
The WG investigated the possibility of minimising the SF6 emission during the manufacturing of electric power equipment as well as on-site testing and commissioning by reducing the need for SF6 handling during routine testing and on-site testing. The following topics - feasibility of the idea; environmental friendly gases and their relative properties; which tests could be modified and how; which practical tests or simulation or technical knowhow is required to have a sound basis; positive and negative aspects of the proposed approach; which modifications should be introduced into the current Standards in force, if any-were addressed. Type testing is not covered.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_277_1
Publication year 2014
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Substations and electrical installations (B3)
Working groups WG B3.30
File size 106 KB
Pages number 3
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free
Guide to minimise the Use of Sf6 during routine testing of electrical equipment
Guide to minimise the Use of Sf6 during routine testing of electrical equipment