
The work of JWG B3/B1.27 has gone towards the direction of evaluation of all the cost factors and drivers when comparing the two different undergrounding options i.e. insulated cables and gas insulated lines. In particular, factors for the cost of GIL and cable project are compared in relative numbers and facts. The definition of cost factors of capital, reactive power compensations, transmission losses, repair process, O&M, computation of decommission and dismantling, computation of the burden of territory cost, health & safety cost, case of fire cost, aging of equipment cost and cost related to construction of GIL and cable projects are presented for use in a given project.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_284_3
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Substations and electrical installations (B3)
Working groups WG B3/B1.27
File size 1,023 KB
Pages number 4
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free
Factors for investment decision: GIL vs. cables for AC transmission
Factors for investment decision: GIL vs. cables for AC transmission