
This TB discusses the state of the art of various on-site high voltage test techniques and procedures in combination with partial discharge (PD) measurements. Besides the basics about various test systems and test procedures, specific features to perform testing of high voltage systems like gas-insulated systems (GIS/GIL), cable systems, rotating machines and power transformers are described. Requirements for such on-site tests with PD measurement are given. The TB tackles typical examples and shows how to perform successfully HV on-site tests with PD measurement on GIS/GIL, cable systems, rotating machines and power transformers.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 502
Publication year 2012
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Materials and emerging test techniques (D1)
Working groups D1.33
File size 4 MB
Pages number 70
Price for non member 140 €
Price for member Free
High-Voltage On-Site Testing with Partial Discharge Measurement
High-Voltage On-Site Testing with Partial Discharge Measurement