
A Joint Working Group of CIGRE B4.82 and IEEE (with more than 100 members), developed and released a standard method for interfacing of control and protection models to power system simulation tools, including “realcode” (ie the actual source code used in field hardware) and other generic or user-written models. This allows identical simulation models to be used in many power system programs, and helps improve upon issues of compatabiltiy, accuracy and confidentiality.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 958
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
ISBN 978-2-85873-663-8
Study committees
  • DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups JWG B4.82/IEEE
File size 2 MB
Pages number 44
Price for non member 90 €
Price for member Free


Garth IRWIN, Convenor (CA), Deepak RAMASUBRAMANIAN, Secretary (US)

Emmanuel AMANKWAH (GB), Geoff LOVE (IE), Erik BJORKLUND (SE), Ignacio PÉREZ SANTOS (ES), Sébastien DENNETIÈRE (FR), Dejan POTKRAJAC (DE), Goran DROBNJAK (DE), Nitish SHARMA (US), Mohamed EL-CHEHALY (CA), Adam SPARACINO (US), Ricard FERRER-SAN-JOSÉ (ES), Hiranya SURIYAARACHCHI (CA), Durga Naga GADDAM (US), Luigi VANFRETTI (US), Robin GUPTA (GB), Xiaoyu WANG (US), Laurent CHEDOT (FR), Zhang XING (CN), Pang LEI (CN), Yi ZHANG (CA), Wei LI (CA), Shreyas ZINGRE (US)

Corresponding Members
Ram ADAPA (US), Staffan NORRGA (SE), Borja BARRASA GORDO (ES), Pouyan POURBEIK (US), Jose Alfredo CAMPOS GARCIA (DE), Roosa-Maria SALLINEN (FI), Nathan CROOK (AU), Mohammad SUWAN (DE), Cesar MARTIN (FR)


IEEE_CIGRE_DLLInterface, IEEE/CIGRE DLL Interface, EMT models for HVDC, FACTS and IBR, Wrapper Code, Interface Code, Model Writer, Simulation Tool Developers, End Users, DLL import, Electro-Magnetic Transients (EMP), Transient Stability (TS)

Guidelines for use of real-code in EMT models for HVDC, FACTs and inverter based generators in power systems analysis
Guidelines for use of real-code in EMT models for HVDC, FACTs and inverter based generators in power systems analysis