
Lightning faults of the transmission lines are randomly distributed throughout the power system. In recent years, significant strides have been made in broadband-frequency voltage and current sensing and monitoring, largely propelled by the rapid evolution toward smarter grids. This progress owes much to advancements in sensor technology, device manufacturing, and sensor communication networking. The proliferation of low-cost, high-precision voltage and current sensors, along with their monitoring systems, has found extensive application across transmission lines, distribution lines, and substations. These precise distributed measurements furnish critical details concerning lightning faults, encompassing transient voltage and current characteristics like amplitude, frequency, and waveform. This webinar is to encapsulate the current state of lightning transient sensing and monitoring in power systems, including advancements in voltage and current sensor technology, distributed sensor network and communication technology. Additionally, the practical applications of these sensor networks in lightning location, fault identification, and intrusion transient analysis are introduced. This webinar is presented by Prof. Jinliang HE, convener of CIGRE Working Group C4.61, that will publish their Technical Brochure in 2024.

Additional informations

Publication type Webinars
Reference WBN062
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power system technical performance (C4)
Working groups WG C4.61
File size 19 MB
Pages number 87
Price for non member 50 €
Price for member Free



Jinliang HE


Lightning transient sensing, voltage/current sensors, distributed sensing system, data mining and analysis method

Lightning Transient Sensing, Monitoring and Application in Electric Power Systems
Lightning Transient Sensing, Monitoring and Application in Electric Power Systems