
Technical Brochure 847 focuses on HVDC and FACTS assets and examines the existing industry cyber asset management practices in different parts of the world. It reviews standards such as IEC/ISO 27001, IEC 62443, NIST-SP-800 and NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP); and identifies the common requirements and specific considerations for HVDC/FACTS applications. It also discusses additional lifecycle cyber asset management topics such as operations & maintenance, supply chain management, factory testing and commissioning. This includes cyber security fundamentals and best practices for each of these areas and examines the implementation options and cost implications. It also illustrates the need to align transmission system operations contingency loss requirements with HVDC/FACTS capability contingencies for risk identification and the corresponding locational development of Physical and Electronic Security Perimeters for the cyber assets. Finally, it presents best practices, how such practices can or should be addressed in the technical specifications of HVDC/FACTS and what the vendors provide in these areas.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 847
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups WG B4.78
File size 4 MB
Pages number 71
Price for non member 140 €
Price for member Free




HVDC, FACT, cyber security, IT equipment, operational technology cyber security, cyber asset risk assessment, volnerability assessment, access control and monitoring

Cyber Asset Management for HVDC and FACTS
Cyber Asset Management for HVDC and FACTS