
This Technical Brochure provides comprehensive guidelines for practising power system engineers when they need to perform harmonic distortion assessments. The focus is on practical aspects of frequency-domain modelling for direct application in the planning process of connecting a new customer to the transmission or distribution system, or when introducing a change to the system as part of asset replacement or system expansion. They will also assist connectees when modelling their installation to assess or demonstrate compliance with the emission limits provided by the System Operator and to investigate and specify mitigation measures such as harmonic filters. Furthermore, this document can also be used post-commissioning for any incident investigation or to assist resolution of customer complaints via modelling and analysis.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_304_7
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
  • Power system technical performance (C4)
Working groups JWG C4/B4.38
File size 307 KB
Pages number 4
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free




Electra 304, power system technical performance, DC systems, power electronics

Network modelling for harmonic studies
Network modelling for harmonic studies