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(ELT_141_6) Report based on a questionnaire on mobile radio systems in power utilities (35-102_1992) Acquisition and statistical analysis of protection devices and automatic reclosers operating data (34-106_1992) A knowledge-based system for automatic evaluation of disturbance recordings (34-204_1992) ALCID: An intelligent substation control system (34-201_1992) Service experience and field tests summarizing the protection and control devices improvement in EHV-UHV transmissions (34-102_1992) Thermal behaviour of ZnO surge arresters in polluted conditions (33-208_1992) Contribution to the electrical characterization of the interturn insulation of AC machines (11-301_1992) Hydrogenerator monitoring (11-307_1992) Present practices on load forecasting and load management a survey. (ELT_145_3) Metal oxide surge arresters for EHV grids - A comparison between the ANSI, IEC and ACNOR standards (33-201_1992) Life extension of large electric rotating plants (11-308_1992) Summary report on experience with the Generator Condition Monitor. (ELT_143_2) Diagnostic tests at factory and on site - Telediagnosis in substation maintenance (23-203_1992) Life extension of the 900 MW turbogenerators of the French nuclear park (11-310_1992) Procedure for the design, manufacture and commissioning of HV and EHV substation control systems within EDF (23-201_1992) Locating defects in large rotating machines and associated electrical systems through EMI diagnostics (11-311_1992) Integrated conceptions of operation and prospective availability and reliability applicable to electrical substations (23-105_1992) Static var compensators enhance a meshed transmission system (14/37/38-03_1992) Use of rights-of-way of overhead lines in urban areas - An experience in Brazil (22-204_1992) Definition of testing procedures to check the performance of ZnO surge arresters in different environmental conditions (33-206_1992) Experience with maintenance and improvement in reliability of microprocessor-based digital protection equipment for power transmission systems (34-104_1992) Advanced protection models for power system operation and maintenance (34-103_1992) Voltage and reactive power control (39-203_1992) Energy absorption and impulse current capability of metal oxide arresters - A proposed methodology of evaluation (33-205_1992) Thermal modes of metal oxide arresters under normal and pollution conditions, calculated and measured (33-202_1992) The experience from commissioning HV substations (23-207_1992) Problems of Torsional Stresses in the Shaft Lines of Turbine Generators - Section 3: Recommendations. (ELT_143_1) Planning, testing, erection and commissioning of 420 kV/123 kV GIS with particular consideration of EMC phenomena (23-205_1992) Results of the questionnaire on interphase spacers (ELT_143_3) Contribution of experience feed-back and its processing to maintenance assistance (23-103_1992) Measures to improve reliability of 66-77 kV substations (23-102_1992) Diagnostics of polymer insulators ageing based on their deformation characteristics under load (22-301_1992) Improving transmission system performance using controlled series capacitors (14/37/38-07_1992) Overhead lines ampacity in the European interconnection (22-104_1992) +/- 450 kV DC underwater crossing of the St-Lawrence River of a 1 500 km overhead line with five terminals (21-301_1992) Means to enhance the capability of existing transmission facilities (14/37/38-06_1992) Availability and reliability considerations for Nelson River bipole 1 (14-304_1992) High pulse HVDC transmission (14-101_1992) An efficiency of diagnostics and testing for quality assurance of GIS (15/23-02_1992) A new test method to evaluate the water tree resistance of materials: in situ monitoring of the growth of individual water trees in laboratory specimens with needle geometry (15/21-01_1992) Evaluation electromagnetic field levels at working places of extremely high voltage electric power installation personnel (36-102_1992) New application of synthetic circuit development in CESI and IPH (13-201_1992) Improvement of power system performance using power electronic equipment (14/37/38-02_1992) Amazon transmission challenge - Comparison of technologies (14/37/38-01_1992) The study of a centralized voltage control method applicable to the Belgian system (39-201_1992) Economical and technical aspects of life extension or uprating of circuit-breakers (13-103_1992) Service experience and requirements for insulation high-voltage tests of EHV power transformers and shunt reactors (12-202_1992) Experience with an adaptive expert monitoring system for turbine generator monitoring (11-302_1992) Comparison of maximum-rated air-cooled turbogenerators with modern hydrogen-cooled generators: design and experience (11-202_1992) 7200 hp ASD retrofit on 750 MW supercritical unit FD fans (11-106_1992) Development of 345 kV laminated paper (PPLP) insulation self-contained oil filled cable in Korea (21-305_1992) Transient recovery voltage (TRV) conditions on the Jordanian 132 kV system (13-301_1992) Long-term performance of metal oxide arrester at operating voltage (33-204_1992) Cable trends in the state of Bahrain (21-101_1992) Development of a digital teleprotection system (35-105_1992) Lightning parameters measured on overhead transmission lines, calculated and monitored distribution of overvoltages in a 420 kV substation (23/33-04_1992) New results of ice and wind investigation in Czechoslovakia and their utilization when dimensioning overhead transmission lines (22-305_1992) Metal oxide surge arresters for Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) - Design requirements and applications (33-203_1992) Preventive detection of electrostatic phenomena in transformers (15/12-01_1992) TRV and the non-zero crossing phenomenon in Hydro-Quebec´s projected 735 kV series-compensated syste (13-303_1992) Assessing voltage quality with relation to harmonics, flicker and unbalance (36-203_1992) Use of ZnO varistors in transformers. (ELT_143_4) The thermal behaviour of overhead conductors. Sections 1 and 2. (ELT_144_3) Guide for the identification of brittle fracture of composite insulators FRP rod. (ELT_143_6) Use of stress control rings on composite insulators (ELT_143_7) Dynamic analysis of thermal behaviour of transformers using optical fibre measurements (12-305_1992) Life Extension of Large Electric Rotating Plants (P1-01_1992) Development and achieved commercial operation experience of the world´s first commissioned converter-fed variable-speed generator-motor for a pumped storage power plant (11-104_1992) Installation of 350 kV HVDC submarine power cables for uprating the HVDC system in New Zealand (21-308_1992) Non uniform rain flashover mechanism of HVDC wall bushings (14-301_1992) Development of GIS diagnosis and on-site testing (23/33-01_1992) Experience with diagnostic and monitoring methods on generator windings in relation to remaining service life (11-304_1992) Statistical analysis of dielectric test results (066) Predictive maintenance of generators (11-305_1992) Application guide on protection of complex transmission network configurations (064) An International survey of the present status and perspective of long-term dynamics in power systems (073) Interaction between large convertor-fed variable-speed AC drives and power supply systems (11-103_1992) Guide for planning DC links terminating at AC locations having low short-circuit capacities - Part 1: AC/DC interaction phenomena (068) International experiences in improving the links between power system planners, the general public and decision makers in the energy policy area (071) Back-up control procedures and emergency back-to-back control centres. (ELT_141_5) Calculation of temperatures in ventilated cable tunnels. Appendices I to IV (ELT_144_2) Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric strength of external insulation (072) Update of the disturbance performance of Bulk Electricity Systems. (ELT_143_8) Guidelines for tests on high voltage cables with extruded insulation and laminated protective coverings. (ELT_141_3) Determination of a value of critical temperature rise for a cable backfill material. (ELT_145_2) Application of diagnostic techniques for high voltage circuit-breakers (13_101_1992) Development of methods for on site testing as a part of the total quality assurance testing program for GIS (23-202_1992) Condition diagnosis and monitoring of transformers - Possibility of estimating transformer lifetime (12-106_1992) Five years of monitoring the impulse test of power transformers with digital recorders and the transfer function method (12_201_1992) Development of large air cooled generators for gas turbines and combined cycles (11-201_1992) Maintenance planning based on probabilistic modeling of ageing in rotating machines (11-309_1992) Optimized design of accessories for 245 kV and 420 kV XLPE cables (21-202_1992) The Behaviour of several HVDC Links terminating in the same Load Area (14-201_1992) Consideration of ageing factors in extruded insulation cables and accessories (ELT_140_2) Static Var Compensators (SVC) versus Synchronous Condensers (SC) for Inverter Stations Compensation - Technical and economical Aspects in Eletronorte Studies (14_103_1992) Service experience of HV cables with laminated protective covering. (ELT_141_2) Synthetic test methods for capacitive current switching and short circuit current breaking under special fault conditions to evaluate the performance of power circuit-breakers (13-202_1992) Methods for calculating cyclic ratings for buried cables with partial drying of the surrounding soil. (ELT_145_1) Synthetic test methods: Experiences and future developments (13-203_1992) Calculation of temperatures in ventilated cable tunnels - Part I. (ELT_143_5) Long Island Sound submarine cable crossing 345 kV, 750 MVA (21-306_1992) Temperature and moisture transient effects on flow electrification in power transformer (15/12-02_1992) State-of-the-art of water tree testing on cables - The development of an accelerated ageing test (15/21-03_1992) Transformer insulation condition monitoring, life assessment and life extension techniques in Australia (12-101_1992) Benefits of Thyristor controlled Series Compensation (14/37/38-04_1992) Which FACTS equipment for which need ? Identification of the technology developments to meet the needs of Electricité de France (EDF), Ente Nazionale per l´Energia Elettrica (ENEL) and National Grid Company (NGC) (14_37_38_08_1992) Interaction between polypropylene films and capacitor impregnants (ELT_140_1) Renewal of existing telecontrol systems (067) Man machine interface using full graphics (076) Development and utilization of asynchronized turbogenerators (11-101_1992) Experience gained from the operation of 25-MW, 3700-r.p.m. speed-controlled synchronous motors (11-102_1992) Construction of large scale overhead transmission lines in urban environments (22-203_1992) Temperature distribution within ACSR conductors (22-101_1992) After-service analysis of the 32-year-old HVDC cable Gotland 1 (21-302_1992) Oil-filled power cable systems in the USSR: Experience, design and lifetime characteristics (21-303_1992) Distributed temperature sensing of high voltage cables - Case studies from Sydney, Australia (21-304_1992) PG&E´s ATLAS (Ambient Temperature Line Ampacity System) transmission line dynamic thermal rating system (22-102_1992) Experience in the use of electrical and acoustic diagnostic procedures on a significant population of similar large high voltage motors (11-105_1992) Conductor thermal rating - Methodology and analysis (22-105_1992) Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric strength of external insulation. (72) Compact lines with bidimensional structures: An extensive application in Italy (22-205_1992) Investigation on the ageing of old ACSR cables in transmission lines: Microstructural evolution and loss of strength (22-302_1992) A twenty-five year review of experience with SF6 Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) (23-101_1992) Recent technical progress in accessories for extra high-voltage XLPE cables in Japan (21_203_1992) Short-circuit stress in DC auxiliary systems (23_104_1992) Quality control procedures for substation equipment in Japan from designing to on-site testing (23-206_1992) Commissioning of GIS substation extensions (23-208_1992) Essential requirements to maintain transformers in service (12_103_1992) How the products from insulating oil degradation can affect the life of transformers (12-104_1992) Travelling waves as causes of internal resonance phenomena in coils and windings (12-303_1992) Distribution of very fast transient overvoltages in transformer windings (12-204_1992) Performance of 420 kV circuit-breakers in a HVDC converter station (13-304_1992) Survey of the reliability of HVDC systems throughout the world during 1989-90 (14-302_1992) Considerations on the operating periods between interventions at small oil medium voltage circuit-breakers (13-105_1992) Non-invasive condition evaluation of circuit-breakers (13_106_1992) Reduction of voltage stresses by varistor aided switching (13-302_1992) Diagnostic methods for GIS insulating systems (15/23-01_1992) Advanced Series Compensation (ASC) with thyristor controlled impedance (14-37-38_05_1992) A new generation of accessories for (E)HV extruded cable systems (21-204_1992) Experience and progress with UHF diagnostics in Gas Insulated Substations (15/23-03_1992) Diagnosis in GIS by statistical analysis of discharges (15/23-04_1992) Transmission line polymeric insulators leak currents and performance (15_401_1992) Artificial pollution testing of HVDC insulators analysis of factors influencing performance. (ELT_140_4) Performance of adaptive distance protection under high resistance earth faults (34-203_1992) Effects of geomagnetically induced currents on power transformers (ELT_141_1) Protection requirements for flexible AC transmission systems (34-206_1992) Transformer noise: determination of sound power level using the sound intensity measurement method. (ELT_144_1) Microcomputer based expert system for control, protection and management of 500 kV AC air blast circuit-breakers (34-207_1992) Insulation coordination of GIS: Questions on the influence of on-site tests and dielectric diagnostic (23/33-03_1992) Substation voltage uprating (33_207_1992) Detailed analysis of the performance of protective devices in view of a more effective protection system (34-101_1992) Maintenance approach for durable concrete foundations of high voltage towers (22-303_1992) Towers of aged lines - Studies and experience (22-304_1992) Load balancer for the Channel Tunnel (36-207_1992) Modeling power transformer for transient voltage calculations (12_304_1992) Geomagnetically induced currents in the nordic power system and their effects on equipment, control, protection and operation (36-301_1992) Technical limits of interconnected systems (37_301_1992) Enhancement of seismic performance of existing substations. (ELT_140_3) Uprating of the 500 kV circuit-breakers of the unified national power grid of Egypt (13-102_1992) Transient loss analysis of power transformers using magnetic and electric equivalent circuits (12-301_1992) Critical estimation of standardized lightning surge test procedures on neutral of a power transformer (12-203_1992) Commissioning of GIS - Quality assurance tests, procedures between manufacturer and user (23-204_1992) The application of polypropylene paper laminate insulated oil filled cable to EHV and UHV transmission (21-307_1992) Experiences of the Mitigation of Corrosion of buried Metal Structures in the surroundings of Monopolar HVDC Earth Electrodes. (36-201_1992) Design for the lifetime management of protection systems (34-107_1992) Harmonic disturbances on the French network - State of play - Analyses - Trends (36-205_1992) Composite power system reliability evaluation - Vol.II (070) Condition monitoring of SF6 circuit-breakers (13-104_1992) Experience of protection equipment maintenance - A case story (34-105_1992) Maintenance and management of protection systems (34-109_1992) Correlation between on-site test voltages and insulation co-ordination of GIS (23/33-02_1992) Experiences on EGAT´s direct on-line load shedding scheme (39-301_1992) Refurbishment of generator rotors - A review of the current situation (11-306_1992) The effect of coordinated operation on energy exchanges, system operation and data exchange requirements: A comparison of methods used in the USA (39-204_1992) The use of interconnections to England and Wales (39-202_1992) The future regional control centres of EDF (35/39-01_1992) Prospects of application to the French system of fast methods for transient stability and voltage security assessment (38-208_1992) Primary protective relays with elements of expert systems (34-202_1992) A methodology for transmission access - Transmission margins determined in operations planning based on adequacy and security (38-207_1992) Power systems restoration tools (38-105_1992) General guidelines for the design of outdoor AC substations (069) Transformer condition monitoring - Realizing an integrated adaptive analysis system (12-105_1992) An expert system for network restoration after a local disturbance (38-104_1992) Development of an expert system for operation planning of bulk power systems (38-103_1992) Knowledge-based planning of power systems (38-102_1992) Expert system for operative consideration of equipment maintenance requests in power systems and power pools (38-101_1992) The USSR United Power Grid: the experience and problems of development (37-201_1992) Coordinated electric planning and operation in the context of a competitive environment (37-103_1992) Experience of competition and coordination in the Finnish power system (37-102_1992) Impact of overvoltages on design of HVDC cables (14-104_1992) An international view on competition and coordination - (Study Committee 37 Ad Hoc Task Force on competition and coordination) - (37-101_1992) Analysis of EMC problems on auxiliary equipment in electrical installations due to lightning and switching operations (36-302_1992) Reliability engineering of HVDC thyristor valves (14-303_1992) Technical and operational expériences for mitigating experiences from high-capacity arc furnaces (36-204_1992) Power system harmonic and flicker survey (36-202_1992) Computer-based training for power system operators (39-307_1992) Transformer model, based on the magnetic circuit (12-302_1992) Defense plan against major disturbances on the French EHV power system: Present realization and prospects of evolution (39-306_1992) Simulator training in system operation and control - An Indian experience (39-305_1992) Comparative electric field calculations and measurements on high voltage insulators (ELT_141_4) Computer program package for power system protection and control (39-304_1992) Studies and training simulation for power system restoration after blackouts (39-303_1992) Increasing the power transfer capability of transmission lines on existing right-of-way in Ontario Hydro (22-201_1992) < Back to the sitemap