
The following article was prepared by Mr. E.H. Reynolds, Convener of Working Group 15.02 “Liquid Dielectrics” after this Group’s meeting in September 1978.

The last issue of Electra contained the sad news of the sudden death ofMr. Reynolds in July last.

The author was flot able to include last minute in formation that he was collecting. As this is a field which develops rap idly, perhaps the situation described in this article has slightly evoived since its first editing. Committee 15 has decided to have this document published in its original edition as a tribute to its author, Mr. E.H. Reynoids.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_067_4
Publication year 1979
Publisher CIGRE
Working groups WG 15.02
File size 11 MB
Pages number 8
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free





Dielectric liquids for capacitors