
This Technical Brochure provides practical guidelines for the development of real-time simulation models for HVDC operational studies to evaluate the performance of HVDC Control and Protection (C&P) systems. The first part of the Brochure introduces some typical studying scenarios for HVDC systems and their real-time simulation modelling requirements. The detailed modelling techniques for an entire simulation environment are discussed in the second part, involving HVDC main circuit models, HVDC C&P models and AC system representations. Several models with different accuracy for one device or C&P system and the guidance for model selection are present in the brochure, as well as the detailed and practical methods used for verifying real-time simulaiton models. The last part of TB summarizes the general guidelines and study examples for real-time simulation applying in the typical scenarios.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 864
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups WG B4.74
File size 10 MB
Pages number 167
Price for non member 300 €
Price for member Free




Real-time simulation (RTS), Control and Protection, Operational studies, LCC, VSC, factory acceptance tests (FAT), interaction, RTS models, equivalent model, commutation faillure, special emergency protection

Guide to Develop Real-Time Simulation Models for HVDC Operational Studies
Guide to Develop Real-Time Simulation Models for HVDC Operational Studies