
This TB attempts to expand on previous work carried out in the field of operator training to produce a comprehensive and usable guide for utilities attempting to create an operator training program or to enhance their existing approach to training. Each chapter covers a relevant topic, from capturing operator knowledge and skills requirements and analysing human performance in the control centre, to operator selection, a training program design/development and program accreditation/operator certification. As an integral part of any state of the art training program, training tools (like OTS/DTS) are included as well as issues of training organization and justification. Finally, by way of illustration there are some very interesting case studies.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_266_5
Publication year 2013
Publisher CIGRE
Working groups WG C2.33
File size 448 KB
Pages number 3
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free
Control Centre Operator Requirements, Selection, Training and Certification
Control Centre Operator Requirements, Selection, Training and Certification