
The currently predominant technology for thermal measurement on power cables is DTS (Distributed Temperature Sensing) often used in combination with a RTTR (Real Time Thermal Rating) system. Those systems, based on temperature measurement along an optical fibre installed very close to the power cable or embedded allow optimum power cable assets utilization for (normal) operation, emergency and strategic planning purposes. The Technical Brochure discusses the different technologies, their advantages, disadvantages and recent experience with DTS/RTTR.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_303_4
Publication year 2019
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Insulated cables (B1)
Working groups WG B1.45
File size 3 MB
Pages number 4
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free


Electra 303, CIGRE magazine, Insulated cables

Thermal monitoring of cable circuits and grid operators' use of dynamic rating systems
Thermal monitoring of cable circuits and grid operators' use of dynamic rating systems