
The TB written by the WG B1.11 gives a simple step-by-step methodology with flowcharts in order to guide the engineer into an upgrading process of an existing UG cable system (uprating being considered as a subset of upgrading). The steps are described, from the definition of the target for upgraded situation, the assessment of the existing situation and the identification of issues, up to the selection of potential upgrading techniques, the evaluation of their impacts and the decision making. Practical examples are given. Conclusion is that each case is specific and must be studied with great care because of possible interference of parameters.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_279_4
Publication year 2015
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Insulated cables (B1)
Working groups WG B1.11
File size 329 KB
Pages number 3
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free
Upgrading & Uprating of Existing Cable Systems
Upgrading & Uprating of Existing Cable Systems