
The JWG C2/C5.05 has finalized its second TB on the challenges the system operators meet when they attempt to balance between adhering to reliability standards and observing market rules and manage the interactions between them. The TB summarizes the results of a review that was conducted by a survey among eleven (11) TSOs in five continents. Responses were received from east and west Australia, northern and continental Europe, certain parts of Canada and USA, Brazil, Japan and South Africa. Through analysing the relevant information provided by the responding TSOs, the JWG has described the situation in the field in the TB.

The JWG C2/C5.05 has finalized its second TB on the challenges the system operators meet when they attempt to balance between adhering to reliability standards and observing market rules and manage the interactions between them. The TB summarizes the results of a review that was conducted by a survey among eleven (11) TSOs in five continents. Responses were received from east and west Australia, northern and continental Europe, certain parts of Canada and USA, Brazil, Japan and South Africa. Through analysing the relevant information provided by the responding TSOs, the JWG has described the situation in the field in the TB.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 778
Publication year 2019
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Power system operation and control (C2), Electricity markets and regulation (C5)
Working groups JWG C2/C5.05
File size 2 MB
Pages number 42
Price for non member 90 €
Price for member Free




power system operation, control, electricity markets, regulation

Reliability standards and market rules related to maintaining reliability and market efficiency
Reliability standards and market rules related to maintaining reliability and market efficiency