
This webinar summarises the work done in CIGRE WG C4.56 which subsequently published in the Technical Brochure 881. It discusses detailed and systematic whole-system power system modelling based on electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation for large power systems with a high penetration of inverter-based resources (IBR) where the conventional phasor-domain simulation tools may fall short. The level of details to be included in an IBR EMT model to make it suitable for wide-area system impact studies is then discussed. Approaches for systematic development and testing of the whole-system EMT models is also discussed. Lastly, it presents several practical case studies on how these wide-area EMT models have been used across the world and the insight provided by them which could not have been otherwise provided by conventional phasor-domain models.

Additional informations

Publication type Webinars
Reference WBN044
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power system technical performance (C4)
Working groups WG C4.56
File size 4 MB
Pages number 62
Price for non member 50 €
Price for member Free





Electromagnetic transient simulation, phasor-domain transient simulation, co-simulation, inverter-based resources, changing generation mix, model acceptance testing and validation, large-scale network modelling

EMT simulation models for large-scale system impact studies in power systems with high IBR penetration
EMT simulation models for large-scale system impact studies in power systems with high IBR penetration