
Modern thermal power plants (including nuclear power plants) are, in fact, among the biggest world industrial plants and electric energy consumers. Depend ing on boiler water feeding pumps drive (steam turbine or electric motors), self consumption of thermal power plants amounts from 4.5% to 8%, respectively. Having in mind that typical modern thermal power plant units burning coal have installed capacity of 800 – 900 MW, while nuclear power plant units reach 1.500 MW, the self consumption of a twounit nuclear power plant of such capacity amounts to 135 - 240 MW – which is equivalent to the installed capacity of some older thermal power plants.

Additional informations

Publication type Working Group Reports
Reference WGR_258_1
Publication year 2011
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Power Generation and Electromechanical Energy Conversion (A1)
Working groups WG A1.19
File size 1 MB
Pages number 6
Price for non member 30 €
Price for member Free


Bertenshaw, BUTAEV, Rodriguez Alvarez


motor failure, survey, rotating electrical machines, rotating machines

Motor Failure Survey
Motor Failure Survey