
This TB evaluates live work from a management point of view for overhead transmission lines and substations. It describes what is required to implement and maintain an effective live work program. The target audiences are executives, top management, regulators, asset owners and asset/facility managers for maintenance wishing to have a better understanding of the "pros" and "cons" of live working

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 561
Publication year 2013
Publisher CIGRE
ISBN 978-85873-256-2
Study committees Overhead lines (B2), Substations and electrical installations (B3)
Working groups JWG B2/B3.27
File size 6 MB
Pages number 97
Price for non member 180 €
Price for member Free


K. Lindsey, Convenor (US), R. Meijers, Secretary (NL)

H. Candia (US), S. Chabin (FA), R. Clerc (FA), R. Dubail (FA), R. Garcia (SP), M. Grey (UK), I. Kuczkowska (PL), G. Kyed (DK), V. Lauropoli (IT), M. Lavoie (CA), V. Lovrenčić (SI), S.  Refsnaes (NO), N. Ruano (SP), J. Steinbauer (CZ)

Corresponding Members
H. Crockett (CA), G. Gela (US), C. Goncalves (BR), E. Marshall (SA), S. Neve (UK), B. Simpson (NZ)

E. O'Connor (IR), R. Rendina (IT)

Live Work – A Management Perspective