
Working Group C5.21 explored different environmental policies from around the world from a retrospective lens to document how they have interacted with and impacted electricity market operations and design.

The case studies include a sampling of environmental regulations that place prohibitions on thermal generation and environmentally-driven schemes that incentivize the development of renewable generation.

This paper intended to capture the impacts of regulations and schemes that most directly interact with power markets, and how the actual impacts of implementing these environmental policies compared with the intended or anticipated impacts.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_296_3
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Electricity markets and regulation (C5)
Working groups WG C5.21
File size 3 MB
Pages number 3
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free




Electra 296, CIGRE magazine, electricity markets and regulation

Impacts of environmental and energy policy on power markets
Impacts of environmental and energy policy on power markets