
This Technical Brochure provides new rules for the interpretation of DGA in electrical equipment, taking into account the type and location of faults. It identifies the faults that are of lesser concern in transformers (e.g., stray gassing of oil or hot spots T3-H in oil), and those which are potentially more dangerous (e.g, carbonization of paper C and arcing in paper). It also provides gas level limits which are more specific of these types of faults.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_305_5
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
  • Materials and emerging test techniques (D1)
Working groups JWG D1/A2.47
File size 254 KB
Pages number 2
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free




Electra 305, materials, emerging test techniques, power transformers, reactors

Advances in DGA interpretation
Advances in DGA interpretation