
The deployment of Protection, Automation and Control Systems (PACS) using IEC 61850 process bus constitutes a major development. The scope, goals and design of these projects vary widely. In order to enable a realistic technical and economic evaluation of these technologies, WG B5.69 was created to perform a review on this subject. This Technical Brochure is intended to serve as a comprehensive resource for utilities, manufacturers, and system integrators involved in the evaluation and deployment of digital substations using IEC 61850 process bus, helping them navigate the challenges and opportunities associated with this transformative technology.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 949
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
ISBN 978-2-85873-654-6
Study committees
  • Protection and automation (B5)
Working groups WG B5.69
File size 8 MB
Pages number 191
Price for non member 300 €
Price for member Free


Alex APOSTOLOV, Convenor (US), Volker LEITLOFF, Secretary (FR)

Rannveig LØKEN (NO), Julien SAUNIER (FR), Dehui CHEN † (CN), Lei XU (CN), Takaya SHONO (JP), Thomas CHARTON (GB), René TROOST (NL), Jari TIUSANEN (FI), Ivan VIŠIC (HR), Dieter BINON (BE), Sakis MELIOPOULOS (US), Birkir HEIMISSON (IS)

Corresponding Members

Frankie LU (AU), Kevin HINKLEY (AU), Daniel ABETZ (AU), Paulo PEREIRA JUNIOR (BR), Herbert FALK (US)


IEC 61850, Process Bus, Experience Feedback, Demonstrators, Rollout, Economic Evaluation, Review

Experience Gained and Recommendations for Implementation of Process Bus in Protection, Automation and Control Systems
Experience Gained and Recommendations for Implementation of Process Bus in Protection, Automation and Control Systems