
This TB is the result of a study performed by WG B4.49 on the use of TCSC systems in AC transmission lines. TCSC systems are used to increase the power transfer capacity of AC lines. AC lines can be readily tapped at a low cost along its corridor and therefore, are often the preferred transmission line technology. Fifteen TCSCs in commercial operation were evaluated. The technical justification for the systems and how well the systems have met the expectations is included in the TB.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 554
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups WG B4.49
File size 2 MB
Pages number 83
Price for non member 160 €
Price for member Free
Performance evaluation and applications review of existing thyristor control series capacitor devices – TCSC
Performance evaluation and applications review of existing thyristor control series capacitor devices – TCSC