS®E
- 700 - Analysis of Sub-Synchronous Frequency Interactions in Manitoba Hydro System
- 701 - Real-time simulator using digital link communications for HVDC control systems
- 703 - An Australian Distribution Case Study on Power Quality Effects of Varying Residential Distributed Energy Resource Penetration
- 704 - Best Practices in Building Remedial Action Scheme Models for Steady State Analysis in Operational Studies
- 705 - A New DC Side Fault Tolerant Two-Level Converter
- 706 - Real-Time Testing of Relay-Fuse Coordination Implemented with IEC 61850 GOOSE Messaging Using Industrial Relays
- 707 - False Trips on Transformer Inrush – Actions to Avoid the Unavoidable
- 708 – Asset management strategy at Manitoba Hydro: case example of the refurbishment of transformers at Dorsey substation
- 712 - Considerations in specifying AC filters for the Nelson River Biole III HVdc Project
- 715 - Hybrid STATCOM Systems based on Multilevel VSC Technology – A Modern Concept for Improved Reliability in Transmission Systems
- 718 - System Impacts of an Efficient DC-DC Transformer
- 719 - Performance of single-phase core-type power transformers under influence of geo-magnetically induced currents – analysis and factory testing
- 720 – Power to the people
Additional informations
Publication type | Colloquia |
Reference | COLL_WIN_2015 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE National Committee |
Price for non member | Free |
Price for member | Free |