
A presentation of performance summaries with failure areas described and classified as bushings, valve windings, AC windings, static shields, load tap changers, core and magnetic shields or internal connections and leads together with short descriptions of the failures. Present transformer test methods are also evaluated for adequacy. Comparisons with the previous report are included.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 240
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups JTF B4.04/A2.01
File size 1,021 KB
Pages number 30
Price for non member 70 €
Price for member Free


Jack Christofersen, Convenor (US)

Jacques Allaire (CA), Murray Bennett (CA), Peter Christensen (DK), Narinder Dhaliwal (CA), Alan Forrest (CA), Yanny Fu (NL), TK Ganguli (IN), Jan Hajek (SE), Neil Kirby (GB), Wolfgang Knorr (DE), Borje Linden (SE), Pehr-Olof Lindh (FI), Einar Purra (SE), Mohamed Rashwan (CA) and Ivars Vancers (US)

Analysis of HVDC thyristor converter transformer performance