
WG A3.33 investigated the technical requirements for equipment relevant to series and shunt capacitor compensations. Series compensation technique has been widely used to increase transmission capability of EHV power transmission systems. This technique was recently applied to UHV power systems, and played an important role in increasing the transmission capacity of single UHV line to 5 GW. The WG also studied the requirement for equipment applied to shunt compensation. TB provides the impact of both series and shunt compensation on transmission systems and equipment, and suggests some countermeasures to decrease potential risks for system and associated equipment based on the field experience.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 693
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Transmission & distribution equipment (A3)
Working groups WG A3.33
File size 8 MB
Pages number 146
Price for non member 270 €
Price for member Free


high voltage equipment

Experience with equipment for series and shunt compensation
Experience with equipment for series and shunt compensation